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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1417882 No.1417882 [Reply] [Original]

This is porbbaly going to a bit stupid but
>off to an ivy uni for math
>figured I wanna be a mathematician
>realize I love math, but maybe it's best as a hobby
>considering just swapping for economics and finance
>thinking about the pay
>probably get rich if I do finance and then get MBA

I don't know what to do honestly. What's the approach when it comes to money and job satisfaction? I'm not pretentious, I'd just like a well paying job.

>> No.1417892

What were you going to do with a math degree?

>> No.1418220

Go straight for my PhD. Would've loved to had been a professor
Just not sure if I'm giving up the potential to be rich. And yes, I understand money isn't everything but it is something that's been crossing my mind

>> No.1418236

im also interested in majoring in finance. what's an MBA and how will it help me to get rich?

>> No.1418528

>Mathematics PhD.
>any job I want
>$300k starting

>> No.1418793

I wish

>> No.1418848
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Don't major in math. Don't major in economics. These are worthless degrees if you're not going for a PhD. Don't make the same mistake I did.

Read Aaron Clarey's book, Worthless, and avoid majoring in a useless subject

>> No.1418895

That cover is pretty worthless

>> No.1418904

I do plan on a Ph.D. Basically, I don't know if I should go for my love of math and teach or just say screw it and try to land some corporate job that'll tug me in wealth. I figure economics/(x) would be a good idea