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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14191954 No.14191954 [Reply] [Original]

why don't we just kill all humans and make more machines if they're so much more productive?

>> No.14191971

We need a robot to make it more efficient!

>> No.14191993


We're going to arrive to a dilemma where machines do almost all the work super efficiently, but almost nobody has the money to spend it on the shit they make.

Maybe they'll create machines that exist solely to spend money to buy useless shit?

>> No.14192033

I don't believe this.

A robot is cheaper to employ that a human.
They may be more expensive to buy, but the running costs are unbeatable compared to a wage.

>> No.14192039

That's what we did on farms.
Use to be 100 out of 100 people in a village would work on the farms. Breaking their backs plowing fields and working their fingers to the bone milling and grinding all so they could survive one more day on the same grey gruel they had been eating everyday for their entire lives.
Your ancestors did this. It not made up.
Then, a robot came along and put them all out of the job.
It was called the tractor.
Now only one person could do the work and 99 were out of the job.
Oh woe to them, who had to become chefs and metalworkers and house builder and artisans and butchers.

>> No.14192057


But if nobody has any work due to robots doing it more cheaply they aren't going to have any money.

Also, you will be seeing a kind of robot tax that taxes the job robots do by the hour. Of course it's more expensive to hire a human when you have to pay a tax for the work they do unlike for a robot.

>> No.14192086


In reality though people worked a lot less than they do today.

>> No.14192096

Basic income will become a thing.

But yeah I guess you're right, people won't be able to afford shit, corporations might start a subscription service were you get basic home appliances for X amount a month. Higher tier subscriptions will get you more luxurious things.

Governments will just tax corporations to high heaven, finally.

>> No.14192135

Redpilled answers

>Governments will just tax corporations to high heaven, finally.
Maybe, or population decrease plan might be put into action...

>> No.14192146
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>> No.14192352

And when we get general purpose 1000 IQ AI to compile?
What jobs will be available then?

>> No.14192420
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Uncertain, either Utopia with everything you ever wanted for everyone, or humans are extinct.
But one thing is for certain: there are no brakes on this technology train.

>> No.14192429
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>> No.14192434

Brief summary:


>> No.14192479
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Thats the plan eventually.

They cant do a hard genocide right now because if people rose up they would destroy everything pretty quick, so theyre going with the soft genocide option (declining birth rates etc.) while automation improves.

Eventually when the military is sufficiently automated they may just try a hard genocide.

>> No.14193274

this is actually kinda what is going to happen. world population is going to be culled to ~500m through disease (much of it engineered), natural disasters and war.

There's no way cabals with global ambitions and reach do not consider the overpopulation problem and the useless breeder problem.

>> No.14193291

>why don't we just kill all humans
You can start the process now with yourself and KYS

>> No.14193299

>maybe they'll create machines to buy useless shit

or, something that would actually make sense: we create new jobs that robots can't do or alternatively UBI

>> No.14193346


I work as Automation Engineer, felling comfy to not get replaced by machines, because I am coding there if-else, do-while, stupid „brain“

>> No.14193351

I know that's pretending too much from /biz/, but value of money is relative to the system they serve. Learn the difference between nominal and real value. If job is automated, goods cost less. Hence you have more money that you spend in other sectors (expanding them (more jobs, etc)). Rinse and repeat. Empirically speaking automation creates more wealth and jobs.

>> No.14193375


Then why you are larping around on 4chan instead of doing your work to fuck some more people out of there jobs?

>> No.14193402

That's why we promote abortion and 1-child laws. It's good for the environment! And we can get by with fewer jobs.

>> No.14193430

>(declining birth rates etc.) while automation improves.
Good. Why does everyone think this is a bad thing?

