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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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14157903 No.14157903 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14157916

Paaaaampeeeeeet !!!!

>> No.14157952

What juicy larps ended up being true?

>> No.14157974
File: 97 KB, 1042x586, 1546524536193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14157994

Facebook will confirm chainlink integration with libra next week or it will be buried somewhere in the technical documentation . Screencap this

>> No.14158012

Would we hit 4 or 5 dollars after facebook?

>> No.14158031

lmao facebook is not going to use chainlink stop spreading doo doo

>> No.14158035

Federal Reserve confirmed to sign contract with ChainLink. Next week= department of defense. After that, Trump himself will buy chainlink and shill on Twitter

>> No.14158052
File: 255 KB, 587x546, 34327851-E523-4128-A4AE-9FB5EBB67D8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To add to this, the Facebook folder leak and response Rory gave “make of it what you will” is them keeping quiet about the NDA because Libra was top secret in development for the past year. Testnet next week with a target release next year.

We know about cryplets, but don’t know the extent of what it means. I speculate we’ll get superior azure integration versus google cloud.

Since 2/3 big cloud platforms will be offering oracles, we should assume the #1 will, Amazon (AWS). Not sure if anyone has seen any breadcrumbs for AWS but I’d we have then I think we can speculate with a 99% chance they will integrate as well

This leaves docusign. We knownits coming but don’t know when or what the announcement will be. It could coincide with the azure announcement. I’m leaning towards Microsoft being the winner here as cryplets is no secret. Also my boy Yorke is based. Do with this info as you wish...

>> No.14158133

Shit larp why would fagbook use an Eric 20 token. Cringe and cope linkfags.

>> No.14158159

These posts were always believable, after the google announcement its almost a certainty. The question is will the markets react at all?

>> No.14158170
File: 12 KB, 258x245, 142427BB-C6EC-4F75-8C57-39BB0F283663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks Facebook will use his shitcoin


>> No.14158180
File: 230 KB, 830x1262, meh.ro12220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What facebook folder leak? Pics or larp

>> No.14158183

hello nulinker

>> No.14158200

>hello nulinker
I bought pre ico/etherdelta faggot
Give me proof

>> No.14158204

No one show him anything. How sad we have worked so hard for faggots like this. He can get fucked next week and buy at $5-$10

>> No.14158215

Let people DYOR as always.

>> No.14158221


>> No.14158225

Fudding link used to be funny. But now that Google officially endorsed and legitimized chainlink, it's all true. The rumors the partnerships...everything. If you think fudding on a Malaysian free-motion quilting forum will suppress the price, well Toby you got another thing coming

>> No.14158230


>> No.14158231

> $5-10
> next week

k bro

>> No.14158257

Libra is going to blow the lid off this shit. You’re incredibly stupid if you don’t see it.

Gcp integration is weak compared to azure or AWS. But it’s the first domino to set off this exponential growth. Stay poor.

>> No.14158258
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>> No.14158265

>Libra in development for a year

We finna get it boys

>> No.14158350

I got a couple links saved under the bed, would be more than happy with $5-10, I just don't see that happening this year, let alone next week.

>> No.14158414

Yeah best you sell now on the top mate

>> No.14158526
File: 1.60 MB, 5472x3648, 1560140961407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's great just holding something with an ATH in 2019.

>> No.14158569

Ain't that the truth brother
Last January was a rough ride! $5 Linkies would just be incredible

>> No.14158571

If Facebook ends up using Chainlink, $5-10 next week is in the cards. It’s extremely likely that that will since they need a oracle and CL is the standard. Cheng isn’t advising them for nothing.

>> No.14158669

Nufag here: what is a Cheng? Why would Facebook need to know the price of Ethereum? Is Chainlin the shadowfork of Chainlink? Can I run my Samsung fridge as a node?

>> No.14158677


>> No.14158697

Based and Iota pilled

>> No.14158706
File: 256 KB, 835x380, 1554199231946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, you are unironically right.

He is the Director of Engineering at Facebook.

Facebook is creating a coin. Of course he they will use Chainlink.

>> No.14158718

Cheng Gang is a meme chinese commie who larps on twotter

>> No.14158760

The fact that you don’t recognize the inevitability of Facebook using Chainlink for GlobalCoin shows that you haven’t done your research. Stay poor.

>> No.14158798


Facebook will create a coin. All I am saying is that they are going to use Chainlink.

This is certain.

>> No.14158820

What about conflict of interest and SEC bullshit?

>> No.14158835

What? Facebook is doing a project where they require an oracle. Which will be chainlink. This is not a sleazy practice. Just networking.

>> No.14158841

lol what?

It's not like he is a researcher or investor pushing a private agenda in secret to gain.

He is developing a blockchain plattform for facebook and happen to be an expert on Chainlink.

This is why it is certain that facebook-coin is going to use Chainlink.

It is known!