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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14153251 No.14153251 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on tattoos and modern day business? Can a person get a job with them in your job/industry? What are the limitations?

>> No.14153258

Majority of millenials have tattoos. Its pretty normie tier. I dont see much discrimination unless its on your face. That said, id never get one.

>> No.14153265

tattoos are for blue-collar degenerates

>> No.14153281

Got mine removed. Saw the true degeneracy after I started redpilling myself

>> No.14153282
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>Not working from home

>> No.14153284 [DELETED] 
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quintessential normal faggotry tier

>> No.14153286

Spotted the boomers

Almost every millennial has one tattoo, prob 85%. Also most Millennials are college graduates so hurr durr

>> No.14153299

Am dentist, have sleeves, just dont be a retard about showing them. Cover them up while working

>> No.14153310

Yikes tattoos are bad enough but sleeves? Cringe

>> No.14153333

how familia

>> No.14153340

Got them 11 years ago, should have put money into stonks. Such is life

>> No.14153369

I started getting mine removed but honestly the aftercare process was a bitch. I'm looking for somewhere that has a better laser than this "Q! one that everywhere uses. I fucking hate my tats

>> No.14153374

If you choose tattoos, you always lose

>> No.14153380
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Non-natural colored hair, like pink or blue, is worse these days imo. Dead giveaway that person is probably annoying and difficult to work with.

>> No.14154236

i took the blackpill , tattoos dont matter nothing matters

>> No.14154448

unless its from armed forces, no!

>> No.14154624


All tattoos indicate the same thing, that a person is self absorbed and that they think they are a special snowflake.

That's the last type of personality that a company wants to hire.

>> No.14154683

Military, police, fire.

Unless its cringy.

>> No.14154741

This is truth. But not possible for most to accept. Also, you can get actually enjoy simple shit more when you stop giving a fuck.