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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14141615 No.14141615 [Reply] [Original]

>wasn't born with parents that taught me useful skills or learned one on my own

>see people on youtube
>one guy buys BAD ASS fucking exotic cars that are salvaged from wrecks and sold at auction by insurance companies
>he buys lambos porsches corvettes fixes them up for a few thousand
>gets them running
>drives sells and fixes all these exotic cars
>he also gets paid for doing the youtube videos of it
>find a guy who fixes game consoles
>he has all the tools and knows everything about them
>he buys bulk orders from a liquidation company that sells boxes and pallets of broken game consoles
>goes through fixes them up
>invest a little bit of money uses knowledge of fixing video game consoles to make half of them run again and sell them for more and then sells the rest for parts
>makes money off youtube videos also
>see guys who start online businesses
>get successful as fuck young taking risks and trying and working on it every day
>they end up running businesses off their computers where they can travel move anywhere they want travel
>make money
>also make money selling courses and running youtube videos
>see people who stream video games, talk about video games, review video games
>get paid on youtube for just recording their voice over video games playing in the background

been on this planet this whole time. not one skill. not one damn skill. not one god damn fucking skill. NOTHING

HOW. I just want to sit at home and craft shit and sell it off online and slowly build up my business making it more automated

>> No.14141633

You are skilled at making terrible posts

>> No.14141667

>reee why can't I just magically learn something without the effort!!!!!!!!!!
Underage posters aren't allowed

>> No.14141713

The best time to start was yesterday.
The second best time is right fucking now, fag.
With access to internet, no skill is impossible to learn. You dont even need to spend 3 years in college to start. Simply following a tutorial will get you up and running in no time.
The hardest part is taking the decision to start.

So, dear faggot, get started.

>> No.14141714

>>wasn't born with parents that taught me useful skills or learned one on my own
Stopped reading there. Dumb families can't be helped

>> No.14141740

how I have none of the tools resources or anyone who knows how to do it and I cant pick one thing I switch constantly

>> No.14141768

Never gonna make it, you’ve made your decision not to

>> No.14141940

I wanna make my own cbd products like cbd vape juice, cbd mouth drops, and edibles and prerolled blunts of cbd products and stuff

>> No.14141965

whats stopping you? figure it out and fix it.

>> No.14141978


> Blaming your parents for not having useful skills or the ambition to learn them yourself

The absolute state of neets. Stop being so fucking lazy. You can either make this work or you choose not to with your pathetic excuses. Up to you.

>> No.14141982

I do I make them and have been studying it but I cant figure out a single way to sell it without

>> No.14141987
File: 452 KB, 348x584, 1556982697604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, your writting is fucking horrendous, also. Fucking kill yourself you whimpy sissy, if it bothers tou so much you are useless kys

>> No.14141995

well that dude that builds the cars must of been raised around cars with a garage, tools, someone who knew about it, and grew up fixing cars

no way he just took that up at 30 and started repairing Ferraris and lambos just by picking them up and looking at them

im sure that dude that fixes consoles knew all about it from having someone who he grew up with that worked on the shit with him

im too scared to just whip cash at shit investing in everything no sure what i wanna do

>> No.14141999

You might have 80 HD

>> No.14142029

>im sure that dude that fixes consoles knew all about it from having someone who he grew up with that worked on the shit with him

probably not. just be an electrician and you can do that shit for yourself. but imo its not worth it

>> No.14142041

I wanna do something I can just do hands on I dont wanna do school

>> No.14142052

Most bluepilled thing I've read all night. The decision to start is always always always without exception the easiest part. Like so easy and opposite of hardest that I can't tell if you are a pathological liar or just really dumb.

>> No.14142062

everything costs money to invest and its impossible to pick one thing

i really do just like business in general tho i can usually get myself to stick with that one but i really want to do a skill+business

>> No.14142170


Poster you replied to is actually right. Count how many people genuinely try to do something and fail, vs how many have an idea or urge to do something but don't go beyond that.

99% of people don't achieve anything because they don't go beyond the idea stage. You can ask almost anyone whether they want to have a successful business, more money, be a successful artist, influencer or anything else. They'll all say yes, of course. But only a fraction of those will progress beyond thinking about it in their head to actually try something.

>> No.14142181
File: 180 KB, 1100x1540, il_fullxfull.1644324447_cuew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like to have fun? Every done fun things?
I play with dolls, and have spent an embarrassing amount on them. Turns out I'm not the only person in the world who enjoys their hobby and has disposable income, because I halfassed some shit on etsy and it's already turning into something. I've already made it hudreds of times over. Thanks to chainlink I'm pre-rich. For now I"m just looking to keep the bills paid and kill time until moonening. Oregano content donut steal of course, but dolls is a sweet niche if you can get a foot in the door. Sucks for scaling however. If you really want to make it consider b2b ventures or building up a cleaning company, hanging drywall, etc.. Scaling is the difference between millions and billions.

>> No.14142199

most entrepeneurs and self made people come from a place of alot of pain if you look closely

Maybe you havn't been beaten down enough by life to actually put the work in and become successfull at it

What do you spend your days and weeks doing? probably not accumulating experience and skills

>> No.14142213

Ouch. As one of those guys who made a business when he was young that I’m still living off of at 31, this is unfortunately true. I meet people constantly who ask me for advice about what biz or hustle to start up, they never really listen, then next time I see them they want advice about even more. Cucked themselves mentally.

>> No.14142223

This is a meme but you have to be "passionate" about it I think

You need to be obsessed with your chosen trade, that's the only way you'll gain the kind of knowledge needed to actually profit from it

>> No.14142242

You're problem is you just want to make money and have no genuine interest

>> No.14142302
File: 904 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-06-13-14-32-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone telling you to just take the first step is not giving you the best advice

opening a business involves risk and liability. You'll have to spend around $2000 in fees and costs to open up, and about $1200 of those fees repeat every year.

Creating a legal entity is important to protect yourself from the risk of a judge being a complete fucking retard and saying that you owe someone hundreds of thousands for shit you never even did to someone.

Then, you have to find clients and also sell to them profitably.

So to make $2000 a month, every month, you probably will need to profit at least $50 off of 40 people, or $100 off of 20 people etc.

It is difficult to make one big sale every day, even if what you are selling is legitimately valuable. Good luck!

>> No.14142345

if you dont have a skill, just get an idea instead.

have you got an idea? dm me on discord and we'll do it together m2r9UG

>> No.14142392
File: 69 KB, 449x547, 1560514290636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is right.
To start business you need money. Big money require a lot of money.
I faced a lot of cases where literal disabled people spent 1000-2000$ to made their name, a blog and fed themselves with ads and became oligarchs.
To promote your own website you have to spent 2000$ at least to make it profitable.
Seek for an idea and promote it, sell it and this idea will one day give you money.

>> No.14142467

That's the problem you fucking imbecile. Go read a book. It takes effort to acquire skills.

T. Skilled statistician