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File: 1.94 MB, 2026x1474, Craig-Wright[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14191682 No.14191682 [Reply] [Original]

where my BSVfags at? shill me some hopium frens

>> No.14191724

weekly candle closed above pennant
good news and green candles are coming

>> No.14191735

I hope you lot know your taking a massive risk and will likely end up wrecked

>> No.14191763
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I stopped shilling because at some point you just give up trying to “redpill” the normie fags. I’ll only “shill” when something big happens and it won’t be so much shilling as it will be gloating and dabbing on core cucks

>> No.14191814

ok but whats goin on in the court case? is this all just fud that hes getting BTFO?

>> No.14191820

>calvins still laundering his illegal gaming money
>csw isnt arrested YET
>sure the 8.5B default fed judgement may be a thing
>things looking up
the absolute state of curryblock logic

>> No.14191825
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>> No.14191838

Mainly did they love to take things out of context, nothing really happened yet.

>> No.14191844

1. judge ordered him to document exactly whats in the mythical "tulip trust"
2. ordered a further hearing on the 28th on his pending contempt of court charge which she has filed him with because of his refusal of #1

csw's response thus far has been: I cant tell you where the 8.5B bitcoin i claim i own are, and its mathematically impossible for anyone to ever...unless one day i can.

needless to say, things are looking TERRIBLE

>> No.14191857

you have a link where I can follow the case fren?

>> No.14191908

The bsv plebbit, cortlistener docs if you’re feeling autistic enough to read through it all

>> No.14191930


>> No.14191933

>unless one day i can.
What does creg claim the trigger is for releasing the coin in the trust?

>> No.14191946

the date of jan 1st 2020

>> No.14191979

seems like its not looking too good frens. my impression is hes dealing with some retarded boomer cunt who will absolutely BTFO him because she doesnt understand what a blind trust is.

>> No.14191997

i honestly don't care about court stuff, where is the may update? where are the atomic swaps he promised in a december talk? remember that? when he said basically all crypto to crypto exchanges would go bankrupt because of atomic swaps on the BSV chain?

>> No.14192006

A blind trust doesn't mean your BTC magically vanish without a trace.

>> No.14192016

But he said on Twitter that he'd move large amounts of BTC in 2019.

>> No.14192023


>> No.14192025

he claims that kleiman and csw entered into an agreement where they would hold 1M bitcoin in a joint trust until 2020, at which point the trust would dissolve and ownership would revert to csw

so the court is sensibly asking: Ok show us where the coins are, these series of accounts that hold 1M bitcoin, where are they now?

CSW: I cant tell you that because I don't have the keys to them

Court: yeah..yeah..you keep saying that, but WHERE are the coins

CSW: well I need to wait until 2020

Are you getting a sense now of how bad it really is?

>> No.14192052
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But that trust expired in 2014, see pic.

>> No.14192066

this is all too confusing for a brainlet like me. can somebody tell me what it means if craig loses the case? like will he have to settle and pay a shitload of money? will BSV pump or dump? pls halp

>> No.14192078

The case isn't really about him being Satoshi or not, but if he "loses" any part of the case that he should not be losing if he were Satoshi, then it's pretty much over for him.

>> No.14192094
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>> No.14192106

oh God I went all in on BSV Because I figured hes a genius executing his masterplan to crash the entire markets. please tell me I didnt get bamboozled by biz again. Im not very bright and have lost a lot of money already. feels like Im about to have a panic attack

>> No.14192227

he still might if he gets early access ordered by a judge
he's also been mining btc himself with nchain and ayre, it's possible he's been hoarding them rather than selling for bsv like ayre announced
i think that's not what it means
that says he gets shares not the btc
above it says
>all bitcoins shall be returned to craig in jan 1st 2020
this trust contains "more" than just the 1.1million btc i think
but i'm no lawyer

>> No.14192236

This is the correct thread.
BSV will be the true ethrum killer and also king of coinmarketcap 2019
Do you not think that the Craig Wright team has not been working hard? Guess what? It has.
And always remember, as Craig says:
Get in BSV
The real BTC!

