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1415607 No.1415607 [Reply] [Original]

I dont want to go college, is a fucking scam.
I'm 18 y/o and have ambition, but nothing else.
¿How can I make some decent money and avoid wageslavery? That shit aint life.

>> No.1415611

There's no easy rides in life man.

College isn't a scam, it's a good path for a guaranteed and comfortable life.

>> No.1415633

Become a wagecuck to achieve self-sufficiency. Pick a career with high earning potential. Don't settle on one until you have a year of living expenses in the bank; it's good to have a rock-solid emergency fund in the bank, and you'll want to do plenty of research. Acquire any requisite training/licensing. Seek employment.

Boilerplate career suggestions include accounting, air traffic control, sales, IT systems management, marketing, engineering, and medicine. College isn't a scam if you're smart about it and use it to launch a career in these fields.

If you're adamant that university isn't for you, pursue training and certification in a trade of your choice (depending on your location, I'd recommend welding, heating, or electrical), put in time with a good company to build experience, capital, and connections, then start a sole proprietorship, growing it along the way.

>> No.1415641

This desu.

Going to college then getting a stable, skilled career like Accountant or something is probably one of the easiest, most beaten and simplest paths to getting to a 6-figure salary. It's not that exciting and kind of lame at times but starting a business is even harder and more uncertain than college or such a career.

>> No.1415643

When I was 18 years old, I thought college was a scam. When I turned 19, I realized I fell for the "drop out of college" meme.

Do not underestimate the power of the paper. Realize that your application or resume will be thrown straight into the trash bin by most places if you don't have that college education.

>> No.1415654

But you say you don't want to work at a job, is that correct? cause that's what I'm reading "wageslavery" as.
If so, you better figure out your plan quick. You're gonna have to pay bills pretty soon and not having a job is just not gonna cut it.
I don't know, get a YouTube career. Get on Fiverr. Get on Craiglist, I don't know. Figure it out; DO SOMETHING.

>> No.1415655

Accounting is easiest its ever been tbqh, you don't have to be a math genius to succeed in it. The spreadsheets, accounting software, etc do all the math for you anyways.

>> No.1415661

>you don't have to be a math genius to succeed in it

Well obviously, there's nearly nothing to which math directly applies in any field except civil engineering or something really but it is monotonous and pretty boring to learn and remember everything.

I did say it was one of the easiest as well

>> No.1415662

i didnt mention i cant into math, i feel for the "humanities" meme at like 14

>> No.1415683

>That shit aint life
Maybe, but for most people, it's easier than striking out on their own (and possibly failing).

>> No.1415685

>I don't wanna work please wave a magic wand over my life over the Internet


>> No.1415690

I'm going to start working next week but i need to know how to make that money grow you know what i mean, and I dont want to sell weed

>> No.1415691

>I don't know, get a YouTube career. Get on Fiverr. Get on Craiglist, I don't know. Figure it out; DO SOMETHING.

>> No.1415703

There's no secrets in life man.

You're either taking the "easy" and beaten path of college, or, in your case you don't want to. So that means you're going to work 5x as hard in the real word to do your own thing regardless of what it is.

If you thought by "not falling for the scam of college" you thought you'd be sitting at home relaxing for 4 years while the "idiots" studied you're dead wrong. Decide what you want to do and start. Do it all day long ,every single day until you succeed, occasionally step back and reassess your efforts if you're applying them correctly, then go right back at it.

>> No.1415704

If you wanna be a lazy piece of shit and spin $400 into gold without growing up like the rest of us, weed's your best bet. I get the sense that you're one of the kids who has a vague sense of finance and want to "get rich on the stock market" or whatever the stock phrase for magically getting rich via finance is now. Shit doesn't work that way. You cultivate wealth by maximizing your earning potential and saving intelligently.

>> No.1415707

There's effectively Three ways of making money

Being highly skilled - Working hard - Doing illegal shit

>> No.1415721

you get rich by buying a few ETC and watching it moon

>> No.1415745

You can start suking some dick in your local backpage

>> No.1416091

Go to college and pick a proper STEM major if you have the means to make the investment. Dont do something stupid like take out loans for tens of thousands going on a hundred thousand. Skip out on it if you arent getting scholarships, or go to a Community College and switch over to a Uni in state to complete a STEM degree in the last two years, preferably on scholarship.

If you cant do that, pick up a wageslave job and climb the ladder by working harder than your peers. It is definitely worthwhile to work these kinds of jobs, or even go to a trade school and then become something like an electrician or work for a gas company.

>> No.1416274

Its alright OP. You have nothing to offer the world, and thats fine.
>op think he's special because he has "ambition"
Ambition means nothing without action.

>> No.1416296

You don't have to go to college. If you want to make it big, start creating businesses and do it now.

Your first few will fail, guaranteed, but if you can stick with it, you may make it big after years of hard labour

Good luck!

>> No.1416328

What ambitions?
Everyone has ambitions.
OP is a fag.

This is the internet, you can figure out ANYTHING you want and how to do it. If there isn't a page on it yet, you figure it out.

