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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14140407 No.14140407 [Reply] [Original]

what went wrong?

>collab with Ubisoft
>collab with Intel
>collab with IBM Cloud
>collab with Alibaba
>collab with EDF biggest electricity company in France
>smooth v3 launch
>has a chainlink equivalent as a side project

why didn't you pump this anon? you predicted it, it happened, why is it still red?

>> No.14140490

> 0 users
> lots of bugs
> hype "partnerships" without substance
> needs sidechain to even have the chance to ever be used
> overvalued, calculate how much this would have to be used to sustain its current marketcap with RLC used for its actual purpose
> shit-tier economics with weak tier excuses like hurr durr the team is still researching
> tries to shit on other projects like link with fake charts
> All the bagholders are delusional and ban anyone in their telegram not being positive about the price

HMMMM I wonder why it is dumping.

>> No.14140500

the absolute state of terribad rlc fud

>> No.14140516

chainlink happened
does iexec have a google partnership? nope :)

>> No.14140524


>> No.14140550
File: 1.07 MB, 646x771, intel iexec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What partnership? A blog post is not a partnership.
A partnership is when two companies really work together. (iExec + Intel / IBM for example)
Google just gives an example of how to use their BigQuery in the article.

>> No.14140551

standard biztard, link is not a partnership, it’s a blog post "how to connect link" from someone not in google

>> No.14140564


>> No.14140598
File: 32 KB, 1236x557, chainlin rsr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chainlink also partnered with reserve! That's huge news. The only decentralized stablecoin.

>> No.14140610

Chainlink is a monopoly

>> No.14140614
File: 237 KB, 2000x1372, 155367321204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literal who

>> No.14140622

they know what's up, iExec is real partnerships, not fake blog post PnD




>> No.14140636

>biztards in charge of being able to read
i mean, what did you expect

>> No.14140702

Is Loom any good?

>> No.14140714
File: 77 KB, 678x459, iexec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.14140732

>>14140524 >>14140550 >>14140551
you iexecucks played yourselves
if iexec really had intel and ibm working with them would it be tanking like it is? no
chainlink on the other hand is up 50% because it just got a real google partnership and is now worth 20x iexec in marketcap :)

>> No.14140748

>implying price has anything to do with who is working with who
>implying rlc didn't pump on the intel and ibm news
>implying link won't dump just like every other coin
>investing in coins with a 20x higher marketcap expecting big returns

>> No.14140754

the absolute state of that retardation, not even credible, "real google partnership"
be serious anon, iexec is pumpable, you knew it months ago, it's still time

>> No.14140757

I can't tell if you're serious or if you troll.

>> No.14140768

that biztard is pissed rlc is showing up here while still trying to accumulate

>> No.14140803

unironically this

>> No.14140811

its great that literally no one talks about rlc and biz barely even does. I've been accumulating this entire time. We're the smart money bois

>> No.14140827

whenit is true it is not fud - by definition

>> No.14140881

nothing is true there

>> No.14140904

post sources then, oh wait you can't because it's all trash fud

>> No.14140987

RLC has the exact same tokenomics as LINK

>> No.14140990



>> No.14141090

I'm the shill-zero of RLC.
I'm the one who made all the topics and meme initially in 2017, literally a one man shill army posting about it every single day and getting /biz/fags aboard
I sold my bag at 23000 sats in may 2018 (which was a great idea looking back).

I dumped for 3 reasons:
- the token doesn't help the product, it makes it a hurdle to use
- utility tokens are overall stupid to hold, a currency that can only buy one service is a terrible currency and so will inevitably be dumped for a better one once the service is used (which means high token velocity and low price)
- if it ever becomes massively used I'm convinced companies will want to use stablecoins
- I don't seen any meaningful adoption for at least 5-10 more years, most companies spent the last decade migrating to the cloud and it will take the same amount of time to migrate to decentralized infrastructure like Iexec

I only put money in security tokens or blockchain coins now.

