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File: 394 KB, 543x498, 1556564221184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14144337 No.14144337 [Reply] [Original]

Typical freedom lovers.
>Binance.com won't be availabe in 90 days
>Binance.us will serve Us residents
>Amerifags think crypto will tank
>Amerifags forgets there's a world outside of the US. AS FUCKING USUAL

>> No.14144349

Rest of the world is poorfags

>> No.14144355



>> No.14144357
File: 8 KB, 251x242, 1554317060067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American detected

>> No.14144361

Binance.us will likely have limited coins.

>> No.14144363

US is a poorfag country pretending to be rich

>> No.14144365
File: 107 KB, 645x1000, 1560326851433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's a world outside of the US.

>> No.14144369

There are more american binance users than every other country combined niglet

>> No.14144388
File: 290 KB, 2000x1334, white-trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans are rich
You know this is a fucking lie when white trash is idolized in your country

>> No.14144390
File: 32 KB, 817x891, 1515712639812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's a world outside of the US.

>> No.14144394

Every single european could die tomorrow and 99.9% of Americans would have no emotional response to it. Why do you constantly expect us to think or care about you in any way?

>> No.14144400

That's true for every country with a lot of jews

>> No.14144407

Yeah I already know amerifags are vile people
I'm just saying that thinking crypto will die because Binance.COM will be blocked is retarted

>> No.14144414

in my country fat people are considered very rich

>> No.14144463
File: 154 KB, 1054x698, nigger btfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Us niggers are the richest people on earth then.

>> No.14144486

they don't work but still have a comfy life. I consider them very rich.

>> No.14144523

always wanted to know the source of this pic.

>> No.14144542 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 565x428, trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14144553

I live in NYC and have never seen these fat fucks before in my life. I also earn $250k/yr which is borderline poorfag but still probably 10x what your broke ass earns.

>> No.14144567


Just search for Little Caprice. She's got a lot of content, but you will eventually find that video/gallery. It's her getting fucked.

>> No.14144593

So you’re in the top 1%. The median wage in America is about $30k/year and you make almost 10x that.

>> No.14144603
File: 41 KB, 565x428, trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fly-over states
YOU'RE MISSING MY POINT which is that crypto will not die when you can't trade your shitcoins on Binance.com anymore

>> No.14144618

He also lives in one of the most expensive cities in the world. He probably has a 500 sq./ft condo and pays $2k a month in condo fees.
250k/yr and still broke. My fucking sides

>> No.14144630

everyone outside the USA is poor. USD is the only thing that gives anything value, because we will nuke your country to hell and control all the oil

>> No.14144684
File: 52 KB, 550x550, fddb954be8f6737d6c06ea880c77c80c--walmart-shoppers-walmart-people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...And you'll still be a debt slave to your corrupt (((central bank)))

>> No.14144825

>who cares about debt when:
>having 12 aircraftcarrier fleets
>shitton of fighterjets
>huuuuuuge standing military
>2k+ nukes
>civilians can buy up to cal .50 rifles
>can shout USA USA all day long holding such rifles
>a President memed into office who makes everyone else in the world dance at his commands

>> No.14145000
File: 144 KB, 392x324, 372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>praising his captors
Imagine being THIS deluded
Fact of the matter is that muh freedom is taking Binance away from you. Americans are grouped with Iran, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, etc in their limits to Binance.
Americans are fucking DELUDED. Your captors are trying to take away your ability to make it. AND YOU PRAISE THEM.

>> No.14145347

>Wants uncontrolled funding of terrorism through anarcho-capitalism.
As a German i kinda agree to the captors thing, regarding 2 WWs. Nevertheless, merica is kinda cool. And we're going full apeshit now, whatever, I've never used Binance and wont do it because lemmings, and some avoid lemmings.

>> No.14145376

Sweet Christ look at the toilet on that bitch

>> No.14145377

based kraut

>> No.14145468

exactly...americans can forget about most alts now

>> No.14145555

I'm an American, I'm not freaking out at all.

>> No.14145602

Checked, powerful digits. I'm mostly just upset our government is so fucking retarded.

>> No.14145607

I just want to know where I should move my linkies to and how soon.

>> No.14145636

Even if that was the case he makes enough money to where it doesn’t matter.

>> No.14145644

>Amerifags forgets there's a world outside of the US. AS FUCKING USUAL

Not once we take you over and return to American imperialism!

We will take your resources and rape your women, get ready.

>> No.14145726

Shut up nigger.

>> No.14145750

the absolute STATE of captor-praising debt slaves

>> No.14145797

you have 90 days until you can't trade anymore. You won't be locked out of your wallets after the 90 days.
>Imagine living in the richest country on earth and not being able to read

>> No.14145817

In the span of world history, easily the top 1%

>> No.14145876

(*apart from the following 12,583 things that you are not allowed to do because we say so. Attempting to do any of these things will result in your life being fucked with no chance of defending yourself. If you continue not to comply, you will be declared a threat to the American way of life and shot in sight. God Bless America)

>> No.14146003


US will buy they're crypto on dex.
Only coin that matters in king btc to exit with.
Gives us cheap coins to buy from weak hands in the states, but true players aren't shaking. We stop giving Chang money for fees , save money from said fees, will push developers to get dex done right and quick [which is the way crypto should be traded anyways u idiots]
Watch how fast dex starts to take over crypto scene. That's where the volume will be going.
Prove me wrong 3rdworldies