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14208662 No.14208662 [Reply] [Original]

>Be American
>cannot open a bank account in a foreign country unless the American Authorities are alerted
>Must pay Tax on every profitable trade
>Kikes take a tax on every purchase, on your income
>Income outside of the US is also taxed
>House seized if Property tax not payed
>Healthcare will bankrupt you
>College is a fortune

Banned from binance


>> No.14208682

yeah but at least i wont get stabbed if i leave my house

>> No.14208745
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Plus the quality of living as a poorfag in America is 100x better than your shithole. Also won't starve to death or die of any curable diseases. GOD BEING AMERICAN SUCKS.

>> No.14208768
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You forget the worse of all , their founders rebelled because a tax on tea and they are being justed from everywhere atm with taxes and don´t do shit.

>> No.14209475

Americans cannot refute this

>> No.14209487

Nah, you'll just get shot.

>> No.14209509
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>> No.14209533

>be american
>Get shot

>> No.14209535

Possibly by a police officer

T. White American

>> No.14209541
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>> No.14209551
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But where do I go? Malta? Caymen Islands? Island of mann?

>> No.14209573

I love my America. I see lots of hot white college girls walking around my town and its summer time theyre in their short shorts and bikini tops. Then i get to come home and bang my hot white girlfriend while Hashim settles for his dark skinned cow of a wife.

>> No.14209577
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but seriously though what are the options for link on binance?

Exchange for bitcoin now and transfer to coinbase or just leave it in hopes binance will open an american site soon?

>> No.14209741

Neck yourself Mohammed

>> No.14209765

you forgot:
>can't actually own anything
>have to pay gov tax (rent) to own a house or car
>don't pay it and they take it away
>civil forfieture
>the cops can basically just rob you and take what they want
>pay tax on the money you make
>tax on cars
>tax on homes
>tax on goods
>all the tax money goes to israel
>literally potholes and dilapidated infrastructure everywhere
>whole country is literally taken over by jews
>jews control the golem via their puppet religion wich a large percentage of the population is under the spell of still

>> No.14209921

>Americans have lives so bad they unironically think a 2% longer life is worthless

>> No.14210617


no but you'll get shot by the police or some fag
and you'll get fucked by the government

>> No.14210944
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We became pussified also

>> No.14210976


>> No.14211027

Get fukt Amerisharts man Binance is about to get so fucking comfy with margin too

>> No.14211055

This, Usa is a paradise for us.

>> No.14211192

This is how dumb 3rd worlders are

U must be new here

U should prob just go back

>> No.14211202

Yes, empires often suck for their subjects.

>> No.14211229
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>> No.14211262


Crime rate in most US cities is higher than most third world shit holes.

Can't walk through any US city without being asked for money.

Best thing I ever did was throwaway my US citizenship.

I grew up in Houston, Boston and Los Angeles.

>> No.14211282
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That was old, but point stands

Also in the US you can live in a flat tax state or even one with no income tax at all.

>> No.14211285

>Plus the quality of living as a poorfag in America is 100x better than your shithole
fucking kek, americans are so fucked they need to compare themselves to third world poors to come out on top. you'll see levels of misery in the US unseen in the rest of the first world. But you could be in Sierra Leone, so I guess it's fine

>> No.14211297


>> No.14212014

how was the process of renunciation for you?
Im worries about getting scrutinized by the IRS on unreported crypto trades
won't be able to renounce until after I get Israeli citizenship

>> No.14212176

We literally never think of you.

>> No.14212210

Wow, welcome to the western world where you have to pay your share to your nation. The US has lower fucking taxes than any other white western nation out there. Shut the fuck up and stop bitching. Just because you have to pay $25 more in taxes a year off of your income from working part-time at the 7/11 doesn't mean you don't have to pay your share you greedy fuck. Who's the jew now?

>> No.14212251

>you'll see levels of misery in the US unseen in the rest of the first world
Sure, maybe. But you'll also see a lot more people with a much higher quality of living than anywhere else. You'll see people who have smiles on their faces every day, and are genuinely happy to be here. You don't have a bunch of angry fucking asshole germans, or a bunch of pussy little french faggots, or a bunch of ugly horse-toothed british running around. The US is made up of 50 states, each more different than the last. Next time you think your country fucking means anything, just remember that one state in the US has more population than your entire country, and if we wanted to, we could destroy the entire European Union at the snap of a finger. Also remember that your faggot little country would be nothing if the US didn't lay down the long dick of the law and protect your bitch ass.

>> No.14212294

>Dooont stop belieeeeevin....................

>> No.14212335

What is Switzerland?

>> No.14212397
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>> No.14212454

Pure envy.