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File: 609 KB, 905x1010, 1511490190928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14197067 No.14197067 [Reply] [Original]

just like nobody could predict the 2018 crash. even in the last minute before btc freefalled from 19k, people were hyped as fuck and spammed biz about how it would soon reach 100k
and when it crashed everyone and their mothers were agreeing on how crypto was "officially" dead

people are irrationally positive when they see green dildos and irrationally negative when they see red dildos

i guess what i'm really trying to say here is that we will SOON see quite a large RED DILDO. large enough to prolapse the anuses of many people right here. especially the tender anuses of linkies, who are getting arrogant due to their performance, seemingly forgetting how the general crypto ecosystem affects them.
i feel especially sad for newfag chainlinkers, buying @ prices near 2 dollars under the delusion that it's only up from here on. IT'S NOT.

well on the very long term it will be, but it won't be soon. LINK right now has no working product and is pure speculation. the google announcement proves this.

if you wanna buy link by all means do so but NOT NOW. buy after the crash.
the situation right now is eerily similar (in terms of behavior, sentiment and speculation) to how things were when LINK was approaching 1.25, only to skydive to the depths of ~20 cents. it has happened before and it WILL HAPPEN soonish.

LINK's price will never be solid or independent if BTC crash as long as they have no working product.
and no an ETH price caller isn't quite what LINK aspires to be.
you have been warned and FEEL FREE TO SCREENCAP!

>> No.14197257

It's like pulling teeth to get this coin to pump 50%, and then it dribbles back down to +25%, that is how you know this shit is organic, because no real project is going to have 1000% spikes overnight, which this shit goes parabolic you might have a point, but as of right now LINK is the most stable investment in crypto

>> No.14197295

>comparing 19k after 11000% gainz since last bottom with the current run 200% since bottom where we just fell 84% since 19k.

>> No.14197349
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>> No.14197364
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oops that one was for ants

>> No.14197365

Have sex

>> No.14197376

*slow clap*

>> No.14197409

You are so fucking retarded

>> No.14197492

2018 crash was absolutely predictable you fucking newfag actual retard

>> No.14197693

Stay poor then faggot fuck. I swear some niggers like you refuse to be rich or something. It’s mind boggling to anyone > 2 digit IQ

>> No.14197706

Buy signal: the thread

>> No.14197713


>> No.14197749

it will crash harder than ever anon just hold tight and sell your bags

>> No.14197771
File: 52 KB, 587x587, their faces when they didnt buy chainlink in 2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are so fucking retarded
>t. swing linker

>> No.14197832
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>> No.14197850

We are all at a wonderful ball where the champagne sparkles in every glass and soft laughter falls upon the summer air. We know, by the rules, that at some moment the Black Horsemen will come shattering through the great terrace doors, wreaking vengeance and scattering the survivors. Those who leave early are saved, but the ball is so splendid no-one wants to leave while there is still time, so that everyone keeps asking, “What time is it? What time is it?” But none of the clocks have any hands.

>> No.14197871
File: 26 KB, 750x552, 1525084422458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off discord tranny !

>> No.14197992

thanks dunning kruger

>> No.14198059

That was great, thanks

>> No.14198141
File: 41 KB, 489x368, surf the kali yuga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We know, by the rules, that at some moment the Black Horsemen will come shattering through the great terrace doors, wreaking vengeance and scattering the survivors
>knock knock
>filename related

>> No.14198157
File: 88 KB, 1142x1000, 1553869397223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was very good. Here is your reward

>> No.14198677

Just to clarify since a lot of linkies got triggered by my well intentioned post, I am not encouraging people to swingtrade. Swingtrading is not much different than gambling.
I am just encouraging you not to be the last ones to buy at the time the bubble bursts.

We still have one more solid dump to go and it would be a shame if you bought LINK at 2 or 3 times the price.

>> No.14198710
File: 64 KB, 1280x822, 1560787351067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well intentioned post
you're a mess OP
an absolute mess

>> No.14198713

What do you think BTC and LINK will drop to?

>> No.14198802

>not keeping 90% of your portfolio in BTC and 10 in link
>If like delivers you get nice little payout before the btc bullrun and you can be happy for all the /biz/ anons that made it
>if link fails you dont lose your life savings and have to kill yourself.

It's like all of you are 12 or something

>> No.14198889

never gonna make it with this attitude

>> No.14198898
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>> No.14198899

So i guess you made out like a bandit?

>> No.14198906 [DELETED] 

Sub $1

>> No.14198948

Shill or chill
Death to fudfags

>> No.14198986

>2018 crash was absolutely predictable

So where's your 100x short?

>> No.14199024

21 yo zoomer about to make it with 15k LINK allin life savings of last 3 years, go fuck yourself

>> No.14199043

This thread feels like reddit

>> No.14199059

I always swing some of my stack when I see the moving average going down. More people should do the same. You can mitigate massive dumps fairly well, accumulate, and always profit from a pump.

>> No.14199088

fuck off or kys
Death to link spam

>> No.14199138
File: 157 KB, 598x624, 1560722418808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it's decoupled now fren.

>> No.14199315

I really hope you guys make it considering the alternative.

>> No.14199387

what crash? link was the best performing coin while btc held everyone down
imagine what it will do when btc turns bull

>> No.14199421
File: 187 KB, 1611x1080, D8dy6x3WkAE0cXU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is going into my Link pasta file. Thanks fren.