>> No.14193482
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>We Need Fully Automated Luxury Communism
>The case of cultured food and drink, far from a curiosity, is a template for a better, freer and more affluent world, a world where we provide for the needs of everyone — in style.
>But the most pressing crisis of all, arguably, is an absence of collective imagination. It is as if humanity has been afflicted by a psychological complex, in which we believe the present world is stronger than our capacity to remake it — as if it were not our ancestors who created what stands before us now.
>Automation, robotics and machine learning will, as many august bodies, from the Bank of England to the White House, have predicted, substantially shrink the work force, creating widespread technological unemployment. But that’s only a problem if you think work — as a cashier, driver or construction worker — is something to be cherished. For many, work is drudgery. And automation could set us free from it.
>But there’s a catch. It’s called capitalism.
>Just like today’s, companies of the future will form monopolies and seek rents. The result will be imposed scarcity
>So we have to go beyond capitalism.
>To grasp it, however, will require a new politics. One where technological change serves people, not profit. Where the pursuit of tangible policies — rapid decarbonization, full automation and socialized care — are preferred to present fantasies.
>This politics, which is utopian in horizon and everyday in application, has a name: Fully Automated Luxury Communism.
>PS: BUY MY BOOK - "Fully Automated Luxury Communism: A Manifesto"

>> No.14193493

The excess resources are supposed to be used to colonize Mars, but instead, the more productivity that society produces, the more the government takes.

Automating hard labour has spurred massive developments in the past, why not today? Well you've got to keep feeding Africa, and you've got to keep all those cushy government jobs going. So keep automating, and produce more money and more widgets to keep the ponzi scheme going.

>> No.14193551


Because I coded a lib that writes compileable code by itself, including dependency detections, env screening and available lib scanning, what reduced my actual coding time by 60% therefore I have more freetime with the same output.

Theoretically I could generate way more output, but more output has to come with more money.

>> No.14193565

What do you think the purpose of mass media and garbage processed food is?

>> No.14193634

well if you as a human have demands you gotta come up with some supply in return huh? its a free market after all

>> No.14193635

This is the one scenario where communism makes sense: automation creating a post-scarcity society.

>> No.14193650

> Disneyland without children

>> No.14193683

I don't get why people are scared of automation. If robots replace 90% of all work that needs to be done, that means everyone will only have to work like 1hour a day to have the same quality of life. People who are scared of automation seem like retards that can only understand dollar signs and don't understand inflation and think money number goes up = better life.

>> No.14193716

People fear losing lots of jobs at once like the textile collapse in the US or the rust belt steel layoffs of the 80's. Rust belt hasn't recovered.

Slow steady progress is acceptable.

>> No.14193788

good larp
i'm sure the jews will think of something new for us goyim to do

>> No.14193841

Everyone is so focused on manufacturing when the majority of the economy is made up of the service industry which isn't being automated anytime soon, quit thinking there will be no jobs out there, there aren't even a huge number of manufacturing jobs left in first world countries anyways.

>> No.14194170

Exactly. Which could mean bringing back manufacturing to developed countries.

>> No.14194512

What do you think is already happening, idiot? Brickbrains like yourself will be the first ones to go btw

>> No.14195127

>nobody has any work due to robots doing it

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.14195589

>what are creative jobs

>> No.14195682

You all are just seeing one side of the coin. If ITER is successful and fusion energy really works, welcome to post scarcity. That's where we're going.

>> No.14195706

If a hypothetical 1000 IQ AI ever emerges the best we can hope for is that it keeps us around as pets out of benevolence or some calculation we can't fantom. Because it's gg for humanity

>> No.14195730

Capitalistscucks think there's infinite jobs.

Get it throught your skull: unemployment rate will keep going up. Sooner or later even stuck up middle class cunts like the average autist here will fight for bux.

>> No.14195807

I've been waiting so long for this sentiment to arise more prominently in the public
Yes, we will definitely see major policy shifts as we move from a human labor economy to a machine labor economy. The economy is the net total of all money derivatives; from the individual to the producers, and from the producers to the suppliers, so in theory as long as people aren't burning their money, it should still be moving around fine. And certainly there will be much more room for skilled human labor until they automate machine repair and engineering. It's really no big deal if there's no middleman doing the physical work in production, but the price of the good or service needs to reflect that and as of now it doesn't; work is getting more automated and private corporations can currently make the end customer foot the bill for their increasing margins indefinitely. Something definitely needs to happen there. But I'm very excited for the discussion.

>> No.14195900

If you think human beings are a pest on this planet then lead by example. Kill yourself. Humanity is bad right?

