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14156846 No.14156846 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys. I'm new to 4chan and this is actually my first OP post after lurking for four days.

Anyway, this whole FATF thing has me really upset, and I just want to vent about it. I'm a history major and it just seems like every time the lower class anywhere has tried moving up in society an unknown group has rushed in to stop them. They're like some socialist-style elite controlling all the banks and the media organizations. They act in unison only supporting their group while crushing outsiders and pitting society against itself. It's like they're shadow brokers who rely on usury and malicious nepotism in order to infiltrate civilizations and destroy them from within.

Anyway, my question is who are these people really and how do we end them once and for all? I think maybe the Catholic church is behind this or maybe illegal immigrants.

>> No.14156859
File: 47 KB, 832x1000, 791A0F29-BBBC-4C86-BC04-C00B4F5E9B20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20 years of Illuminati research here
It’s the jews

>> No.14156905

Seriously dude? I want to talk about the NWO and not read some random antisemitism. That was seriously uncalled for and you're a disgusting person.

>> No.14157069
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>> No.14157087

What is wrong with you people?

>> No.14157111

>history major
>new here, obviously not in BTC or LINK
never gonna make it

>> No.14157130
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I'll take the bait. You're honestly this close to the answer but haven't figured it out? Sure not all yids are evil. (Bobby Fisher among others) but Zionists are who you're looking for

>> No.14157133
File: 475 KB, 1080x1020, 3C9CEB19-50C6-495F-AEE8-EABA518F35A4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seriously dude? I want to talk about the NWO and not read some random antisemitism. That was seriously uncalled for and you're a disgusting person.

>> No.14157135

You are a faggot beacuse you are OP

>> No.14157146

>catholic church
He's not wrong

>> No.14157205

I just wanted to talk about restricting illegal immigration. I wasn't a big fan of the wall, but if it can keep out the NWO, then it has to be done. We have to support our allies and restore America.

Anyway, I was warned about engaging with you people and I should have listened. I've had enough. How do I delete my OP post and lock this comment chain? It has gotten way too toxic.

>> No.14157224

Thank you. It's my belief that Catholic mission trips have allowed illegal immigrants to infiltrate the ranks of the Church. It makes sense when you think about it. America has a large Christian population and that's where the undocumented could gain the most power. Nobody would suspect a thing.

>> No.14157257


OP is more off course than the Roswell crash.

>> No.14157300

Come and get it normies! Fresh larp pasta. Get it whiles it’s hot!

>> No.14157310

honestly? it’s the rich. and israel is rich. all the rich guys look out for each other, giving handouts to themselves and their corporations while taking from us.

there’s a lot to unpack tho. wrt immigration, especially. look at how s america is n america’s slave labor camp. how did that get to be the case? are we really surprised about all the illegal immigration happening? do you blame slaves for escaping to free northern states in the US?

why do you think stopping immigration is going to help? and the only way to stop immigration is to give up our slaves which the rich sure as hell will not do.

>> No.14157370

I don't think it's necessarily the rich because a lot of illegal immigrants don't come here with much wealth. Not to stereotype, but they're mostly coming here from Hispanic countries and not places like Israel.

We actually need to support our real allies like Europe and Israel if we want to restore America and fight the NWO. Remember WW2? We destroyed the NWO (the Nazis) in one blow. Why can't the world band together and do that again? There is no left or right. There is only Americans, and we need to crush the undocumented NWO just like we crushed Hitler's NWO 70 years ago.

>> No.14157453

You come here seeking truth and run away when the answer is unconfortable.

>> No.14157483

Is this some low effort larp? Or are you one of the rare lower class kikes cast down by his foul brethren? It could be the brainwashing of the history major, too...

>> No.14157537

>How do I delete my OP post and lock this comment chain?
PM me.

>> No.14157549
File: 245 KB, 1084x930, savimbi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14157585

>history major

>> No.14157619

>blames catholic church for oppressing society, yet offended when someone suggests it was actually jews, a group known for prowess in finance and banking
>thinks mexicans are behind illuminati and NWO

btw to answer your question, it's actually the rothschild family and bilderberg group

>> No.14157737

I don't see where to do that. I see the options to "Report Post" and "Hide Post". Can you PM me first so I can understand how it works?

You fascist idiots are really getting on my nerves. How the hell is it the Jews when the Nazis stole all their wealth in WW2? I read on Wikipedia a while back that the Jews have been expelled from 109 countries throughout history. If the NWO has it out for anyone, it seems like it's the Jews. I won't do it because I read it is against the rules to announce reports, but you really need to be banned.

>> No.14157817

worst LARP yet, gave it away in the first fucking post