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14161401 No.14161401 [Reply] [Original]

how to display wealth without it being obnoxious? 29 year old boomer with 100k+ in bank and I want to attract 18-22 year old qts. I'm fit and face is probably around 6-7

>> No.14161414

buy LCD display

>> No.14161422

>100k+ in bank
Your IQ is also around 6-7 if you are this liquid

>> No.14161431

buy a t-shirt with the logo "100K+ in bank, come at me"?

>> No.14161441

Drive a jaguar f type. You can get one for like 50k used but they look like they cost 3x that

>> No.14161473

This plus expensive leather jacket and nice watch

>> No.14161495

>29 year old boomer with 100k+ in bank
This is not wealth... this is being an average 29-year-old.

>> No.14161506

>jaguar f
convertible or?
get it used or new?

>> No.14161561
File: 37 KB, 786x546, chart.screenshot.1552396736393.1552404828326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had 200k+ in crypto at some point

will a challenger do?

what kind of watch? can girls even tell if a watch is expensive?

is it? pic related

>> No.14161569


>> No.14161599

It's certainly not worth bragging about, but most "people" are fucking retarded when it comes to their money and OP would certainly be ahead of the pack

>> No.14161629

Yeah dude this is average. All of $80k needs to be invested in either fundrise.com or $VOO depending on your investment horizon. You’re not rich dude you’re perfectly average for your age. Don’t be a slave and buy a nice care and have a $600 payment. What I’ve come to realize (I’m only 23) is that girls love when guys have their shit together. I mean they have a dependable job they enjoy, they drive a decent car (not a junker) they understand how to dress, they have decent hair and shave and shower and look well put together. They can carry a conversation. That’s key. What I think my girl likes most is that I’m an expert in like one or two subjects. (Finance and real estate) and I can talk about them for days which just makes her think I’m smarter than I really am. Keep up the good shit dude you’re on your way financially for sure, just don’t be a dumb fuck and blow your cash now. Get involved in a gym or church or somewhere where you’d think decent girls might be. I’m not talking attractive af like they are out at a bar, fuck them those girls aren’t wife material, I’m talking that cute girl Caroline that sings at church or the shy girl Ashley that’s just at the gym to run on the treadmill. You never know dude, girls that are worth our time aren’t at the bars and places we think. Don’t fall for it. Good luck op

>> No.14161637

>average 29 year old
>$100,000 in the bank

Are you fucking retarded? People live pay check to pay check and most Americans can't handle a surprise $500 expense and you sit here saying the average 29 year old has $100,000 in the bank.

You fucking stupid cunt.

>> No.14161643

Lol. Yerp. Money sitting not taking risk growing is dead money.

>> No.14161649


>> No.14161656

anon i...

>> No.14161663

>Using money to attract bitches
If driving an expensive car is the difference maker between you getting pussy and enduring another dry spell, you’ve got other issues.
They’ll smell your insecurities from a mile away and leech off of you for every penny you’re worth.

>> No.14161681

Dress properly, with a clean haircut and shave
Get posture gains and go to gym for gains

>> No.14161687

you sound like such a simp normie

this is a misogynist board, you're supposed to be red pilled about women

>> No.14161690

guys I'm not bragging, I know better than that, especially here. nor do I claim I'm rich by any means. but how can you say this is average? NONE of my social circle has anywhere near that kind of money in the bank. I am clearly above average.

>> No.14161704

The average is shit

>> No.14161735

I said "without it being obnoxious", clearly I don't want to be driving expensive cars. I want to display it in more subtle ways.

like I said I'm fit and am well groomed. but that might not be enough because honestly I'm a 6 or a 7 on a good day so I can get mogged easily by a better looking dude. my edge is that I am probably richer than him but if I can't display that then nobody will know

>> No.14161754

Shower at least once a week

>> No.14161759

you're rich relative to your peers OP because your peers are retarded, but the fact that you have only 100k after 10 years of working and investing and that you are sitting on cash means that you should've been retired a long time ago, especially since crypto has gone up 10000x while you were generating an income

>> No.14161764

So you ant to be average or below? You havent made shit anon and now you want to blow it on depreciating assets. You are proving that you just got lucky and are supposed to be poor.

>> No.14161784

A car is a must for a man, get a nice one but not too expensive, European brand

>> No.14161821

There's a reason it's called an average you ducking spastic

>> No.14161829

The more you chase women and do shit to try and impress them, the more you'll get jaded and stop caring.

It's not worth it OP, hide your wealth, else you are asking for treachery

>> No.14161846

I guess it’s above average for the world of corporate cucks and burger flippers, but if this guy is 29 and works a 9-5 with a corporation, he’s expected to have $100k in his bank/401k ,depending on his investment style the past 8 years, by 30. He’s 29. Cool. He’s average. Everyone does that. Everyone has $100k by 30. It’s fucking easy

>> No.14161850

Dumb phoneposter

>> No.14161853

Who do you hang out with? All my friends in software have at least 400k in the bank at the age of 30...

>> No.14161866

I was pretty much broke 2 years ago. this money is from crypto gains

>> No.14161879

Love yourself and you'll attract the right person

>> No.14161885
File: 44 KB, 800x450, brainlettttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All my friends in the top 1% have significantly higher savings than average

>> No.14161890

Jaguars break down all the time though

>> No.14161898

it's fucking easy... to who? if it was that easy why is it not average? not everyone starts in the same position in life

none of my friends and family have uni/college education.

>> No.14161908

Then don’t be a dumb fuck and invest it into $VOO or Fundrise.com depending if you want dividends paid or not. Everyone on this fucking website gets rich off crypto then is an absolute dumb fuck with their money by buying a smear that’ll depreciate 69% in value in 3-4 years or blows it on some stupid shit. Start a business. Invest your money. Buy ATMs, fix electronics, create a marketing agency and sub the work out to college students, become a grant writer and take a percentage, like dude idk? Just don’t be a stupid piece of shit

>> No.14161916


>> No.14161929

Well soon as you decide to marry that girl (or you know you fuck up and knock her up) you might as well kiss half that 100k goodbye. Then whatever she don't take the lawyers bills/court fees get sucked outta the leftovers. Just saying..

>> No.14161941

I hear you man, that's why I barely spent anything of my money. I just don't know how to invest it desu

>> No.14161957

being fit is good but if you have that money you may as well /fraud/ and have a top 0.00001% body

>> No.14162658

Amerifats really are the dumbest people in the entire world. Time after time you all prove how fucking stupid you are. What is your problem? Is it something in the water in the US? Or are the memes actually true that you are all mixed with niggers?