>> No.1416427

>that means you're going to work 5x as hard in the real word to do your own thing
I don't think most people starting out understand this.
In effect, those who opt for wage jobs are trading their autonomy for steady income. Especially when it comes to civil service jobs, where it's almost impossible to get fired.

>> No.1416457
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>College isn't a scam, it's a good path for a guaranteed and comfortable life.

Easily one of the best memes ever.

>> No.1416462

>college is a scam
>help how do I make money now?
Not sure if I should lmao @ your life or at american education in general.

>> No.1416503

Pick up a construction trade and make $50+ an hour

>> No.1416512

I want to eventually start a business, and thinking of doing accounting in college. This is obv down the line after I build up a lot of money to start it up but would Accounting be a decent major for that?

>> No.1416539

Op dont listen to this fools, they approach everything from the wrong angle. See, your most valuable asset is your life, every conscious minute you own. What use will be all the money if you traded away your youth + your health for it? Instead, ask yourself what you would like to do if you had all the money in the world, then proceed to do it.

>> No.1416542

unless you're not a super genius by 18 aka redefining the science and math market then obviously you have to do it the hard way

>> No.1416956

>This is obv down the line after I build up a lot of money to start it up but would Accounting be a decent major for that?

Yes! Accounting is great stable money (You can lose your finance job in a downturn but not accounting), and Accounting is the backbone of any business. In fact, many people have accounting backgrounds, it really helps with starting a business

>> No.1416960

>I don't think most people starting out understand this.

I think when people call college a scam they imagine themselves relaxing at home while the fools study in college, or just "starting a business" as if it's easy and the vast majority of them don't fail horribly.

If you want to stand out from the crowd and go your own way it will be much harder

>> No.1416969

>Go military
>Get TS/SCI clearance
>Get comfy job as contractor

>> No.1416995

actually college gives you a few years extra when you can decide what you are going to do with your life. and if in the end you will not start your own biz, you will still have a nice degree

>> No.1417041
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Trade trade trade.

Not it is not a meme. The real waste is 4 years of your life down the drain getting drunk, chasing pussy, and listening to hippies in cargo shorts teach you about a life they have no experience in.

Just go trade, and learn everything you can about business on the side: read, learn from family/friends, take a couple business courses at a community college, get a mentor if you can!!!!

Then the moment you have the guts, form an LLC and go your own way. As a decent electrician or plumber you could be making $100k+ Before you are 25 years old.

I'm the tile guy, maybe you've seen my other shit in other threads. I make about $100 an hour. But that's because it's MY company. If I were laying tile for someone else they'd be working me 40 - 50 hrs a week @ $15/hr (pretax).

I work about 20 hr work weeks. Life is good. Trades aren't a meme if you learn your shit, then start your own as fast as you can.

Don't be another man's bitch. This kills the man.

>> No.1417044


> guaranteed

What planet you been living on bro?

>> No.1417057

It is one of the most guaranteed of all options.

Get a good major and you're pretty promised $50-60k/yr with room to hit $80-100 in several years

>> No.1417065

>If you want to stand out from the crowd and go your own way it will be much harder
Just like the market.
If it was easy, or cheap, everyone would be doing it.

>> No.1417073

I have a math/econ dual major. Graduated cum laude. Working minimum wage. No guarantees in life, man.

>> No.1417218
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Perhaps it wouldn't be a scam if you didn't pick social sciences

But I'm in MechEng and make well over than what you do because I'm not a fucking idiot.

>> No.1417223
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So I wouldn't know though.

>> No.1417230
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>a guaranteed and comfortable life

fuckin KEK

>> No.1417326

Learn to code. Not just learn it, but put your heart and soul and all your effort into it. After a couple months you might be able to earn a few hundred bucks a month off of some simple apps/websites, but don't hope for much. Keep working hard as fuck and build an impressive portfolio. Gain breadth by becoming proficient in the most common languages and then gain deep domain expertise by picking a niche and focusing all your energy into it. You need to become 'the big dick in town' in your chosen niche. This will take months and most likely years.

Eventually you can start offering consulting services, and if you really are one of the best in your city in a narrow-but-not-too-narrow field of programming you can charge ridiculous prices. I know a guy who literally will not charge any less than $25k per WEEK for his services, and you know what? They pay him. They pay him every time, because he's one of the best. So keep taking on clients, keep building your portfolio and keep raising your fee.

It is not at all unreasonable to assume you can work your way up to $100k - $1M per year if you're decently smart with an insane work ethic and ambition, which you said you had. Notice however, how the first part of this process; the part where you're learning a lot but don't know enough to be able to offer anything of real value, could be replaced by just saying "go to college". That way you won't have to worry too much about your work not paying off at the start and you'll also be networking.

College isn't a bad idea if you're picking a good major and if you actually spend the time in college trying to become one of the best. I know you said you don't want to go to college, and thats fine, but make sure that you're rejecting it for the right reasons.

Obviously disregard all of this if you're a fuckwit, lazy or if you absolutely hate using logic to problem solve and the idea of being a programmer repulses you.