>> No.14141103


The smart money knows that crypto is a marathon not a sprint. Let these link faggots have there 50% pump for now. Gives us a little bit longer to accumulate RLC before V4 and the sidechain go live in December.

Need I remind some of you dumbfucks that iExec is half a year ahead of schedule of their roadmap? They have delivered on everything promised so far yes the price of the token is in the shitter but that to me just represents opportunity to keep buying while the irrational crypto market pumps and dumps stupid IEO shitcoins.

>> No.14141121

Outsource router when?

>> No.14141140

It has absolutely no reason to exist as a token. As a dapp it's fine, as a token it is pure trash. It's like having a currency for apples or something. We don't need a separate currency for every project.

>> No.14141147
File: 130 KB, 704x712, 15rlcbro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks he's the true RLCbro
sike bitch that's me faggot
>the token doesn't help the product, it makes it a hurdle to use
Except it's literally needed for PoCo, you're a shit fudding faggot.
>a currency that can only buy one service
stopped reading there
>if it ever becomes massively used I'm convinced companies will want to use stablecoins
Big boat theory, price is irrelevant.
>I don't seen any meaningful adoption for at least 5-10 more years, most companies spent the last decade migrating to the cloud and it will take the same amount of time to migrate to decentralized infrastructure like Iexec
muh it'll take forever for adoption fud. If that's the case then it's the same for all of crypto.

Try again retard.

>> No.14141158

>It has absolutely no reason to exist as a token
>thinks he can securely and trustfully trade bitcoin or ethereum for verifiable/private computations
imagine being this retarded

>> No.14141194


LOOOOL so true BTC/ETH blockchains are trash for any high throughput omputations just look at cryptokitties for christ sake which bought eth to its knees.

RLC and the POCO and their own chain are all needed for this marketplace to work.

>> No.14141256

It actually blows my fucking mind how stupid some of these faggots on here are. They're probably 17 year old white kids that got free money from their parents to gamble on shitcoins.

>> No.14141257

I wanna die with my bag. This will never pump, no matter what they do or with whom they collab, it always ended up falling back down

>> No.14141288

These are the types of investments that make you a true man. By the time it pumps to the next universe you'll come out of it with hands the size of mountains.

>> No.14141336
File: 9 KB, 456x210, Vidred.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vid collab with 250m IG followers...you do the math...

>> No.14141357


>> No.14141365


Seems like your one of the few sane persons on /biz/. This is a hold at least until mid to late 2020 but like you hinted at with the sidechain and gpu support and requesters using the network this will pump to the next universe right before the start of the next bull. Its gonna be epic.

>> No.14141370
File: 192 KB, 1411x455, Me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sike bitch that's me faggot
You literally aren't, pic related.
I was making the golem/SONM memes too but you probably don't know about them because you weren't in back there.

>Except it's literally needed for PoCo
PoCo is just a form of staking, it's the same as a PoS but without a referee called "scheduler".
It's basically just: create a pool of worker, everyone does the computation on their side and everyone post their results at a time T that can only be unecrypted by the scheduler (to avoid other workers to copy the results of others without doing the computations), then a vote happens weighted by a reputation score and stakes to reach a consensus.
That's it, it's not black magic, you could do all of that by replacing RLC with random stablecoin or ether.

>stopped reading there
More like you don't have any counter argument, it's as I said, RLC is only used to buy computing ressource on the iexec network, it's a glorified metro token.

>muh it'll take forever for adoption fud. If that's the case then it's the same for all of crypto.
No it's not, there is an enormous difference between adding Bitcoin as your payment solutions and rebuilding from scratch a workflow to integrate something like iExec.
The costs in time and money aren't even close.

>Try again retard.
You are buttblasted because you know deep down I'm right, but you can't sell at ATL. Typical bagholder agressiveness.

>> No.14141375

They slapped a couple of features on and announced the coming of V4.
This was their idea of a whole new version increment of their product.

