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1417628 No.1417628 [Reply] [Original]

Would you ever trust a woman as a business partner?

How do you effectively manage female employees?

Also, would you ever do business with a woman you were romantically interested in?

>> No.1417639
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>> No.1417641

>How do you effectively manage female employees?
by having sex with them in the storage room at work

>> No.1417643

Absolutely fucking not I can't even believe someone on this board would even ask this question

>> No.1417645

No a woman i was sleeping with.

I look for partners with better judgement.
Biggest risk with a woman , if she is competent is embezzling.

>> No.1417721


How about, would I ever trust a woman?

No. They are on this earth to support men. Like pick up a Bible some time.

>> No.1417729

you know she just farted and is reveling in the fact that it was the most toxic smell possible

>> No.1417741
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Or she just destroyed a corporation built by hard working men.

>> No.1417747
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>> No.1417748

>Would you ever trust a woman as a business partner?

Only if I knew I was simultaneously smarter than her and less attracted to her than she was to me.

>How do you effectively manage female employees?

Put a female boss over them who gives no fucks, but then who watches the watchman?

>Also, would you ever do business with a woman you were romantically interested in?

I would ONLY partner with a woman who was a romantic interest.

>> No.1417905



Are you fucking stupid

>> No.1417936

>Would you ever trust a woman as a business partner?

Sure. As long as she was my wife.

>How do you effectively manage female employees?

Have as few of them as possible, or catfights will break out.
If they fight over idiotic stuff, discipline early and harshly and don't give a shit over their crying.
If they form a group and try to extort you into not punishing them (had that happen), fire everyone in that group immediately. Better than every employee knowing he can fuck you over.

>would you ever do business with a woman you were romantically interested in

See above. If she's my wife, and that means a lot of shared ideals for me, I would because of those shared ideals.
If not, hell no. I would also never hire someone that comes to work dressed like in your picture. It's distracting, and a sexual harassment suit waiting to happen.

>> No.1417943

>romantically interested
hope its bait

>> No.1417944

>Would you ever trust a woman as a business partner?

Yes. If I find a decent opportunity to make a profit with a female partner I am going to take it. Partnerships work both ways, so it is in her best interest to make it work, just as much as it is my own.

> How do you effectively manage female employees?

Just like everyone else. If she starts any princess/feminine bullshit, get rid of her.

> Also, would you ever do business with a woman you were romantically interested in?

No. Never mix romance and business. Feelings compromise judgement.

>> No.1417949

>would you ever trust a woman

>> No.1418047

>It is also in her best interest
This is where you fucked up, anon. You assume their best interest is objective financial gain. But for most women, in mine and probably most anons' experience, their priorities lie with their emotional and psychological needs over objective/logical ones. There are certainly plenty of exceptions, or cases where their needs fundamentally match the objective needs. In the latter case just anticipate the possibility of rapid and volatile changes.

You're right not to rule it out, but you should be much more weary judging the character of women the way you would men. There are plenty of shit people of both genders, but this mistake just piles on the risk all the more.

Tl;dr bitches will tank your/their business because muh feels

>> No.1418098


Confirmed for not knowing what the hell he is talking about. Do not, ABSOLUTELY DO NOT partner with a woman you are romantically involved with, unless you hate money. Women may draw pretty charts but they always fell flat at the "working hard" part.

I speak from first hand experience.

> has pretty gf (now wife)
> family full of nepotism
> she can get a cushy job full of benefits, but wants to open a business
> "whatchu think?"
> "up to you dear"
> the rest is history

>> No.1418125

Yes, I'm not sexist.

If they have the skills I'm looking for.

>> No.1418134

>would you ever trust a woman as a business partner

With the right knee pads of course.

>> No.1418152

No to everything. The only places i would trust a woman at are supporting jobs (like a secretary) and places where i can take advantage of their sexuality to draw customers.

>Yes, I'm not sexist.
But you are a loser. And that's worse than being "sexist".

>> No.1418157

n=1, but I have a friend who incorporated 4 years ago with his wife, "co-CEO's" in name. They're still doing well, but she's been reduced to a figurehead role. lulz

>> No.1418200

My wife is the co-owner of my business. It wouldn't exist without her so it's a good thing. She does all of the "behind the scenes" work and I'm out in the field. She's a smart woman and is surprisingly good at accounting. Especially considering she has a full time job as an IT manager.

>> No.1418299
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>> No.1418308
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>> No.1418326

How am I cucked?

>> No.1418386


piss it off and see how it reacts

also I bet you do all the hard work and she "makes connections"

>> No.1418401


>Would you ever trust a woman as a business partner?

Unless she has skills which are unreplacable for your business. And I don't mean pimping her out.

>How do you effectively manage female employees?

NO. Like, don't even hire them, unless, well see above.

>Also, would you ever do business with a woman you were romantically interested in?

NO. As Biggie (may he rest in peace) once said:" Number 7, this one is most underrated; always keep your business and your family separated" (10 crack commandments)

Well, this might be referring to selling drugs, but trust me: if more businessowner and managers would act accordingly , productivity would boost and America could be great again whitout the necessity of paying attention to Trump.

>> No.1418409

What are you implying by pissing it off?

Also, yeah I put in the normal amount of work required for my job and she does the books on top of her full time job. Hardly a disparity of work load.