>> No.14195955

You should really look into what AI is capable of. Even creative work is not safe long term.

>> No.14196005

The irony on your post is too much to handle kek, what a fucking brainlett

>> No.14196012

AI is probably one of those things that scream "Just because you can do it doesn't mean you should." Tech like these should be banned if it's to the detriment of humanity.

>> No.14196087

Checked, fuck people who think a high population is bad. More people allows for more specialization as the average person today can produce waaaaaaay more than they consume. I'm of the mindset that automated output should really be calculated into output of the average individual rather than of the capitalist that owns the machine, because eventually there will be enough "stuff" for everyone being regularly produced at low cost, but the capitalist will expect to be compensated for it when their costs are marginal compared to what they used to be.
Don't get me wrong; I am not a communist and I fully approve of a free market, but a free market is not incompatible with labor theory shifts, because a person's or industry's spending power is just their ability to support industry of their choice. Some people aren't financially smart enough to support the most important industries; that's why we need some amount of taxation, because the government should recognize the industries necessary for greater good rather than relying on a free market based on personal want to decide that.
I'm also of the mindset that margins should be capped so when technology gets better capitalists aren't just cutting people and keeping the difference. Developing the technology should allow you to increase your margins, not simply having the money to own it. That way you don't remove R&D incentives from capitalists (market demand for automation will be lower if it isn't allowed to increase profits, but I also think there should be tax incentives for automating as much as possible. It's just that modern ass-backwards government just keeps spewing JOBS JOBS JOBS and doesn't think about the bigger picture; the labor jobs are going away and no amount of fighting will bring it back, so policy needs to reflect that)

>> No.14196095
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>all human life has inherent value
>if you disagree why don't you just kill yourself?

>> No.14196358

>other people are NPCs
>but I'm not
>other people's lives aren't worth anything
>but mine is
>other people should kill themselves
>but I shouldn't
>because something has no inherent value it should be destroyed
Human life has latent value, not inherent value. A car engine has no "inherent" value either, but it's capable of high output with the right input. Same with people.
I'm with that guy tho if you think life isn't valuable then you're a hypocrite if you think your own life is valuable

>> No.14196390


Because robots aren’t going to buy your stupid plastic crap

>> No.14196424

Oh I am laughing at your sorry pathetic pleb life.

>> No.14196429

balance nigger - everything in balance jew

>> No.14196500

I don't believe that all humans are of equal value though. Nothing hypocritical about it.

Anyways there is nothing wrong with population reduction if done through non-coercive methods. Only the best and brightest should be having children. Reproducing isn't a human right.

>> No.14196657
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>pic related

>> No.14196833
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>Maybe they'll create machines that exist solely to spend money to buy useless shit?

>implying they haven't already done this with consumer culture and hyper-capitalism

>> No.14197053

The service industry will get automated faster and cheaper moron. What do you think is cheaper a 10 millions robot to replace 5 employees or an AI software license of 5k/year to replace all your desktop drones? Hell you could even pirate that software.

Manual labors will outlast number crunchers and desktop waggies because its not cost efficient to replace every fucking nigger for a million worth robot. But it is cost efficient to replace lawyers/accountants/bank waggies with a fucking smart contract.

People are getting it wrong because they are too stupid too think in a future thats not comming from the fucking Jetsons cartoon. The illiterate mexican gardener knows you wont buy a 500k gardeningtron-3000 for your house. He knows he will still have to do your garden, hell he might even buy the gardeningtron for himself.

Now the banker? The banker doesnt even know whats a smartcontract. He thinks because he is smart and educated a boston dynamics "robot" cant replace him as easily as a factory worker. I mean, robots are to replace "lesser manual labor". Not him! Thats why he got that expensive degree at Hardvardstein university!

>> No.14197204

sure, low level service industry may be replaced, but you aren't replacing lawyers, IT, loan officers, sales, or the vast majority of the real stuff anytime soon, AI isn't anywhere close to being able to interact with people on a real time basis with any consistency, I work in IT and follow the industry and we are at least 20 years from something like that.

