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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14190396 No.14190396 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14190409


>Being mad at someone for whom you willingly agreed to do a job

Grow up.

>> No.14190417

I'm sorry.

Sub $1. Near future. Screencap thiz

>> No.14190440


>> No.14190443

>being mad at someone you willingly hired for the job
cope or find somebody better then, faggot

>> No.14190451

Yeah something tells me Mr. Bossman didn't hire you to take a shit on his desk.

>> No.14190472


Yup. OP needs to grow up.

>> No.14190574


>> No.14190612

Around $75...how long do I have until I can drop a load in the trash can in his office?

>> No.14190673

4$ EOM

>> No.14190734

they dont have jobs, they dont understand

>> No.14190748

I saved up enough in useless fiat for 2 years, during which I will further my studies and get a masters degree. Let's see if LINK makes us filthy rich during that time, marines.

>> No.14190754

honestly 5 bucks

>> No.14190756

Never, my boss helps me out when i need it.

>> No.14191587


>>having a boss

never going to make it

>> No.14191604

Holy FUCKING shit when will the day come that I stop seeing this fucking drowsy walrus looking cunt's fat faggot soi face all over my board? Can you faggots please go back to rebbit? You can talk about 'the lore' over there. Stop shitting up my board. Two fucking years of non stop shilling and nothing has happened.

Your shitcoin is an illegal ICO vapourware scam. There's a good fucking reason nobody cares and nobody has made 'decentralised oracles' who's actually competent.

>> No.14191611

Last boss I had was a very nice older woman so I wouldn't.
Last boss that I hated was a guy with a black belt in karate so I wouldn't either

>> No.14191631


>> No.14191647
File: 341 KB, 1082x695, B33D6BEA-4CD6-4C69-AD57-603268A10A4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I quit at $50-60. I could comfortably quit at around $10-20 but I’d rather wait for a higher number and still have 200k Link left over to just let grow to a retarded amount in this clown world

>> No.14191987

>gets a job from his boss
>earns money
>enables him to buy link
>wants to shit on his desk
you're really a piece of subhuman scum

I can't wait for the day I will invite my boss and the dude who gave the ping to hire me in the first place for some decadent dinner.

>> No.14192091
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Even at my shit jobs, I've never wanted to shit on my bosses desks. But I will relish the fuck out of the day I can tell my "you should check out Dave Ramsey" boss that I'm a millionaire.