Run for the fucking hills.

>> No.14141389

If you didn't realise by now crypto is a huge manipulated clown world.

Literally nothing matters - coins will pump and dump for absolutely no reason

>> No.14141391

I’m in for 2 years now.
V1,V2,V3 + lots of collabs/intégration/milestones .. nothing worked to have a decent ROI. Even during the big alt bull run, iExec was totally outperformed by BTC
I’m desperate rn

>> No.14141408

See >>14141375

>> No.14141445

>oct 2017
I've been shilling this thing since ICO and consistently for the past year after I buy every dip. I've often been the only person shilling here. People that know RLC know my posts. You may have shilled RLC at one point for your own personal gain but you definitely don't understand the project as a whole and you definitely haven't been keeping up with it.

>you could do all of that by replacing RLC with random stablecoin or ether.
This is just simply false. ETH couldn't even handle fucking CRYPTOKITTIES and you think it could do anything on that scale that RLC is capable of. There's a few great articles that explain why the blockchain needs a tech like RLC because standard blockchains can't handle the load.

>More like you don't have any counter argument, it's as I said, RLC is only used to buy computing ressource on the iexec network, it's a glorified metro token.

You said "a currency that can only buy one service"
>one service
RLC is capable of monetizing data sets, AI, general compute, infinite dApps usecases, robots, decentralized oracles, and pretty much anything else under the sun in regards to computing. So either you're uninformed or just fudding with a shit brain.

>No it's not, there is an enormous difference between adding Bitcoin as your payment solutions and rebuilding from scratch a workflow to integrate something like iExec.
The costs in time and money aren't even close.
>comparing BTC accessibility to RLC accessibility
BTC was once a hassle to get as well, are you forgetting that too? RLC will have plenty of gateways in the near future. You're making a problem out of nothing.

>You are buttblasted because you know deep down I'm right, but you can't sell at ATL. Typical bagholder agressiveness.

Get assrekt, retard.

>> No.14141447
File: 102 KB, 1360x383, Screen Shot 2019-06-14 at 3.19.17 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill me...kill me now i wanna die. I held this shit from 15k sats...

I'll never see that money back. never...

>> No.14141463

>They're probably 17 year old white kids that got free money from their parents to gamble on shitcoins.

Projecting hard.
You have no business experience and don't understand how companies work if you don't get what I mean.
The first thing you learn when you work in corporate environment is that executives are about maximizing reliability and minimizing risks, efficiency gains only comes third.

A shitty ERC20 token at 90% owned by speculators and traded at 75% on chink exchange with a rate varying widely over months isn't something they want to hold.

I thought initially it was scammy as fuck that Sergey owned 65% of the LINK supply but in retrospective it's wise because he can distribute them to companies to stabilize the token value.

>> No.14141469

i've been ass raped by the french

>> No.14141472

>I've been shilling this thing since ICO

Doesn't change anything that guy said about his history of shilling.

>> No.14141481

Sam Smith on telegram I presume...

>> No.14141484
File: 70 KB, 1024x805, 1560132254442m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russo is that you?

>> No.14141491

>Projecting hard.
>muh projection meme because anon figured out who I am or close to who I am

>You have no business experience and don't understand how companies work if you don't get what I mean.
I won't doxx myself, but I guarantee I'm way more well off than you are thanks to my businesses. You talk a big game but it's full of air.

>I thought initially it was scammy as fuck that Sergey owned 65% of the LINK supply but in retrospective it's wise because he can distribute them to companies to stabilize the token value.

Ah there it is. Typical linkfag crying in an RLC thread. Imagine thinking centralizing 65% of your supply is a good thing. Wanna talk risky? That's risky.

>> No.14141493


>> No.14141506

So the guy shilled RLC years ago and stopped paying attention to it after he dumped on people. Sounds like 99% of this board shilling. The funny part is I've had this same conversation with this stupid faggot and he says the same shit fud every time, and I still shit on his life every time.

