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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14161548 No.14161548 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14161587

Depends how much I make, but mostly:
>Buy flat/house on budget to renovate
>Open a bistro
>Further invest and diversify

I'd actually start living

>> No.14161610

You guys should read that Paul Graham essay on how rich people lose their wealth.

>> No.14161632

Sorry man once you open a store few things will happen
>stuck at the store
>let workers steal from you when you gone
>b-but Starbucks
If you never owned business like this don’t bother.
t. Donut shop owner of 12years

>> No.14162033

Why do these retarded threads pop up daily

>> No.14162071
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help some frens

>> No.14162118
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I want to get a plane license or whatever its called. I want to learn how to fly a plane and fly it. Ive always wanted this, since I was a kid. I really want to fly frens

>> No.14162133

Depends, to me "making it" will mean I don't gotta work to pay my monthly expenses. If shit happens I won't have to worry about getting it took care off. I can just relax and enjoy what remains of my life without having to start each day by listening to an alarm clock going off. Can do what I like or just say fuck it and do nothing.

>> No.14162186

Because it’s all anyone on this board has to keep their dreams alive. Most have already submitted to being “losers”, financially and otherwise. Winning the crypto lottery is the one shot they see at redemption.

>> No.14162209

Typical yank. Shitty staff because you don't want to pay them properly so they rob from you. Can't leave the store because haven't got good enough staff. Maybe if you weren't such a greedy jew and paid properly you'd get some good eggs show up that actually want to work there.

>> No.14162256

cancel internet for ever
buy small hut on large property
grow food for fun
study philosophy all day every day
maybe get little van
travel around europe in my little camper van if I get bored on my property
thats literally it

>> No.14162268

Buy a gf.

>> No.14162285


Get my teeth fixed. Buy a condo. Smoke weed. Set up trust funds for my immediate family members. Buy Boston Dynamics and make a line of robot clones of myself and go on tour with them playing EDM shows.


>> No.14162305
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>> No.14162336

Buy a farm, find a decent girl, have as many children as possible and go to church every Sunday and chill for the rest of my life

>> No.14162385

>invest in index funds, etfs, guilt funds and gold
>invest in a small mart/mom and pop store to get citizenship in some nice country
>buy apartment, investment + i'll live there
>publish my book
>if i have money left i'll buy one nice painting, one or two nice watches (patek or mbnf), one cool vase and one nice RUG as minor investments (all of these can go up to a few million $)
> finally will buy some good quality shoes, clothes,nice furniture and maybe a nice car (nothing retarded like 10k supreme hoodie etc)

>> No.14162397

I'm basically learning languages and becoming a web dev until GBR hits
After I cash out I'll have enough to move out of my shithole to some place where I can get a normal house and job
Everything else will be used for the next run -luxuries like traveling and finally enjoying myself

>> No.14162404

Buy a top-end apartment overlooking a city and drink every night in my couch facing the window

>> No.14162470

Buy land in the countryside and spent the rest of my life working it and raising a family

>> No.14162481


>> No.14162514

Going to design and have built a nice modest home on about 10 acres inna woods and mountains of Montana. I really like Johnny Depp's house in the movie, "The Secret Window" so I'll probably design something very similar. I'll keep my current car but definitely upgrade it a bit.

Also... dental implants

>> No.14163232

Buy a nice speaker system and turn table and open a Turkish coffee shop

>> No.14163566

I'd like to get a camper-converted sprinter van and tour the American west at whatever pace feels comfortable

>> No.14163574

Tell my bosses and coworkers to go fuck themselves

>> No.14163576

I want to open a water fasting clinic and marry an ex-obese I cured

>> No.14163583

Buy a house and retire. Backpack the world. Raw dog European sluts. Enjoy my life.

>> No.14163737

nothing, maybe rent a movie

>> No.14163921

You’ve really never owned a business if you think like this...you could double peoples salaries every year and shit heads would still steal...its human nature for certain people and it’s impossible to see that in a person till it’s too late.

>> No.14163940

buy a house, get myself a car, i already have a good pc, work on my craft 24/7

>> No.14163952
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Buy about 30 acres of land with a lake on it and build a house and a nice barn. Work freelance from my house and live with my wife and a bunch of doggos.