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14143407 No.14143407 [Reply] [Original]

Buy faggots, regulators, jews and niggers are never going to find where your coins are

>> No.14143437


the FUCK KIKES coin

i love my moneros, almost makes me wish for the IRS to come after me for tax evasion, so i can say FUCK YOU to them

>> No.14143445

If regulation continues like this, Monero has the best chance at flipping bitcoin. It looks extremely undervalued right now given how MUCH Fud the SEC is spreading.

>> No.14143519

anyone with half a brain owns Monero

>> No.14143526

Until they do. It's not even private if you have the resources.

>> No.14143582

those articles that came out and said that a while back were pushed by Zcash shills and (((they))) tried to discredit Monero. (their biggest competition).

Monero is based as fuck
>no dev tax like Zcash
>no trusted setup like Zcash
>no stupid high inflation like Zcash
>actually private by default unlike Zcash

(((they))) want you to think it isnt private

>> No.14143659
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>> No.14143813

Wrong. Anyone with half a brain has dumped this shit awhile ago. The government will find you and arrest you

>> No.14143839

Also, if you check the code there are backdoors which the government is tracking transactions. It’s private on the surface, but you will go to prison for using this and I said in my previous post

>> No.14143848
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holy fuck imagine having a brain and penis that were THIS small, you deserve to stay poor

>> No.14143855

Good luck, I'm behind 7 proxies lol

>> No.14143882

again wrong
what this anon said

>> No.14143883

Have fun in prison being raped by niggers. I’ll be enjoying my wealth and freedom

>> No.14143909

wont be allowed. will be banned from all exchanges. without a fiat on ramp its worthless.

>> No.14143921

Someone gets it. It’ll be worth nothing and people who use it (or have ever used it) will be in prison. Kind of sad actually, people going to prison for internet money

>> No.14143938

and you will never sell it.

>> No.14143994

wow, not only are you a delusional poorfag but you also use unprovoked and miscategorized racism for no reason? I guess given your sad state it's no surprise you have a deluded fantasy that the government is going to come to your rescue and personally eliminate the butthurt caused to you by watching other people get rich while you're too stupid to figure anything out. It's kind of sad

>> No.14144016

>posts article from 2017 implying there has been no progress whatsoever
>posts article that shills zcash
literally what i said here

nobody has been able to break Monero. period.
stop spreading false fud

>> No.14144027

Sure thing pal. I’m going to be laughing so hard when XMR crashes to nothing. Maybe I’ll even give you some money when I see you in the streets living in a cardboard box fresh out of prison

>> No.14144103

If you lived in Brazil like me you wouldn't have to worry about the tax men, they are technologically impaired here

>> No.14144157


Actually i am Brazilian, moved to the US 5y ago

Yes Jorge, Brazil is the dreamland for crypto, you can evade 100% of any income tax there with no fear of getting fucked by (((them)))

>> No.14144182

Yes Ricardão, but i've heard that Germany is even better because they have ZERO % tax on cryptos

>> No.14144190

Brainlet here, but wouldn't it not matter regardless because once you cash out for USD, the IRS will still be SUS of where you got the sudden influx of cash from? Or is it just to avoid trading taxes?

>> No.14144213
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>> No.14144217

Just sell P2P and no problem, you can also withdraw small amounts.
Here the gov will only go after you if you spend over 10k BRL (3K USD) per month.
I don't know how the tax laws works in your country tho, might be similar might me very different

>> No.14144232
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>selling for shitcoin USD

>> No.14144248

Hi shill thanks for exposing yourself

>> No.14144257

What you have on your portifolio Jorge?

Hope you got some link there

i shilled link non stop to a few friends in the motherland, only a few of the morons bought

>> No.14144265

You can’t just say that without proof retard. That’s a hell of a bold claim

>> No.14144272

It’s called making shit up

>> No.14144282

Boomers aren't gonna accept 500 XMR as payment for their private island anon

>> No.14144314

I didn't have money before last month, then i bought Bitcoin and then Bitcoin 2, i've make 14x my ROI and now i have Nano, Monero, Iota and Decred.
I am too late for Link and i don't like Eth tokens.

>> No.14144330

Yeah but their child will after the boomer dies (happening IMMINENTLY)

>> No.14144347

That's a fucking lie. You have to pay taxes for your crypto gains. It's that after holding for a year you don't have to pay taxes. And even then you have to take records of your transactions so that you can proof that your attempt at cashing out isn't taxable.

>> No.14144375

Another day, another Monero thread infected with these falseflagging weirdos claiming that merely holding Monero will get you arrested. They must be on someone's payroll because nobody is actually this stupid.

>> No.14144386

I thought you were recommending that I buy faggots, regulators, jews, and niggers.

>> No.14144410


>> No.14144425

Thanks for explaining for me, i didn't know that.
Still better than here, where you still have to pay like 1/4 on taxes after a year.

>> No.14144432

Just bought an unknown amount of Monero. See you guys at 5k.

>> No.14144440

Yes goy stay away from Monero and continue buying chinese premined shitcoins

>> No.14144445
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>> No.14144518

I even know where they're coming from

>> No.14144548
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We all know anon, we all know...

>> No.14144699

Just trying to help some NEETs stay out of prison. Once they get sentenced, that’ll be the end of them. No more mommy and her tendies

>> No.14145429

I'm going to sentence you to prison for being a shitposting faggot.

>> No.14145484


For anyone hiding, XMR is a tool not an investment. BTC -> XMR it around -> BTC.

>> No.14145696

Found the neet. It’s okay little guy, don’t be mad