>> No.14141519

>This is just simply false. ETH couldn't even handle fucking CRYPTOKITTIES and you think it could do anything on that scale that RLC is capable of. There's a few great articles that explain why the blockchain needs a tech like RLC because standard blockchains can't handle the load.

You are retarded, you don't even understand how it works, I bet you didn't even use the thing once yourself.

With iexec calculations are made offchain, only the results are published onchain unlike Ethereum where all the calculations are made directly onchain.
RLC isn't an embedded economic engine in a blockchain like ETH is, it's a second layer, there is absolutely nothing preventing you to replace RLC with DAI or ETH or even NiggerToken, results are still published on the Ethereum blockchain and you still need to pay fees in gas.

>> No.14141535

so you're telling us rlc is obsolete??

>> No.14141537

Reminder that RLC makes RLC obsolete

>> No.14141555


>> No.14141557

didn't expect you to be able to read

fundamentally true but the crypto market doesn't care, look at LINK, exactly the same tokenomics, so many similar coins, all that market needs is some hype and sooner or later serious projects get it
relative to the speculative market, RLC is retardedly underpriced

I wanna die too desu, the problem is that their partners rarely tweet or communicate, look at the alibaba worker pool, they never said shit about except during some obscure conference

all that's needed is one big name announcing

feels like projects that don't embrace speculation are doomed to fail. fake it until you make it basically

>> No.14141572

>trying to explain RLC to someone that has spent hundreds to thousands of hours researching and understanding RLC

No shit it's done offchain. Currently it's a second layer solution, the best of its kind, but in the future they have said they are looking into making their own blockchain. The PoA chain is a testament to that.

The problem with your fud is that you aren't taking into account that it's a utility token and not a typical cryptocurrency. The other problem with your mindset is that you are saying that utility tokens have no value "because some shitcoin could do the same thing" which just isn't true at all.
The third problem with your fud is that you think something that will scale ANY BLOCKCHAIN to infinite bounds has no value, sidechain or not.

Simply put, you're just another low IQ retard that gave up once you made a bag.

>> No.14141588

>projects that don't embrace speculation are doomed to fail. fake it until you make it basically
iexec is very blatantly and hamfistedly trying to hype and fake its way up, and they're failing hard.

>> No.14141663

You don't do anything, you just throw insults like the no-argument seething faggot you are, you just repeat memewords without understanding anything.

You're peak low IQ Dunning Kruger and that's why you're actually assrekt with your token at literal ATL that people keep exiting at every occasion.

>> No.14141681

>no rebuttal
Thanks for exposing yourself. Kek.

>> No.14141693

I don't see them trying at all, what are you referring to?

>> No.14141698


>> No.14141708

let me guess... all these collabs were fake?

*buy 3 Intel processors* wow, partnership confirmed!

>> No.14141721

He's referring to the time they made fun of link, because we all know linkies are still asshurt about the chart that was true at one point in time.

>> No.14141723

another biztard that can't read, well done

>> No.14141744

Weren't you the retard bragging about buying so much? Ahahahahahahaha the universe is JUST after all.

>> No.14141747
File: 199 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2018-12-04-00-32-47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon knows

>> No.14141751

he'll be the one laughing by october

>> No.14141760

what went wrong?
>its not chainlink

>> No.14141776

saved so i can post it every day for all the retards on here that thought link would outperform rlc in the long run

>> No.14141781

>can't even use proper tagging
>bought chainlink at top

>> No.14141791

Gilles and his crew have made a fuckton of money with the ICO and they don't fundamentally need the token, they have 17k ETH and 2k BTC, by today standard it's still something like 20 millions and during the bullrun it was twice that.
They can develop straight for the next 10 years easily without having to be particularly lean.

Their company can easily pivot to consulting and integrating their system if it's adopted anyway.
The risk is totally asymmetric.

>> No.14141802

who cares about google honestly, Intel, IBM, etc are bigger.