Let us all celebrate now
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwRZgtTEH08&t= [Embed]

>> No.14192266

>that says he gets shares not the btc
The "shares" refers to the btc.

>> No.14192284

>"shares" refers to the btc.
these kind of boomers decide about the future of crypto. were all fucked arent we?

>> No.14192297

No retard


>> No.14192337

Yes retard.
The trust document speaks EXCLUSIVELY about the bitcoin assets.

>> No.14192350

>genius executing his masterplan to crash the entire markets
If you had a 5% share (1 million coins out of 21 million coins) of what could possibly be the future world reserve currency, would you either:

a. Stay hidden until it happens, then you can financially be emperor of the whole world

b. Start a civil war on your coin TWICE (BCH and BSV), possibly preventing your coin from becoming the world reserve currency it is destined to be, by shaking the confidence of institutional investors. And despite having ALL the forks for free, dump ALL your stake in the current biggest coin, gambling that your 5% share could crash that market. And if it doesn't, you lose your stake in that coin.

Which do you think a genius would do?

>> No.14192358

>[Embed] [Embed]
fix your templates discord trannies

>> No.14192389

b obviously since he cares about his creation, is already rich af and BTC in its current form will never be a world reserve currency anyway

>> No.14192423

Which implies there could be a couple of other possibilities:

(a) CSW was somehow tangentially involved with a 'satoshi-group', but the 1M coins are irrevocably lost for some reason

(b) Variation on A - CSW has an encrypted file containing the coins but not the keys

Therefore, there is no benefit to CSW to "wait until 2020" or "wait until BTC becomes world currency" because he has no means to profit. Thus, he must sew discontent now in hopes of getting in the drivers seat.

>> No.14192460

the only discontent is aimed at him
that means he is nothing but a puppet, should we guess calvin ayre has the encrypted keys? maybe someone above all of them?

>> No.14192470
File: 57 KB, 1080x565, baCi-IECe3n3dpbcwnM2GLHcEe12vq14738e-NzofKw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BTC in its current form will never be a world reserve currency anyway

>Gold is easily seizable, hard to transfer, hard to store
>Still ended up with an $8T marketcap
A world reserve currency anyway doesn't need to scale enough to pay for your coffees. Just being able to transfer hundreds of millions of dollars across borders to pay for things like oil and interest on national debts is all it needs.

>he cares about his creation
Pic related
>1GB blocks
Imagine how ridiculous that sounds, especially considering average block time is 10 minutes

>> No.14192501

Just download 1gb every 10 minutes. Oh you have to re-sync the node? Np, just download 360gb of data for every day you missed :^)

And people thought eth had syncing issues lmao

>> No.14192529
File: 279 KB, 1590x1028, BF21CAF6-B138-4267-BC64-FF84E699757F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thecaseforbsv.com if you havent read it yet. some fag compiled most of the relevant info on BSV at that site. its quite good, i shilled it to my rl crypto friends as well

>> No.14192531

>Just download 1gb every 10 minutes.
oh noes that takes 2 minutes on my home connection. how are industrial scale miners gonna handle the load.
shoo shoo corecucks, this is about the court case not you spreading your lies.

>> No.14192537

gold has USES
jewelry ( biggest one)
computer chips/smartphone chips
dental fillings

dear lord, how can you compare the two?
but you are deluding yourself if you think crypto is comparable to gold, crypto is for speculation, nothing more

>> No.14192552

Start a fresh node then. Go download several TB for each week worth of blocks. Muh scalability

>> No.14192553

I've been considering the rumors on (b)
Where people say that CSW and Calvin have Dave Kleiman's encrypted harddrives, and are brute forcing it continuously.

But then it doesn't make sense to paint a big target on your forehead by claiming to be Satoshi, opening yourself up to things like the Ira lawsuit.