>> No.14199434



>> No.14199457


> It's never going to go up, it's going to crash from $1 to .40!

> It's never going to go up, it's going to crash from 1.20 to .6!

> It's never going to go up it's going to crash from $1.60 to $1

These are the FUDs I've seen in my 1 month being here.

>> No.14199485

We don't care about the rest of crypto. Link will moon with or without you.

>> No.14199550

>1 month being here
>holds LINK
like clockwork

>> No.14199612

>im not telling you to sell but... its gonna dump like hell
>selling would be like gambling so dont
>but its gonna dump

>> No.14199618

>my 1 month being here.
that's probably why you fail to assess the situation
i am not saying that it will never go up, i am saying that it will temporarily go down

emotional investments like yours only worsen the dump during a crash
if your sole source of confidence is limited to "oh look at the pretty green lines i bet it will stay like that forever!" you're in for a surprise

>> No.14199698

if i knew exactly when or how then i wouldn't be holding link... i would be shorting/longing and would be rich a long time ago

my policy is steel hands; i never touch my stack. if the slightest possibility of dump to you is a signal to sell then you're a degenerate gambler unworthy of LINK

>> No.14199766


You underestimate this newfag, I'm not expecting a payout until at least 100. If it dumps I plan on buying the dump. If it pumps, I'm happy too.

Selling Link this early in the game is a FUD move or a move for someone who is really good at analyzing the swing and buying back in at the right time.

>> No.14199783
File: 20 KB, 306x306, 1555828312008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its gonna dump, 100% guaranteed
>but dont sell you're a degenerate swinger if you do

>> No.14199800

my id confirms crash

>> No.14199853

fuck this im selling

>> No.14199864

>bought at pre-ico thanks to /biz/ pool
>kept in cold wallet ever since
Get your clocks in a row.

>> No.14199885

>i am saying that it will temporarily go down
then sell and fuck off, why do you need us to sell too? so you don't end up as the only loser huh?

>> No.14199914

You post a lot of thoughts and opinions. Provide no evidence nor technical analysis. I'm guessing your credibility is based on the fact that you are a fat neckbeard with a brand name fedora?

>> No.14200094
File: 574 KB, 634x517, 1560365446239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These are the FUDs I've seen in my 1 month being here.

>> No.14200307

jezus christ kid just stop posting, pathetic honestly

>> No.14200636
File: 3.28 MB, 600x782, absolute unit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy's a smart cookie
green ID too, heh...looks like you're gonna make it kid
>t. lieutenant general and close to 20LP shareholder reporting in

>> No.14200729

>buy high
The /biz/ mantra, embodied

>> No.14201328

bbbbbuuuuut.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNLY8gTl0Vk

>> No.14201574

It really does.

>> No.14201655


based and retardpilled cherrypicker

>> No.14201663

Everybody expects a correction
it will happen .38 retracement is a given just when is the question

>> No.14201696

When tether implodes

>> No.14202515

20K linky here, I need this shit to go back to 1 dollar pleaaaaseeeee I want to acummulate more. I have 30K ready in fiat and I'm not going to fomo in.

I swear to god I am not going to fomo in with the last fiat I possess

>> No.14202570

Hey kid, welcome to the Marines. Glad you chose to join us now. All the normies aren't touching crypto with a 10 foot pole right now, but you were wise enough to pickup link. Enjoy the ride, ignore the trannies.

>> No.14202591
File: 85 KB, 383x892, F610F71F-44D8-4646-850F-DCD87C4F7A4C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14202622


>> No.14202644

Analysis on meaning here?

>> No.14202665

I only have 800 link. How fucked am I

>> No.14202666

Prepare your anus

>> No.14203373

You're missing the glaring inescapable fact that they ran an illegal fundraiser generating 32 million dollars and did nothing for 2 years other than get some chick to make a website last month. ChainLink is a scam, the tech isn't there, the idea even isn't there. It's so fucking obvious. Sergey is a massive scammer who's managed to keep people trailed along for a while. There's a reason they never advertised wildly or made huge public appearances. It's a slow vapourware exit scam. The idea is to vanish when people finally get fed up with their lack of progress in anything at all. That's the con, make it look like you're taking a very long time to do something until people leave, at that point it's not an exit scam but a 'oh well we tried but people lost faith and we couldn't continue bye guys I'm off to suck puréed Big Macs out of a Filipina's butthole'.

Weren't his lethargic repetitive speeches enough? The whole concept technically doesn't make much sense and practically can't fucking work. That's why nobody cares about ChainLink. You didn't keep it a secret for 2 years, everyone saw, no one cared. His average crowd was 8 people.

>> No.14203398

ChainLink was issued as an unregistered security under United States law, this is a fact. ChainLink was an illegal ICO. ChainLink will never be listed on any mainstream exchange because it does not serve the average person it is for enterprise (as the scam script goes at least) ONLY. No average person is gojng to be running a 'node' or 'pooling'. This is irrefutable fact. Sorry about your victimhood, it's not too late to sell before it plummets and never returns due to being illegal in the US to ever use commercially.

Fucking retard.

>> No.14203800
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>> No.14204258

stay mad cuck while we get rich

>> No.14204316

Pepper your angus thoroughly

>> No.14204344


Anyone else remember 2017?

>> No.14204348

>still believing in the tether meme
anon I... not sure if larp, shizo or sloppy job mossad

>> No.14204585