And what about real estate? You can't automate the need for land or the desire for a good location away, how would automation affect my desire to live on a beachfront property in Hawaii?

>> No.14197327

Of course you can with a mixture of ai, blockchain and smartcoctracts. Number crunchers, data entry, commerce lawyers, loan officers are getting replaced faster and cheaper. Because at the end of the day those are better paid than manual labor and replacing them would be actually cheaper since a software license is cheaper than an army of robots.

In 10 years they will be replaced and your mexican illiterate gardener will outlast them.

A software will sell you a perfect house for your needs, and all the paperwork will be done through smart contracts making it cheaper for you.

Trust me, the world needs less pencil pushers that it needs manual laborers. Everyone is in for a rude awakening in 10 years

>> No.14197343

>muh entrepreneurship
the delusion

>> No.14197394
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>he doesn't even have a date yet to the dog meat festival

>> No.14197622

>I don't believe that all humans are of equal value though
Sorry to burst your bubble; your belief reeks of narcissism. Yes, I think there should be some sort of parenthood exam. But your mindset is a result of you never having dealt with people at large and staying nice and comfortable in your safe space. Everybody has the same feeling of "I am valuable". You are not special in any way. Congratulations. Grow up.
>Ironically, there's nothing more NPC than the "everyone else is a sheep" mindset.

>> No.14197645

Machines need a purpose. The purpose of the human machine, an infinity agent, is to keep existing.

>> No.14197676
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>> No.14197700

>why don't we just kill all humans
we need the humans to consume
>and make more machines
but we do

>> No.14198023

>1000 IQ AI
stop fudding, it will be 1,000,000 iq

>> No.14198072

ai cyber chicks crave human cocks

>> No.14198337

>reproduction isn't a human right
imagine being this much of a pseudo-intellectual

>> No.14198441

t. thinks his genes are "special"

>> No.14198530

Yang 2020

>> No.14198549

duh, it'll need a good RNG. humans are great for that chaotic shiznit, and nothing is more exotic to a superrational element than the irrational. unfortunately the forum in which such things will be calculated is likely a colossuem which, in turn, will feed into a biodigester. ruh roh.

>> No.14198575

>that means everyone will only have to work like 1hour a day to have the same quality of life.
it hasn't been trending that way though

>> No.14198600

more special than yours desu

>> No.14198643
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>Maybe they'll create machines that exist solely to spend money to buy useless shit?
They're called poor people.

>> No.14198646

>doesn't understand the argument
>doesn't understand natural rights
>doesn't understand that human rights is a meaningless concept if humans don't have the right to reproduce
please return to r*ddit or some other cesspit where you can find other drooling retards to agree with you and make you feel smart.

>> No.14198685

Fragment on machines.
Machines don't create value in the end.

That's basically the tendency of the rate of profit to fall. Machines means post capitalism. I hope you retards understand this during the next crisis. We cannot have machines and capitalism.

>> No.14198852
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Ok but first we need to invent a robot that can kill humans more efficiently than we can. A Chinese factory replaced 90% of executors with robots and saw a 250% genocide increase and an 80% decrease in oxygen consumption.

>> No.14198913

>Maybe they'll create machines that exist solely to spend money to buy useless shit?

They exist, they’re called Americans

>> No.14199004

>Governments will just tax corporations to high heaven, finally.
>he thinks corporations pay these new taxes and not the consumer

>> No.14199080
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>we cannot have machines and capitalism

Imagine being this fucking stupid


Europeans are fucking dunning-kruger retards what else is new.

>> No.14199093
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>We Need Fully Automated Luxury Communism

>> No.14199127


>> No.14199130
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Sign me up.

>> No.14199136
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>Imagine being this fucking stupid
Hes a communist, no doubt. NatSoc isnt capitalism but chances are if you hear someone bitching about capitalism, its a commie. Especially if he gives robots as his excuse, talk about having all your previous arguments blown the fuck out of the water for 100 years so you make up some new bullshit.

>> No.14199182
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>Taxations, regulations - laws encompossaing every minuta of life
What do you think is about to happen?