>> No.1418420
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>> No.1418665

My mom does the same thing. She's essentially the brains behind everything and if she weren't here my dad's business wouldn't exist.

>> No.1418841

Maybe, it depends
Don't have too many, don't let them have disproportionate sway over anything
Not unless my wife suddenly gets a hot idea, if I had one

>> No.1418938

To be fair the business would definitely not exist if it weren't for me and it MIGHT not exist if not for her. I had no desire to do the books and random insurance/liability bullshit. She offered up and i accepted. I focus on hr and getting jobs done and she makes sure I don't get fucked by the irs.

>> No.1419075
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I've met two in my life that I would trust as business partners. One was an engineer I worked with and showed some damn good results in managing production staff, and the other is my ex. Total bitch, but extremely smart and actually ethically stern.

But that's it. I'm 25, and I can say I'd only trust two, out of the thousands I've met.

>> No.1419082


What is your picture trying to illustrate?

>> No.1419124
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Dunno exactly but I saved a shit ton of them last night

>> No.1419154

>Would you ever trust a woman as a business partner?
Only if she has a proven track record of running businesses.

>How do you effectively manage female employees?
Equity--not equality. Equity is giving every employee, male and female, what they need to be successful for the job. If they can make do, and meet the designated standard for work--great! If they can't perform they're out. Equality is "leveling the playing field". Bad idea.

>do business with romantic partner?

>> No.1419158

Is this based on women being afraid of "chemical" ingredients in foods despite them being perfectly safe and commonly found in edible foods in the natural world?

>> No.1419167

As long as she has her own kneepads, sure. I dont lend mine out to anyone.

>> No.1419176

So, I'll just assume anons here are butthurt than the women who thrive in this kind of business are better than they'll ever be.

>> No.1419204

wew lad

>> No.1419210

Rape write-ups I call them (TM)

>> No.1419234

You'll see how the courts interpret this in your divorce
>You: unskilled labor
>Her: executive
I wonder what % you might get in a split lololol. Is 3% too optimistic? I bet anon gets 4% he works hard lol. Ofc we're gonna need you to cease contact with all customers even if they're your former friends or relatives thaaaanks. Don't wanna get sued later now do you?

>> No.1419417
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>> No.1419837

Depends what sort of woman she is. Not all women are vapid bimbos, there's a small amount who are valuable assets in a company, small, small amount.

>> No.1421619

>Would you ever trust a woman as a business partner?

I've met some that I probably would, but not many tbqh.

Then again, I wouldn't trust a lot of men either.

>How do you effectively manage female employees?

Be reasonable and polite but firm. Female employees with their heads on straight will act the same way, and everyone gets their shit done. Those that don't, require the word 'no' pretty often.

>Also, would you ever do business with a woman you were romantically interested in?


Fuck no

>> No.1421765

I was in a 3 year relationship with the woman i thought i was going to marry. During this time I quit my "real job" and became a full time internet marketer/ebayer.

Things were going well, gf wound up losing her job and we decided to start working together since I was being so successful

She did not take to it well, couldn't get motivated to make herself work, saw little success because of it which just further demotivated her from it.

Then the relationship went south and a VERY nasty breakup occured. By this point my business was basically "our" business so when she and I parted ways it kinda messed up a few key components.

Between that, and the emotional trauma I went through, the entire operation collapsed and I went jobless for 2-3 years. She also happily took all my savings while she was jobless (I said I'll cover the bills and handle things until she gets back on her feet, had no problem with doing so because I thought we were going to go the distance, the fighting started after most of my savings was tapped out) so I basically got destroyed

Started rebuilding this year, finally emotionally stable enough to handle life again, but there's lots of damage now.

I'll probably never trust a woman enough to "fall in love" again, not really. Any girl I date I fully expect to turn on me. I'll also never try bringing a non-blood family member into my operations again as I've realized if theyre not blood then in the long run, they can and more than likely will fuck you at some point. Also only trust select blood family in addition.

beyond that, women are too fucking emotional. I'm sure some can make good business partners, but generally speaking I've not met any that can really comprehend business dealings or handle the rollercoaster rides that come from running your own company (both good and bad things) , not sure why though, shits not hard to understand.

>> No.1422013


>Do business
Yes, if she was unusually intelligent and emotionally stable.

Keep them busy with mostly easier tasks, so they feel competent. Only give them more complex tasks sparingly.

>romantically interested
Leaning heavily towards no.

>> No.1422318

>involving women in your life in any way for anything other than procreation
This is a joke, right?

>> No.1422540

Fucking kek'd. This.

>> No.1423923


>The same way you 'manage' your girlfriend, or sister's bullshit.

>> No.1424058

>Would you ever trust a woman as a business partner?
Depends on business savvy and intelligence

>How do you effectively manage female employees?
the same as you would a male. the minute you treat them different because the are women, is the minute you lost managerial control over that employee

>Also, would you ever do business with a woman you were romantically interested in?
FUCK.NO. you dont shit in the kitchen

>> No.1424060
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said no pimp ever.

>> No.1424069

If I'm getting divorced then I'm likely already getting bent over the barrel. Why let the marriage get to that point anyways? If women are "useless and stupid" then why aren't you controlling the terms of the relationship?