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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14151233 No.14151233 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to create a normie friendly chainlink Facebook page to educate the lower IQ people on what LINK does. Do you guys have any advice on making and growing Facebook pages?

After looking at WhaleKillers thread, I now realise that whatever we say, some of the most autistic and pathetic anons here will always be fudding; even to the detriment of the project. The only way to counteract is to shill effectively.

>> No.14151254

post link so i'll report and spam it with my bots

>> No.14151272

Checkkked buut whatever you post on there will be fudded by a load of assholes, sorry Anon

>> No.14151284

Already have reported under fake news, scam category. Enjoy your ban

>> No.14151304

dont fucking tell normies.
i hope this is b8, op, otherwise kys.

>> No.14151312


this is all you need to study

>> No.14151322

Yeah I know, don't care though. If they get it banned I'll just keep making new ones. These down syndromed cretins are actively keeping us down.

>> No.14151324

send my a link buddy, i'm gonna post some chainlink nazi memes xD

>> No.14151325

just spam nazi memes and FUD

>> No.14151332
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>> No.14151355
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Remember, only non white are FUDing at this point. White men are shilling.

>> No.14151372

>to educate the lower IQ people on what LINK does
Hahaha good luck
"Here, watch these 4 hours of mumbling about SGX and defence in depth. Also, read these 8 articles someone you never heard of wrote about smart contracts back in 1997"

>> No.14151380
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Everyone knows alt right fuckwits roam twitter, no one cares. Everyone just ignores. No company is gonna take one reply to Sergey's post with a nazi meme serious. Fuck off Ranjeesh.

>> No.14151388
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good call, thanks for braving the cesspit of faceberg

>> No.14151389

Best of luck to you fren

Facebook isn't reddit or 4chan. You can actually delete FUD posts and report people for being "toxic".

>> No.14151396

>he can't describe chainlink in an understandable manner
You don't understand it yourself

>> No.14151401






>> No.14151408

Lol go and try. I'll be there to moderate everything and if by some miracle you do get it banned, I'm gonna have my infographics template ready for the next page. I'll probably even pay for advertising too.

>> No.14151409
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>Remember, only non white are FUDing at this point. White men are shilling.
looks like they don't have their:

>> No.14151416
File: 36 KB, 658x167, Pajeet shits on the blockchain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck this is actually a good point. Facebook shilling may be the way to spread Link awareness, and all we have to do is delete autistic FUDposts by poverty monkeys.

>> No.14151427

Viral Marketing Savant anon here, made dozens of famous social media entities and popularized some of your favorite in house memes in the last years. Drop some Link or Ether and give me a contact in the memo, i'm going to sleep now but i am all in balls deep


>> No.14151433

Checked. Go for it.

>> No.14151439

Adelyn, it's not funny and should have been done at least 1 year ago

>> No.14151445
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beauty pic
imagine thinking (((((((anti-semetism))))) is FUD
>kvetching intensifies

>> No.14151449

i'll pay ads to fud it you negroide

>> No.14151454



I feel like helping you out with this. Only I know nothing about facebook layout as I never used it myself. Still I want to contribute to Link's takeoff.

>> No.14151457





1keoy is fud

>> No.14151461

You can also report shill groups and say you'll report it to financial authorities and Facebook will close the group while they investigate. It goes both ways lmao

>> No.14151463

Exactly. These cockroaches need to be taught their place lol.

>> No.14151475
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2 years to get their ducks in a row
the tears and absolute no-linker cope and seething is just getting started
you guys think this is bad?
lol just wait until next year...

>> No.14151483

i'll do the opposite

just with 4x more money and time

you cant win, and you should thank me, you gonna have more time to accumulate

>> No.14151486


OP please take this guys advice and seek marketting help. Also make sure you have tons of memes. Normies love that shit, and that's how /pol/ spreads so much of it's ideas through memes. We need tons of Link shill memes. I guess we already have a lot but I am worried normies will think Apu is Pepe.

>> No.14151504

You are terrible. This doesn't help us.

>> No.14151506


And get sued for defamation you dumb poverty ape.

