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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 8 KB, 225x225, SNTVT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14208142 No.14208142 [Reply] [Original]

Where were you when you found the next great 100x?

Just sold 50K Link and am laddering into this. I suggest you do the same.

>> No.14208330

Instead of trading with risk, just get BQQQ guaranteed pump

>> No.14208368

yes sirs we are gonna revolutionize the blockchain with this erc20 token. brought to you by the same pajeets that brought you such winners as bazinga coin

>> No.14208703

i laughed, but SNTVT is honestly a no-brainer. scoop up as many 1M floors as you can. IDEX alone will get this 5x before any major movements.

>> No.14209057

so....what does this shit do?
shill me on this

>> No.14209111

Are coin goona make the new internet, see our 0 tech and cookie cutter websie say so feller.

>> No.14209247

github is solid. chinese whitepaper is out. don't be deluded. everything moons in a bull run, and this will be no exception.

>> No.14209254

remember pajeets shilling some revolutionary erc20 token called 'convententment' or some stupid shit
well they couldn't sucker any more buyers so they started over with 'sentiviatement' or whatever this shit is.

>> No.14209315

Yeah except dumping your link into this is the same as sending it to a MeW paper wallet and tossing it in the trash.

>> No.14210222

This alone puts them on another level compared to most western projects cheaping out on Asian markets.

Unironically a good hold.

>> No.14210248

its gonna moon hard as the roadmap delivers in the following weeks.

>> No.14210374


how new are you guys? going heavy this week.

>> No.14210454

Sentivate looks legit af. Sick find


Sick branding. Easy Moon Mission

>> No.14210581

erc20 token? moon shot incoming with that 1000:1 swap to VIAT. must be a reel pajeet if you dont realize da moon mission.

oh btw shillz are reel on twitter

>> No.14210813

Are you from California?

Surf's up, SNTVT bros. We're going to make it.

Lots of money behind the pushes.

Stay diligent and don't sell under to whales under a 10-20M cap.

>> No.14210840

$3m mcap???? I'm in str8 up potential for x5

>> No.14210942

1.5M. 6M fully diluted, which won't be a deal for a long time.

>> No.14211324

July is gonna be big.

>> No.14211525

4.2 BILLION total supply. yeah real moon potential there. lol fuck outta here

>> No.14211637

Uh...which puts us at at 6M cap? Are you this new?

>> No.14211894
File: 66 KB, 1405x574, 1554082403822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got XRB vibes on this?

The wait for a legit CEX is killing me.

>> No.14211909

Binance DEX whispers.

>> No.14212037

These "new decentralized internet" shits are the biggest scams in crypto

>> No.14212242

Still room for some big moves.

This one's easy. Don't be foolish.

>> No.14212256

Most of these retards are going to ride vidt down another -50%. Before they finally buy into sntvt

>> No.14212292

Laughing. Wew, VIDT.

>> No.14212314

Also, remember your history. (Holo)

>> No.14212727

Uh, yeah. This is only a matter of time.

>> No.14213026

imagine actually holding VIDT for more than a day kek

I've been in Sntvt since 400 gwei, comfy.

>> No.14213037

>Instead of trading with risk, just get BQQQ guaranteed pump
this. free 10x. seriously.

>> No.14213136

i'm only exiting half at a 10x. we all know the potential for this to cuck it's way into the top 200.