>> No.14199183

that's exactly ((their)) plan

>> No.14199296

underrated post

>> No.14199369

Probably why so many retards are pushing for socialism

>> No.14199414
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The solution is anti-materialism.
Protip: marxists are exclusively focused on material issues

>> No.14199467
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>print off a bunch of money and give it to your friends
>inflate and restrict money supply at will
>pick and chose winners and losers in the market
>reduce everyone's purchasing power
>be a literal plank of communism
>its capitalism's fault

>> No.14199554

Because a lot of people are going to be working far longer than that and a lot of people aren't going to be working at all, and eventually all the ones who still have actual productive power are going to realize the folly of consuming resources at an increasing rate just to satisfy the needs and boredom of a growing, useless underclass. The human population has already outpaced our ability to acquire new resources, but we're in a bit of a lull because most of those people are severely underdeveloped for the time being. But once all 8 billion and counting try to access first world lifestyles it's going to get nasty.
Even though past automation opened up new avenues for human productivity, that can't be extended indefinitely. It worked back then because we never had enough labor to meet all of our demands in the first place, but some people mistake that fact to mean that there is a perpetual equilibrium of demand for labor and goods at any population level. Not all humans have the talent for creativity, and there is a limit to how much each person can consume in a given time.

Either way, nobody's going to hand out money just so people can consume resources and not give anything back. Not for long. If you're lucky it'll be a short term sterilization scheme until the human population is decimated "peacefully".

>> No.14199561

>Maybe they'll create machines that exist solely to spend money to buy useless shit?
it's called women

>> No.14199609

Have sex

>> No.14199662
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Protip: capitalism != system, capitalism != keynesian economics, capitalism = free market

that quote is fucking retarded

>> No.14199712

and FYI there is no capitalism under fiat money

>> No.14199786
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Free markets are cancer. Capitalism is materialistic by default.

>> No.14199926

Naturally, free market is never popular with useless parasites, because it makes being a parasite a lot harder.

>> No.14200227
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>implying parasites enjoy the natsoc way of life
Capitalism and bolshevism are the two sides of the same international Jewish coin. Anti-materialism is anti-Jewish. Both Jewish ideologies rely on materialism, good goyim buying their products. Parasites love capitalism, the type who dump their waste in the rivers and import shitskins because it costs less money to pay them. Now go get a real argument.

>> No.14200232
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>why don't we just kill all humans
they will starve on their own soon enough

>> No.14200246

Free market, free to hire shitskins, free to pay the less than whites, cancer, die, painfully.

>> No.14200318

the absolute state of irony
great post

>> No.14200367

Immigration is a government program, not a capitalistic one. Shitskins come into my country and are paid to make the trip, as well as paid in welfare to shitout more shitskin kids on my tab.

White genocide is just more socialism.

>> No.14200391

>He feeds on classic economy
>He thinks he's smart.

>> No.14200443


You can't extract surplus value from machines and thus rely on patent/copyright law to sell your goods at a markup in order to generate profit. This is the contradiction inherent to capitalism and automation. Read Kapital to find out more.

>> No.14200515

>capitalism bad
>read Jewish santa


>> No.14200591
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Capitalist society is owned by the media and the rich you fucking idiot. Imagine being so fucking braindead you think politicians cant be bought out IF THEY DONT HAVE HIGHER VALUES AKA NATSOC

In a capitalist society where materialism is promoted the only thing your fucking kike politicians care about is fattening their pockets and raping white kids.

>> No.14200618
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>> No.14200635
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>> No.14200647

>NatSoc isnt capitalism

>Definition of capitalism
: an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market

>Imagine being really, i mean really dumb.

I don't know what you mean with anti-materialism. Karl Marx was in favor of the abolition of money, the State. wage labour.
By the way, Karl Marx would be qualified as alt-right today. But since nobody of you retards have read a single chapter (except the early communist manifesto), you don't have a clue.

>> No.14200708

>Imagine being so fucking braindead you think >politicians cant be bought out IF THEY DONT >HAVE HIGHER VALUES

Imagine politician of higher value can't be bought.
You believed in Santa Klaus till you were 12 anon?

>> No.14200785

>human right
Free-masonic concept. Capitalistic in it's essence.