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14199360 No.14199360 [Reply] [Original]

Go to r/cryptocurrency daily discussion and see that about 30% of comments talk about link. I dont know who you think you are fooling but reddit is clearly onto link

>> No.14199386
File: 213 KB, 600x600, 1560551700426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what's going to happen.

Sub $1. Near future. Screencap this.

>> No.14199412

Lies. It's all fud and people saying link is for nazis

>> No.14199438


Fucking sweet so it’s gonna be time to dump soon?

>> No.14199495

Shill or chill, the fud has ben stopped

>> No.14199509

just went to r/crypto and there was noone talkinga about chainlink

>> No.14199580 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 720x276, 20190617_134008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

out of 1,100 comments in the daily, 21 mention chainlink.

a stealthy 0.02%

swingies getting nervous

>> No.14199597

Load the fud cannons!

>> No.14199608
File: 41 KB, 720x276, 20190617_134008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

out of 1,100 comments in the daily, 21 mention chainlink.

a stealthy 2%

swingies getting nervous

>> No.14199628

the FUD never stops

>> No.14199640

No one will predict the imminent crash, just like nobody could predict the 2018 crash. even in the last minute before btc freefalled from 19k, people were hyped as fuck and spammed biz about how it would soon reach 100k
and when it crashed everyone and their mothers were agreeing on how crypto was "officially" dead

people are irrationally positive when they see green dildos and irrationally negative when they see red dildos

i guess what i'm really trying to say here is that we will SOON see quite a large RED DILDO. large enough to prolapse the anuses of many people right here. especially the tender anuses of linkies, who are getting arrogant due to their performance, seemingly forgetting how the general crypto ecosystem affects them.
i feel especially sad for newfag chainlinkers, buying @ prices near 2 dollars under the delusion that it's only up from here on. IT'S NOT.

well on the very long term it will be, but it won't be soon. LINK right now has no working product and is pure speculation. the google announcement proves this.

if you wanna buy link by all means do so but NOT NOW. buy after the crash.
the situation right now is eerily similar (in terms of behavior, sentiment and speculation) to how things were when LINK was approaching 1.25, only to skydive to the depths of ~20 cents. it has happened before and it WILL HAPPEN soonish.

LINK's price will never be solid or independent if BTC crash as long as they have no working product.
and no an ETH price caller isn't quite what LINK aspires to be.
you have been warned and FEEL FREE TO SCREENCAP!

>> No.14199649

charge your phone

>> No.14199710

dont you see the lightning inside the battery?


>> No.14199983

expand all the comments then search again

the shillers have been pushing it in the daily for a long time, fortunately it will be easy to tell them the truth of that biz was just using the facebook rumors as a pump and dump

>> No.14200388

Don't worry, they have weak hands and sell at $3.
They are the initial money push we need to start rolling to $1000.

>> No.14200412

i did expand all

unexpanded it's 16

>> No.14200483

this is literally the worst fud i've ever seen. whoever wrote this should give up on communicating the human language forever. pathetic.

>> No.14200516

We Redditors found LINK first. They even have an official sub for LINK over there. 4chan always copies our best picks and tries to claim them as their own. It's quite sad really.

>> No.14200609

Nice you made me look.
It's literally all fucking Nano threads