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14205878 No.14205878 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>have 20k LINK
>price goes up to $1.30 in May
>price drops back to sub $1 in June
>think its going to keep dropping, sell 15k LINK
>google partnership announced
>LINK shoots to 1.80 instantly while im at work
>salesforce news drops
>LINK closing in on $2

I swear to fucking god if it doesn't drop back to $1 i am going to kill myself
I pray every single night that BTC crashes hard just one more time and takes the whole market with it

Fuck i feel physically sick thinking about how im down basically 30 fucking grand and its possible it could only get worse

>> No.14205916

You swung 75% of your stack and didn't set yourself any limit price to rebuy. What did you learn?

>> No.14205920
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suck it up and buy back in. made this mistake before

>> No.14205939

swingy getting the rope, nice

>> No.14205949

Just realize this: if you can't take the losses then don't play the game.
If you're so caught up about your "potential" gains you'll never get any real ones.

>> No.14205979

You have 5k LINK. You are set for life already. A comfy lifestyle and early retirement. Enjoy it. I used to have 40k, now I have 1k. But the funny thing is that 1k is a lot. 1k is enough to lead a good life. Chin up OP, we are both going to make it. Just wait a couple of years

>> No.14205989

At least you bought some OP

>> No.14206038

Shit happens anon

I had 45k now 25k

>> No.14206069

*breathes in*


Hey OP, just keep waiting. Can’t wait to see your post when ChainLink is $5. Hey, why don’t you go buy that used Ford Focus you’ve had your eye on


>> No.14206109

Buy back in you brainlet. Otherwise you WILL feel like absolute shit

>> No.14206123

Swinglinkers all deserve the rope.

>> No.14206144

I had 111k link and sold it all at .22 back during the last dip. i rebought at 1.05 and now only have 20k link. I've lost over 150k in potential earnings. just fuck my shit up and shut the fuck up faggot.

>> No.14206159

It won't haha. Get your rope ready.

>> No.14206196

hardest cope I've read in my life
you could've had 15,000 extra usd fren. But worse, you missed out on 15,000 LINK and can now get only 7500 extra. Don't keep making the same mistake.

>> No.14206203
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>I used to have 40k, now I have 1k. But the funny thing is that 1k is a lot.

>> No.14206320

I was almost exactly the same as you but I bought back at $1.10 at a loss before the Google post. I felt like an idiot at the time.

>> No.14206417


I spent 2 years blowing 250 euro on weed while dealing with my severe depression instead of buying bitcoins sub at $100, even though I knew that it was going to blow up. If I'd just spent that money on BTC I would have 540k eur right now.


>> No.14206485

go on quant or dag or some other shitcoin with your 15k and pray to god it'll pull a x5 so you can get back on link... won't probably happen but as a fellow swingy who got rekt hard this last month, this is my last gamble, if it doesn't work I'll order a helium tank for eternal comfyness or will go full metal and jump in front of a train.

>> No.14206490

Kek that’s what all you swing linkers deserve.

T. 10k link iron fist hodler 39 cents average buy in.

>> No.14206513

play stupid games when stupid prizes

>> No.14206656

.... Larp

>> No.14206679

how bout holding for a year and a half and selling at .40 right before this big run for basically no profit? Count your blessings my man

>> No.14206722

you still have double what i have

>> No.14206777

it was a once in a lifetime opportunity and i messed it up. at this point there's nothing I can do. i missed the boat so i'll just have to forge a new path. there will never be another buy in point so its time to forget it and move on. ill stop complaining about it.

>> No.14206833

>But the funny thing is that 1k is a lot
Oooohh boy, something's funny but it ain't that faggot

>> No.14206875

Nothing. He's going to buy high and sell low until he gives all of his money to whales. It's the fate of every swing trader. All swing traders are either habitual philanthropists or into findom.

>> No.14206996

1000 eth by 2030
Haha, but I was always high when I traded and invested in btcp

>> No.14207031

I got joosted bad, bought confido at 11M market cap. I got justed so badly anon.
Such is life
But I still get comfy life with my 1k link stack I never let go off

>> No.14207629

LINK is performing better weekly than any of those other shitcoins you idiots keep hoping will pump out of nowhere. There is no safer bet than buying LINK and not selling.

>> No.14207644

>while im at work
Theres ur problem
Work saps ur brain energy and makes ur greedy and really, REALLY into the DOLLAR.

Wake up Anon.

>> No.14207655
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Shut the fuck up and buy before you miss the boat forever

>> No.14207660

I almost did the same thing. Sold at $1 but then had a panic attack and rebought everything at $1.10

>> No.14207673

bad planning and execution

>> No.14207676

New fags, let this thread be a lesson on why you NEVER FUCKING SELL

>> No.14207703

Just save yourself and kys. There’s no point in suffering while watching it $5, $25, $100 or $760 for that matter.

Just put a sawn off in your mouth and cough

>> No.14207792

It's going to dump tomorrow when the FB larp is a confirmed nothingburger. That's your entry. Or just buy NKN and hold 6 months for an easy 10x.

>> No.14207834
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>I pray every single night that BTC crashes hard just one more time and takes the whole market with it
you know how I know that BTC and the market won't drop?

>the hellraiser memes weren't for the buyers anon
>they were for the early sellers of link
>you now realize the timescales involved don't you?
>the memes speak in both the past and the present and say two different things
>we are here now
>you knew about these memes in 2018

>> No.14207852
File: 107 KB, 677x530, 1547594775003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol. Imagine selling 15000 link for ~15000 USD. Fucking retard. Lol. What are you a nigger? Enjoy your fucking used Ford Taurus.

>> No.14207853
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now I will ask you to do the needful anon and
/zoom out/ zoomer
next time you buy link, buy a shitton at once, and give it to a trusted family member to keep it away from you for 2-3 years
you'll thank me later for the best advice youve ever gotten

>> No.14207883


>> No.14207897
File: 171 KB, 697x489, 1560742069186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this should be your face throughout 2019
it's that easy
don't let me down

>> No.14207909
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>> No.14207941
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>I used to have 40k, now I have 1k.
you're not alone

>> No.14207957

The best thing you can do is buy it all back now before it goes to $5, $10, $100, etc.

>> No.14207973

I had 33k now I'm down to 22k. I've been selling since 80c. I don't feel too bad about it, having lived through the crash in 2017 and losing it all after buying in around 20c, now I just sort of feel like profit is profit and while link may continue rising, it also might very well go back to 20c.

>> No.14208057
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The greedy pay the price you dirty swinger. All you had to do was hodl. Do nothing. Close Binance. It's so easy to just not sell.

>> No.14208103
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Pull urself together op
U think most of us og's at least havent taken hits like that?
I go back and think about the days when i was swinging literally sub $10 eth, bought btc at fucking $250 after mt gox crash..
And guess what? Im still pretty poor and still wagecucking for a piece of shit i literally cant barely even stand to look at, have to bite my lip and just try to avoid him like plague..
But u know what? I have an awesome fiance and dog and they are worth more than fucking anything. Yeah it sucks im not rich yet, but real men suck it up and fucking deal with it.
Theres always other moonshots and the fuck ups just makes u more disciplined and makes stronger hands..
Seriously hoping i make it someday tho man, cant fucking stand wagecucking..at least for this giant piece of shit i call a boss