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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14157601 No.14157601 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14157606

if dubs i get a girl friend

>> No.14157611

Based and red pilled

>> No.14157612

Looks like its traps for you, faggot.

>> No.14157615
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>> No.14157618

Who are these losers? I could get a girlfriend when I was literally homeless
I'm not here for a girlfriend because I'm not a faggot

>> No.14157621


>> No.14157622

Women here, I would marry a Social Man with a steady job then some loser who relies on bitcoin or muh chainlink gains for money

>> No.14157627

tits or gtfo

>> No.14157633

" woman here"

>> No.14157635

>tfw told a girl I'm interested in about bitcoin before the golden bull run started

Gold diggers come at me!

>> No.14157646

Rolling for gf end of summer

>> No.14157673
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We, each, get a different girlfriend. Right?
>Social Man with a steady job
Sort of like a serf or a slave. That might be good for you, but I think you'll just exploit him more and make him even more deeply unhappy.

How about you stop making people unhappy, and just suck off any incels that could use a good sucking off instead?

>> No.14157685

Have children roastie

>> No.14157686

I just bought the top (8710 USDT) like an absolute nigger after watch it go up all day. Then it immediately crashes.

Fuck me.

>> No.14157747
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I did even worse. Last night I sold off the remainder of my monero stack at the absolute bottom. Now look where it is, at 4% gains it's the biggest gainer today.

>> No.14157760

Rolling for myself

>> No.14158019


Why do people want a gf? Or are these highschoolers which is the only time in life having a gf is some kind of status symbol.

>> No.14158696

This is an incel board. Get out.

>> No.14158708
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based romano ate ass to save crypto

>> No.14158710

You're looking for >>>/r9k/ faggot

>> No.14158712

does this ugly incel not know that there's chad millionaires? unless you're a billionaire thots are just gonna go for the good looking rich guy instead of the ugly awkward one.

>> No.14158716
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>> No.14158721

girl here btw ill be ur gf for just 2 btc ;)
anyone interested? ;)

>> No.14158724

NIce larp faggot

>> No.14158733
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what if one of them already earned 10 times the wealth the social man will in his lifetime

>> No.14158734

If you post here it means you're an ugly roastie so no ty

>> No.14158743

Most likely. The average anon on this board must be between 18-25. You can tell by the superficial point of views

>> No.14158745
File: 464 KB, 540x960, 1512974668190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oki ;(

>> No.14158753


>> No.14158763

Not 2 BTC but I'd give you 1 ETH

>> No.14158764

>Waste 2 BTC on a rostie
All women are whores

>> No.14158774

i'll talk with you on skype for 3 hours for 1 ETH

>> No.14158804


please anons don't be that desperate

>> No.14158822

>that opshop sweater

leftard poorfag roastie confirmed

>> No.14158828

I'll fuck the living shit out of you but you give me 1 ETH, deal?

>> No.14158854
File: 37 KB, 708x480, 1552878649122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no qt newfag redhead attentionwhore /biz/ gf
hold me bros.....

>> No.14158858

you don't need her fren, you have us.

>> No.14158863
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Himouto! Umaru-chan R - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_04.42_[2017.11.12_19.02.43].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wizard in 3.5 months
Chainlink please

>> No.14158874

Wizard is at 33 y/o?

>> No.14158916

romano is a known crypto twitter aspie that regularly spergs out
the only females he interacts with are prostitutes

>> No.14158933


>> No.14158960

Pls be in london

>> No.14158963

Oh shit just 3.5 more years for me.

>> No.14159020
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m-me too
it always felt so far away, but now it's just around the corner

>> No.14159117

Do you guys feel the rope more and more every day? I'm 25 and "making it" in comparison to my peers but I just can't buy into the meme that life "truly begins at 30" for us, and every day that I get closer to 30 is a day closer to killing myself. I've had long term girlfriends, bought hookers for nights on end, fucked my brain with every drug under the sun, gotten fit as fuck, captained my team in footy, travelled half the world and still don't feel 'fulfilled' or have any relief about aging. The pleb in me is even considering going back to wagecucking just to pass time or even, god forbid, having kids. I know this is all materialistic, but I've been meditating for 5 years already and can find 'inner peace' in the moment but still not in regards to being a geriatric.

>> No.14159130


sharpie in pooper

>> No.14159132
File: 36 KB, 480x360, TitsGTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women Here
okay pajeet

>> No.14159141

Trips say I win at life.

>> No.14159160

No, but I’ll give you 0.01 btc for a blow job.

>> No.14159163

then go and try to solve it, you dont have anything better to do anyways. Might aswell go through medschool at your own leisurely pace and start researching how you can not die as a hobby.

>> No.14159178


Send Skype i'll pay you 1000 LINK for a full day

>> No.14159180

There are no women on /biz/ anymore. They all left when the big crash of 2018 got more attention than them, and all normies eventually left leaving only assexuals behind
Prove me wrong with a pic of yourself with timestamp of today

>> No.14159205

>Do you guys feel the rope more and more every day?
Personally no. You seem to have no overarching goal in life. Either get one or have sex (for the purpose of reproduction), it's not an overarching goal but might as well be, as it'll waste a few decades of your life, leave your existential dread for future you. Who knows you might actually like it.

Or do this but you sound like a brainlet so maybe not.

>> No.14159211


i'm serious btw

>> No.14159255
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>> No.14159358

Pathetic and will never make it in life

>> No.14159555

non-white kid eats the ass of someone getting dicked down for a living. really based