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File: 169 KB, 1280x658, usa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14180720 No.14180720 [Reply] [Original]

I'm so sick of anywhere that is not America.

We gave the world music, movies, and the Internet...the motherfucking INTERNET.

What have you non-Americans contributed to Earth?

And since this is the biz forums you fucking non-American places have no BIZ being on Earth anymore. You haven't earned your keep in fucking centuries.

>> No.14180794

imo all non americans should be lined up, be trunacted off their crypto, then shot
we'd be doing them a favor

>> No.14180845

to be fair, the inventor of the WWW, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, is a bong who was working at CERN in switzerland at the time

>> No.14180894

and they wonder why the world hates americans.

>> No.14180969


Hating us is just cope lmfao

>> No.14180977


>> No.14181025

invented by the French
invented by Europeans at Cern
invented several tens of thousands of year before America

Why don't you get a culture of your own dirty yank?

>> No.14181043

it's okay you're not the best

>> No.14181112

Americans are so busy thinking they’re #1 they don’t even realize they’re about to get left in the dust by developing nations. All while idiots like you keep chanting USA! USA! contributing absolutely nothing to society while taking credit for the accomplishments of others. We’re becoming a nation of poor people that think they’re rich, and uneducated idiots that believe they are enlightened.

>> No.14181269

>We gave the world music
LOL, no.
>and the Internet
LOL, no.
Thanks for computers though.

>> No.14181289


Cinema is French but US has some of the finest filmmakers of all time. We perfected the art.

>> No.14181333

"about to get left in the dust by developing nations"

What's taking you you so long, pajeet?

America is a 300+ year old country accomplishing more than countries thousands of years old.

>> No.14181347


Bunch of sad fatclaps

>> No.14181366

Michael Bay and Rian Johnson dab in your general direction

>> No.14181368

>We gave the world music
99% chance this is a LARP from an indian who is unironically named Pajeet

>> No.14181400



Can you take a guess where the greatest musicians in history came from? Somewhere in Germany?

>> No.14181433


The music make is copied all over the world. Non-American countries have only 2 types of music:

Traditional cultural music that nobody listens to...even the people from the country it came from or cheap, copied pop and rap that is desperately trying to sound American but sounds ridiculous.

Eastern European rappers really make me LOL

What's more ridiculous that a white guy who is pretending to be a white guy who is pretending to be a nigger?

>> No.14181436


Griffith, Keaton, Capra, Hawks, Lynch, Malick, Houston, Wilder, Ford, Kubrick, Altman, Peckinpah, Lumet, Scorsese, Coppola. Want me to continue?

>> No.14181461

how bout you stop wearing jeans and using forks all invented my america

>> No.14181472

have sex

>> No.14181497

hit the weights

>> No.14181505


Cope harder America has a strong influential culture

>> No.14181527

Because baseball is as far as they go on culture kek

>> No.14181544

It's easy for Americans to have sex. We just visit other countries lol.

>> No.14181561
File: 47 KB, 262x186, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wow so you invented a kind of pants... why don't you stop wearing clothes, since all where invented outside America

>> No.14181621

America is the most influential country in the world right now. There’s no denying that.

>> No.14181673


>invented by Europeans at Cern
>Al Gore floods your country, makes a movie about it, and rides home laughing on his private jet

>> No.14182124
File: 271 KB, 672x936, Purge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not Americans that invented all that.
Its white people and for that the lesser races hate us. They want us gone, to genocide us.
We can't let that happen, we must unify and we must make pic related happen.

>> No.14182394

Oh we non Americans doesn’t contribute that much beside ...dare I say it...being able to go on binance and trade crypto’s?
That is all my friend

>> No.14182524
File: 80 KB, 370x522, summonjew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might be on to something there

>> No.14182619
File: 4.00 MB, 300x200, 1526824366798.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We gave the world music
Every American needs to be lit on fire, no exceptions. Bullets may heal, fire surely won't.

>> No.14182644

that map is shockingly close to my knowledge of the world

>> No.14182724
File: 222 KB, 277x401, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry more, white weenies

>> No.14182773


>> No.14182912
File: 1.74 MB, 1920x1200, match.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USA was created by Europeans.

>> No.14182952

What did american bring to internet?
Kikebook, mass surveillance, porn and other degeneracies.

Even chans are based nips inventions.

>> No.14182991

t. fork usin jeans wearin third worlder

>> No.14183071

Not our proudest creation, but we still love them.

>> No.14183116


>> No.14183343

>some of the finest filmmakers
You mean pedo-satanists?

>> No.14183391

this lmao

99% of the things to come out of hollywood were and still are literal degenerate satanism

>> No.14183587

checked, based, and freedompilled