>> No.14151513

You'll have to explain it to them like this
>You heard of bitcoin? Bitcoin is magic internet money that you can send to anyone online!
>This magic internet money has a technology called "blockchain". Its a magical online record of transactions!
>Blockchain cannot magically retrieve information on the outside world
>So now we have an oracle! It magically retrieves information and sends it to a blockchain!

maybe then these retards have just a chance in understanding it.

>> No.14151516
File: 1.84 MB, 2000x2000, shoo shoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw poor pajeets with pathetic link stacks begin kvetching
>pic related

>> No.14151527


Why would we want to help a third worlder like you?

>> No.14151533

Do you think I should go for a meme/info mixture or just go for a full on professional info approach?

>> No.14151541



lol, you never used facebook ads, right?

>> No.14151542

those digits
you are the chosen one, go forth and spread the good word

>> No.14151550

Great, then you will show yourself and will be doxed, remember facebook is the site where you giving your indentify and from that it is easier to hunt you discord tranny

>> No.14151561

>the ombudsman of the poverty monkeys speaks

>> No.14151587

I don't give a fuck what you say bro. The time for fudding is over and if you and your 75 IQ buddies want to keep sabotaging this project then we'll just respond in kind.

>> No.14151591


Maybe have 2 pages, one with meme info mixture for the 80-100 IQ audience. Then a more professional one for 100-120 IQ audience with a bit less memes (but still some memes) and more in depth info.

>> No.14151595

I'm not a third worlder you newfag.
Link isn't some pump and dump scheme.
You're the one acting like a pajeet.
Even anons with >100k link still want to accumulate more.
Link will go to >1k without you being a faggot.
If anything Raj, you're trying to get link to be a pump and dump.

>> No.14151603




this is the threat you offer? kek

>> No.14151644

Shitlinkers confirmed for total aspies itt

>> No.14151647


Pathetic. I've been holding since September 2017. Absolutely no one from Pre SIBOS feels like FUDing anymore Ranjeesh.

Go calm your apebeast friends down and let the white men handle it from here on out, okay.

>> No.14151658

I'm not fudding I'm just saying don't shill it yet. Do ypu niggers hate money? Right now you can buy a future $1mm for $1.5k
how are you so retarded that you want to sabotage that?
Link will go to the moon regardless.
Why are you niggers so poor you need it to jump right now?
Stop acting like pajeets.

>> No.14151700

No you haven't but I have.
And I literally didn't say Fud it. All I said was don't shill it.
If you want to shill it to anyone shill it to you family.
You're the pajeet here who has to make it pump a little more overnight.

>> No.14151701

>Do ypu niggers hate money

DO YOU? Because you are trying to sabotage the fucking products launch. This isn't pre mainnet speculation games you fucking monkey. This IS THE FUCKING ADOPTION PHASE.

You do not fucking sabotage this you fucking chimp. Shut the fuck up if you wish, but do not spread FUD from now on. Let Sergey pump this up with news and announcements, and let longtime oldfag linkies finally spread the word. We've been holding this for 2 years already you faggot. We had patience.

>> No.14151706

Screamed the desperate pajeet

>> No.14151707

>The time for fudding is over
Umm... how about no sweetie?

>> No.14151727

where did you first buy link in September?

>> No.14151757

He wasn't asking if you were an anal virgin

>> No.14151760

It is impossible and therefore pointless to reason with people that have your mindset. Go forth and act accordingly to your nature, we'll do what needs to be done.

>> No.14151766

t. Illiterate nigger. I didn't say FUD you fucking grug.
I am against fudding.
Right now I think shilling to family and friends and white people you know is the best course.
Why would you want a bunch of nonwhites to make money?

How am I desperate again? I have the patience to wait a little more...

>> No.14151801


Binance, the hour it listed. I saw it on ED but there was a lot of ED FUD at the time and someone lost his whole stack opening up a wrong Link, so I wasn't going to bother on ED. Literally got in on Binance before the first 1H candle was even completed.

>> No.14151802

EtherDelta newfag

>> No.14151825


Fine, don't shill and don't fud then. Just chill.