Only reason I can think of is to launder the coins if they manage to brute force it. By claiming you are Satoshi, you get rights to it because you can claim you mined it (as opposed to it being known that you just brute forced it, then it belongs to the Kleiman estate, and they'll get their assets frozen if they attempt to cash out even a single cent)

>> No.14192555

Maybe CSW has told Calvin, "here is an encrypted file - buy tons of mining equipment and in addition to mining, see if you can break it"

Yet none of this explains why he submitted a fake PGP signature to the court.

>> No.14192559

bsv intends to professionalize, hobby users are meant to disappear. bsv aims for a few dozen big datacenters to run nodes, not some fucking home brew shit by an 18yo on his synology

>> No.14192573
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>> No.14192574

Those used do not warrant an $8T marketcap.
That comes mostly from people speculating on it as a store-of-value

>> No.14192595

you have any idea how much data big server farms are capable of handling right now? several tb a week is nothing. not even to mention that nodes dont verify transactions and dont serve much of a purpose whatsoever. muh raspberry pi

>> No.14192626

I farted

>> No.14192628

Cant wait to decentralize with big server farms and KYC wallets. Sounds like sanjay vishnus vision

>> No.14192665

>his masterplan to crash the entire markets
Funny thing about that....

if my theory here >>14192553 that he is claiming to be Satoshi just so when they brute force Kleiman's harddrives, he can claim he mined it (as opposed to just bring brute forced, and thus bringing legally to the Kleiman estate, which will get their accounts frozen if they try to catch it out)

You really think that after they crack a wallet with 1 million BTC (with 1 million free BCH and BSV and all forks), they'll dump it all to zero?

You really think Calvin is that terrible of a businessman? They already thought of the first step to "launder" it by claiming the Satoshi persona, you actually think they're gonna just throw that huge stake in the market away just like that?

>> No.14192668

gold being in every computer +smartphone on the planet doesnt warrant that market cap? then BTC should never get anywhere close to $8T cap... even now it is overvalued then, seeing as it has no uses other than speculation

>> No.14192683


>Some large players with datacenters will handle the load
>Requires id verification to open an account

Ok now seriously how is this any different from legacy banking? The only thing I can see is that your transactions are fucking public and everyone can see your cash movements. This is WORSE than banking wtf

>> No.14192687

>thus bringing legally to the Kleiman estate, which will get their accounts frozen if they try to catch it out
Fucking autocomplete on swipe keyboard

>thus belonging legally to the Kleiman estate
>try to cash it out

>> No.14192705

By your logic, copper and plastic should have the highest marketcaps
That alone shows speculation as a store-of-value trumps actual utility.

>> No.14192720


Finally there is the point that the world has moved on. Fidelity / Bakt / NYSE / SEC / etc....none of these people want some shady conman and his money laundering buddy to exist.

This is a point I continually try to get BSV drones to realize. Whether or not he is or isn't satoshi....the world will line up against him. The powers-that-be will prefer he is prosecuted and discredited to the maximum degree possible. His project is doomed on this alone.

So it is a bad strategy in all ways: Except of course if the whole thing is a sham and CSW has nothing and is just bluffing his way into something....

>> No.14192741

>see if you can break it
This isn't something anyone has the tools to break yet. Not with processing power at least. Their best bet is getting the information to hard way from whoever encrypted it in the 1st place. Assuming they didn't encrypt it and threw away the key.

>> No.14192780

Lets assume their quasi-unbelievable story about Shamir shares are true:

Lets suppose that Dave dies and his Shamir keys are lost...In this case they are only cracking 1/X of the key. Much more doable in 5-10 yr timeframe.

>> No.14192892

Actually, now I realize, having an obvious fake like CSW claim he is Satoshi is a GENIUS idea.
IF you are Calvin and you want to launder your money from Bodog (the online casino that made him a billionaire) and other shady businesses.

