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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 38 KB, 1024x1024, Binance-Coin-BNB-icon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14148323 No.14148323 [Reply] [Original]

Binance just fucked the bull rally. Get your money out now. We are going to be crashing hard.

>> No.14148339

All alts will capitulate to btc.

>> No.14148403


> he thinks Americans contribute a significant amount of capital to Binance volume

Hahahahahaha, fuck me cant wait till you Amerifags are out, we won’t have anymore pussy panic sellers fucking up the market.

>> No.14148415
File: 583 KB, 2500x2499, b424b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14148491

>not buying the chinese government approved eth killer
There's a reason Nuls shot up with the news. It'll be $1,000+ this time next year.

>> No.14148497
File: 640 KB, 2048x1319, Screenshot_20190614-133451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans do contribute a lot to Binance.

>> No.14148522

americans love to gamble are you retarded? They are the easiest money you will ever make. When they were removed from online poker it sucked hard.

>> No.14148598

>burger scum politicians in the country where the people's opinions is irrelevant dindu nuffin, it's da chink exchange at fault!

>> No.14148610

America fucking runs the world economy. You little fuckers need us more than we need you.

>> No.14148636

motherfuckers I knew it
Fucking pajeets

>> No.14148675

Sure thing lad, never mind the transcontinental silk belt almost being finished, or the fact that opinions on USA is at an all time low globally (besides some slavic, Japan, Israel and a few African countries).
And when you invade Iran illegally as you did Iraq on Boltons hardon orders, nobody will be able to defend you anymore but Israel.

>> No.14148853

>indians in second place
pajeet meme is real? what the fuck are there actual street shitters shilling shitcoins on here?

>> No.14148871

You are basically admitting without realizing it that Americans are the only ones with enough money to actually move the market in either direction.

>> No.14148885

why do you think we keep asking for fucking flags?

>> No.14148886

Buy other exchange coins like KCS it’s pumping right now

>> No.14148911

And koreans

But regardless. Guys it's simple. Another exchange will take the volume in the US, including the US version binance. Don't know why everyone is panicking.

Sure many ERC20 tokens won't be tradeable until they get to mainnet but that will be a good motivating factor for these projects.

>> No.14148920

we fucking need these apparently god damn, every indian telemarketer faggot is running /biz/ and binance in the background

>> No.14148924

imagine still believe in this in 2019 lol holy shit

>> No.14149022

>besides some slavic, Japan, Israel

Oh, all the based ethnostates. All the other countries hate us because Trump is finally busting their balls and not cucking out like all the previous presidents for decades.

Oh and lol at all the salty eurofags. What do I care what they think about us, they are literally committing cultural suicide as we speak.

>> No.14149406

How cute, he actually thinks his "American exceptionalism" isn't just an inside joke!
>african countries
Burger education at it's finest! Let me guess, african is a single ethnicity and they all speak african and view every African as the same ethnicity as them?
Don't answer, we know the answer.

>> No.14149435

C'mon dummy, they're basically IT: the race, with a lotta poor people going to the internet to get rich quick.
4chan is not one of the get rich quick schemes.

>> No.14149477

Do any countries accept asylum seekers from the USA? We actually don't have that much freedom anymore. Even euros and chinks can trade fake internet money more freely. USA is a meme.

>> No.14149524

This. Time for the real altapocalypse.

>> No.14149614

You guys realize Americans still have many ways to buy alts. Volume will just shift, that's all

>> No.14150014

sirs this is races attitude u hav, india is develop nation now and soon world power, it is stilly for you to have outdaterd belief brothers.

>> No.14150097

African nations/cultures are like shitcoins. One or two might be a decent idea (Zambia) but so many are garbage that the whole area is hardly worth thinking about.

>> No.14150137

Vanguard Total world ETF, look at the market caps. US is over 50%, then it gets down to single digits. He’s right

>> No.14150224


>> No.14150666
File: 156 KB, 600x600, 1518551709540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see >>14148497
what the fuck is wrong with europoors? whole markets about to be justed but you're happy because of your mentally ill obsession with a country across the sea