But don't get mad when others want to Shill. Chill or Shill alright.

>> No.14151844

>whatever we say, some of the most autistic and pathetic anons here will always be fudding


Create it on facebook because on reddit these fuckers will downvote you, they are autists and don't want reddittors to get rich (who fucking cares, lol?)

I have respect for biz because it found out Chaninlink, but enough is enough




>> No.14151887
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Yeah bro normalfags buying scraps with their grocery change will really help adoption
Especially redditors and normiebook users, known for their tech expertise and their iron hands

>> No.14151888

Nigger if you want to shill. Take care of your friends and family first.
Shill to white people you know.
You niggers are so fragile you can't handle someone saying you should chill for a bit.
I've been chilling and accumulating and I haven't fudded since before mainnet >>14151760
>chainlink needs you to moon
Really nigga?
Start with your friends and family and white people you know.

>> No.14151954


I've already done that retard. I've gotten my brother to buy in, and trying to get other family and friends to buy in too. They'd rather fall for boomerrocks though. Though my uncle now checks Link price daily on his phone even though he didn't buy any. I wonder if he regrets not taking my advice when it was fucking 20 cents. Oh well he has dividend stocks.

>> No.14151977

Broadcasting your affiliation to Chainlink on Facebook seems pretty dumb to me. If you’re not brand new you’re going to be filthy rich. Are you sure you want all those people knowing?

>> No.14152054

You do realise you can make pages with admins that have fake names right?

>> No.14152069

Get ypur family to first. Explain to them you were right at 20 cents, you were right at 40 cents, you were right at 1 dollar and you gonna be right at 20,40and 1000 dollars..
Your uncle is close to fomo anyway work on getting your whole family to buy in even if it is only a 100 link stack.
With that same reasoning I got my brother to get a 1k stack back when it dipped to a dollar.

Get all the people you care about to buy at least 100link and also white friends and acquaintances.

>> No.14152072

Fair enough. I don’t use Facebook at all, just don’t be careless.

>> No.14152082

>scam family into buying scam coin that russian founders hold most of the supply
wow thats some low shit

>> No.14152091

>implying you don't hodl.

>> No.14152109


Mate I've been trying. I shill this shit all the time at them, some started getting annoyed. I got my brother to get a 1k suicide stack, and my other brother keeps saying he will buy in when he "gets the time" but he never ends up doing it. Trying to get my dad to buy in but he "just doesn't have the spare money right now". Fucking hell. It's infuriating.

Been shilling them all 2018.

>> No.14152113
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>having a facebook account

>> No.14152150

Checked. Try to include the importance of the token at all times, give scenarios of how much volume could go through LINK, how staking makes passive income, etc. Other than that just recycle Sergeys talks, they are very introductory but they lack token shilling.

>> No.14152372

You gotta be a salesman. Explain to your Dad and the rest that you think this is the next bitcoin.
Tell them you think it will go to 1000s of dollars.
If they're doing alright try to get them to buy 1k.
If money is tight. Try to get them to buy 100 links.
Show them the Google announcement and say look if I am right 100link will be worth 100k dollars, if I'm wrong the absolute worst case scenario is you lost 160 bucks and even if I am wrong or only somewhat right you will make money.
I don't have faceberg

>> No.14152451


You're right I can use Google now, I couldn't do that before, I guess it will be much easier to shill at this point. Still, $1.60 buy in will suck.

Some of my family are also in the mindset that $100 is not even worth investing. They either want to go big or not at all, but they don't have the spare cash for "this blockchain thingy" at the moment. Trying to shill my grandparents too, a few months back they were about to sell their Gold, and Link was between 20-30 cents. I was fucking ecstatic, could have bought 100k fucking easy. I told them even if they just put like 10% of the gold profits into Link it will give great returns. But then Gold started shooting up and they decided not to sell. Now they are very happy and boasting about these boomer rocks when Link has basically been dabbing on Gold's gains the entire time. I don't get why they wont just FOMO in. They know it went from 20 cents to over a dollar. I don't know why they are so satisfied with boomer rocks or some dividend stocks that don't even pay out that much.