A fork backed only by a clown like CSW will be instantly dumped by most whales that have a bit of technical prowess. This would explain that dump to zero candle on the BSVBTC market on Bittrex.

It would be in Calvin's interests to amass BSV, so they'd pile in blunder after blunder (Satoshi signature plagiarized from a transaction on the blockchain, backdated PGP signatures, backdated blog posts easily exposed by archive sites, copy pasting hello world tutorials) until they have a huge controlling share.

Then he can pump it straight up (like he did recently) using the funds he wants to launder. No one can counter the pump and dump on him, because the earlier CSW blunders already removed those whales stakes by making them dump.

Then he can generate FOMO by the pump + pajeet shills, and slowly cash out his laundered money as "trading profits" (complete with valid trading history) and also make more money.

>> No.14192899
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>> No.14192962

I'm not deeply knowledgeable about cryptography, but it says that knowing less than the required amount of pieces is as useful as knowing none of them.

this kinda suggests so too

>> No.14193006

Well something happened because it's moving again

>> No.14193017
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I'm sure good things will come to those who wait.

>> No.14193077
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Looking good so far anon

>> No.14193101

fuck me I was gonna buy 20 more last night but BTC took forever to transfer so I went to bed. now this shit is pumping again fml

>> No.14193277

Bitcoin has uses too that are more important. People forget that the ability to send $1 billion in a matter of minutes while paying less than current wire transfer fees, and without having to go through companies or governments, is a pretty big deal.

>> No.14193298



>> No.14193315

>he uses btc to transfer
>what is litecoin?

>> No.14193386

thecaseforBSV.com <- read or enjoy poverty

>> No.14193437
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Same, what's the point trying to convince brainlets about the 4th industrial revolution when all I get is attacks from paid shills back. There is 0 benefit to me doing that. The smart anons already get it, only the losers left behind. I am not going to fight for them to make it.

Those who know, know.

Let the rest drown. I did my part.

>> No.14193455

Yeah, I'm sure that's why you stopped shilling.

Not because you got btfo in literally every thread and exhausting yourself with mental gymnastics of why he would fake signing keys, forge signatures, fraudulently edit his blog, etc.

>> No.14193468

Enjoy your bags brainlets

>> No.14193506

>oh God I went all in on BSV Because I figured hes a genius executing his masterplan to crash the entire markets
We warned you. We told you to ask yourself why Satoshi would invent a trustless cryptographic protocol with built-in identity verification and then refuse to sign anything with the cryptographic tools he invented.

But you were more interested in the cult of personality. Well, enjoy.

>> No.14193752

Retard. It is deflationary. That is the big deal. No more printing funny money.
Bakkt has bsv in their listings proposal. Isn’t it a bit odd that they’d bother supporting a dimwit conman?

>> No.14193759


>> No.14193789
File: 33 KB, 1000x610, enjoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I am enjoying it alright LOL

Blockstream shills on suicide watch.

>> No.14193836

maybe he doesn't know the public address of the coins. it's not like Bitcoin addresses are easy to remember amd there's probably more than one as it would be dumb to keep that much btc sitting in a single wallet.

>> No.14193906

Actually. No word form le god Satoshi Wright himself about zuckbuck makes it plausible that it's gonna be a bitcoin token.
Craig shits in Monero and Tether but leaves Facecoins mass surveillance tool alone? No way.

>> No.14193956

i only have $200 in bsv as an insurance police in case csw is satoj. i legit feel sorry for anyone that doesn't have a little bsv just in case. because if the court case goes well you won't see bsv under a grand again. the rocket ship is literally fueld and ready for lift off as we speak.

>> No.14194096
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Craig is Q.
Watch this thread get slid.

>> No.14194121

>what is Litecoin?
Muh LN and Segwit...

>> No.14194177
File: 44 KB, 640x260, CSW_price.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He did say 1200 minimum before end of year. And he never makes price predictions otherwise. He has some huge card up his sleeve that is for sure.