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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1414324 No.1414324 [Reply] [Original]

So my parents fell for the small business meme a year ago (much to my objections) and blew most of their retirement savings on it. Now, they want me to "help" them out, still believing they can "turn their business around" by essentially guilt tripping me into giving them money to pay off their debts.

What do /biz/?

>> No.1414330

Help them by putting them out of their misery.

>> No.1414375

Just help out your parents for all the times they had helped you. Afterall raising you wasn't cheap for them either but realize that you won't ever see that money again. Of course you can limit how much you give them.

>> No.1414377

What type of business?

>> No.1414378

A restaurant

>> No.1414381


Parents that think you owe them for the money they spent raising you are the worst. You can appreciate them, but you aren't indebted to them; they chose to bring you into the world; you didn't just force yourself upon them.

>> No.1414393

Is the food shitty or what? Before giving money, maybe you should find out why the business isn't do so well.

>> No.1414402

Hate to say it, but they deserve it. Restaurants fucking terrible investments. Don't bother helping. Tell em to cut their losses. Sorry anon.

>> No.1414406

Teach a man to fish, etc.
Why don't you help them make their restaurant business profitable instead? Invest your money in return for a stake in ownership and put in the help they actually need.

If they really fucked up so bad it cannot be salvaged you owe us the story first.

>> No.1414412

Most small business restaurants that fail do so due to terrible management or owner neglect. Barring the latter, do you know how to manage a restaurant? Learn how to keep good cooks, listen to your employees, implement plans that make them feel invested in the company. Don't let your parents being idiots burn their business to the ground. I can, no joke, spend about three days (and sometimes, 3 minutes) in a restaurant and tell you how to fix the problems. The real issue is having those idiots actually implement those fixes all the way through, to which is a failure of management when they do not do so.

>> No.1414493

>Most small business restaurants that fail do so due to terrible management or owner neglect.
wrong, they mainly fail due to poor location

>> No.1414532
File: 11 KB, 526x526, furious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know how you feel OP.
My parents are currently bankrupt and in debt because they failed with a small business.

What was their 'business' I hear you ask?
They tried to run a company selling watches. The only problem was that neither of them knew how to make watches so they ended up spending $40,000 on watch making lessons and materials. They successfully made 2 watches that worked and 3803 that didn't. They sold all 3803 broken watches to various movie prop supply stores at a 90% loss.

My father now has debt
My mother has debt
My father also has a tattoo on his neck with the company logo and the slogan 'Take your hands off me.... or I'll use them to make a watch!'
My mother bought a warehouse to film a planned commerical in, where she was going to smash a Grandfather Clock whilst dressed as a watch.

Now they beg me for money. It is a joke. I will see them rot and laugh as they do.

>> No.1414562
File: 67 KB, 500x500, 1462293246327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fucking hilarious

>> No.1414572

It's a combination of both really

>> No.1414577

Im getting really fucking sick of the word meme. It has no intrinsic value at this point. Small business is not a meme it is a cornerstone of our country's economic philosophy you ignorant faggot

>> No.1414578

When I read something this surreal I get shaken to the core by my own empathy for others. My great-uncle on my mother's side had schizophrenia and legitimately went insanely bonkers. When I read things like this I feel like I'm on the brink of a psychotic breakdown and about to become a full-fledged schizophrenic.

I calm myself down by telling myself that nowhere, anywhere, in the real world could something like this have happened.

>> No.1414580

This isn't serious is it? You should have your parents see a mental institution. This is like a plot off of a sit com

>> No.1414582

My family made 232,000+ off our pizzeria last year.

>> No.1414587

That's the funniest thing I've read all week.

>> No.1414588
File: 38 KB, 611x404, laughing rich whores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Small business is a cornerstone of our country's economic philosophy

>> No.1414590

This guy gets it. Location and marketing are all that fucking matter. Food can taste like shit and it will still sell if you nail both those.

>> No.1414610

>google started in a garage
>apple started in a garage
>walmart started as a five and dime
Seriously nigger read a book. America promotes and encourages entrepreneurs at the very least on a cultural level

>> No.1414620

Pay it no mind, the word meme is just a meme.

>> No.1414644

did your parents have any food experience at all? I don't want to be mean but if they didn't they are retarded. Also, I think you should help them but you need to take control of the business and run it because they obviously can't

>> No.1414646

Also atmosphere.

>> No.1414656

If you help pay their debts, you might be legally responsible for the debt if your parents die or are unable to pay anymore. Don't help them.

>> No.1414664

this is blatantly false

>> No.1414688

How far gone is the business, OP? Are they already on COD with their distributors?

If they're on COD it's over man, just help them sell off the equipment at less than rock-bottom.

>> No.1414708

>Take your hands off me.... or I'll use them to make a watch!

include me in the screencap.

>> No.1414749

I'm into watches and have taken watchmaking courses. I've successfully sold thousands of watches that I have refurbished myself. I'm also a specialist in watch restoration projects. I'm proud to say that the watch business has been profitable for me--even as a side gig.

Now I'm shocked and appalled by the numbers you're quoting here:
>2 good watches
>3803 dead watches
>a 0.0005% success rate
>selling damaged stock at 90% loss

Those numbers made me nauseous. I need specifics here. What kind of watches were they making? Were they making their very own watch movement? This is what they were trying to do, right?

There is nothing too complicated in machining your own watch cases, and then adding a common movement (Miyota 8215, Seiko 7S26), crystal, and aftermarket bracelet. This is what most home brands do--and at profit.

Just what the hell where your parents doing!?

>> No.1414792

Hi, Gordon, how is your kitchen doing?

>> No.1414828

Is your post the birth of an epic new meme?

>> No.1414841
File: 22 KB, 222x222, distressed_cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has to be a shitpost but it flows so well that it feels very real.

>> No.1414884

looks like OP fell for the "calling everything you dont like a meme" meme

>> No.1414886

>Muh anecdotal evidence
Restaurants are notorious for failing. Your success is definitely not the norm. Also 232k after how many years in business and how much effort?

>> No.1414920

Stop listening to the degenerates that wouldn't piss on their parents if they were on fire and help your fucking parents. With help they may see profit and if not...who cares at least they tried. Which is more than anyone can say for most of the degenerate bums on this site.

>> No.1414937


Nothing wrong with them starting a small business, but


Yikes. Their only hope is to work their ass off on it, make it profitable and then hope they can sell it to someone.