>> No.14152537

Programming and human nature. They have to think part of it is their idea.
I'd say talk them into a suicide stack and off to buy it from them if it fails.
Get them to buy 1k each tell them if you're right that 1k will be 1 million.

>> No.14152552

And 1.60 buy in is still cheap af. I mean would you feel bad about buying btc at 1.60

>> No.14152713


If I say it will be a million they will think it's an instant get rich quick scam and just laugh me off. Though maybe now with Google I could try to tell them $100 isn't unreasonable. I've already mentioned derivatives but they didn't buy it without evidence.

>> No.14152759

Show them how eth and btc exploded.
Tell them if you are right it will go to 100s if not 1000s in a few years time.
I mean aren't you up 850% on you investment?
Work on them be patient and intelligent.
Have you shown them the MIT article, Bill Gates foundation mention etc?

>> No.14152811

100 dollars keks

>> No.14152860


>> No.14152872

stay there and don't come back

>> No.14152874

www.iftf.org Food_Futures_Lab IFT...PDF
Web results
Good Food is Good Business - Institute for the Future



>> No.14153095


Yeah I will show them this. But it can be like talking to a brick wall sometimes, I've directly told them I 7x'd already last time I saw my Dad and Uncle, they congratulated me but didn't want to buy in themselves and my uncle said he's still skeptical on Bitcoin and Blockchain and smart contracts, although my dad admits "Blockchain is a good investment", he just can't be fucked to get into it himself. I think he's just too lazy to figure out all the finicky tech bits of it. The only one of them who's tech literate and interested is my younger brother with the suicide stack and he wants more but is in uni and is a turbo poorfag. My other brother literally works in big 4 accounting and literally agreed with me during a conversation that smart contracts could replace quite a few jobs at his work, yet doesn't want to invest because it's "too stressful and he'd have to keep watching it" and wants to focus on his job performance. For fucks sake he's got so much disposable income.

God it pisses me off. My family has a chance to get generational wealth and they piss it away. Oh well at least I will make it and my younger brother might possibly make it too.

>> No.14153280

Offer to hold their jand and help them set it up. Theybmay just be lazy and afraid of new things. I had to hold my brothers hand through the process and now he wants to dca in a paycheck.

>> No.14153292

where the fuck do I buy chainlink other than binance?

>> No.14153354

Kraken or gemini probably have link

>> No.14153455

You can bet your unbleached asshole it'll be on Gemini.

>> No.14153468

On a DECENTRALIZED exchange, where you have an actual private key

>> No.14153519


Is Gemini the best exchange out there. I heard they were the only insured exchange aside from Coinbase. Just how legit are they? Do they have bot problems and whale problems or are they super legit?


I would, but I don't see them often. My family is busy, that's the problem. I have to shill them on irregular family get together and catchups.

>> No.14153520

Wait maybe 2 weeks and dont post about it. Dont mention link at all. Normies would be too early to enter still for everyone's good. Start with a "I thought we lived in the future..." page and post wishing for smart contract use cases, without saying the word. Then casual shilling as various posts come true. Pay buzzfeed 5k to qrite a featured article title "this page is tracking the future as it happens, 10 crazy examples", then link

>> No.14153750


I am for this. I would even throw down a few linkies for ads. You can also use Kyber network is another way to get link provided normies can handle using Metamask.

Link will no doubt be on Gemini this year. After Coinbase banned me I have strictly been using gemini for all ETH and BTC purchases.

>> No.14153868

I live on the other side of the world from my family. That's no excuse. Shill on the phone pajeet

>> No.14153904
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The universe will tend to unfold as it should.

>> No.14154016

Kek, shilling to Facebook, nulinkers deserve the rope. You can tell the normies have arrived. I have over 100k stack, I'm comfy and I hope all you nulinkers don't make it. Fuck kikes and niggas.

>> No.14154159

What's pretty funny is you don't understand how this hurts link in the long run

>> No.14154204

He doesn't know about the 7 proxies