>> No.14141804

:^) he was supposed to be laughing now. Instead tears. Sweet, sweet tears.

>> No.14141807

You keep exposing yourself as one of those pajeet fudders.
>muh gilles and his crew dumped on your hed huehueheuheue

It's funny how dumb you look right now.

>> No.14141812

they also have rlc bags don't they? why wouldn't they pump them x10-50? don't underestimate greed, the ETH and BTC stack is for the company whereas the RLC are vested to individuals

>> No.14141818


>> No.14141821

Any proof that this was you?

>> No.14141834

same fren, the day will be glorious.

>> No.14141928

What you posted is no way a confirmation of "partnership" or whatever you want to call it.

>> No.14142097

IBM Cloud officially running iExec nodes in the public pools
"This philosophy was a perfect fit with our own, and so we certified IBM Cloud as one of the first cloud resource providers globally in the iExec marketplace."

Alibaba doing the same, look at the RSA conference

EDF deploying a fluid simulation software on worker pools on the public network

Not sure what you want to call this if not a partnership

>> No.14142435

Calling a few added features a whole new version, announcements of announcements of announcements, countdown YT videos, Gilles walking and talking to the camera like a used motorhome salesman in the V3 introduction video, the Chainlink comparison disaster, ...
They're Pajeet-tier hypebeasts.

>> No.14142487

>iexec integrates ibm cloud
Literally in that url you posted.

Are you too dumb to see what is going on?

>> No.14142526

Why are you downplaying those "few added features" as something small?

>> No.14142537

>the chart that was true at one point in time.
The chart that got pulled in a matter of hours. It was never true.

>> No.14142602

It was true. Linkies just cried about "muh TC acquirement!1!!" and the iExec team took it down because of the crying.

>> No.14142623
File: 14 KB, 586x127, iexec admits chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it was true, then why did iexec say it was 'outdated'?

>> No.14142643

Because at the time of creation, it wasn't outdated.

>> No.14142651

So they created that chart before September 2017?

>> No.14142678

They're a disaster mainly because of arrogance.

>> No.14142707

>it was true when they posted it, and they took it down because of crying
>it was no longer true when they posted it, and they took it down because it was outdated
Which is it.

>> No.14142720

Who knows when they created it. I'm sure whoever created the chart is not the same person that controls their twitter. Either way, the history of LINK acquiring TC means nothing in regards to the chart being wrong. The chart was correct regardless, because the TC acquirement means nothing in reality.

>> No.14142737

not sure I follow, this is something IBM wrote not iExec

>> No.14142740

Only reason I didn't invest in this, wasn't going to get baguette'd again.

>> No.14142742

>it was true when they posted it
>saying something I didn't say
Reading comprehension.

>> No.14142766

>Who knows when they created it.
By your logic, they must have made it before September 2017.

However, you and I both know this is not likely, and they either did not know about Chainlink+TC, or they simply decided to lie about it.
Either way, they are retarded.

>this is something IBM wrote not iExec
Yes, IBM wrote about iexec integrating IBM cloud.

>> No.14142789

You said it here: >>14142602

You said they only took it down because of the crying, and not because it was outdated and/or incorrect.

>> No.14142798

Who gives a literal fuck because the TC acquirement means absolute shit in reality. Maybe that's why they did it, because they know something you don't.

>> No.14142818

Yeah because spergs like you cried out the wazoo about it but in reality the chart was factual because the TC acquirement means nothing.

I love how asshurt you linkies get about RLC doing oracles as a sideproject.

>> No.14142837

>the TC acquirement means absolute shit in reality
>the chart was factual because the TC acquirement means nothing.

This is getting very strange.
I guess being heavily invested in a shit project that just ruined its own reputation is bad for your mental health.

>> No.14142861

>he thinks the TC acquirement means shit-all for LINK
kek, when will you retards learn.

>> No.14142894

>iexec: "the chart was outdated when we posted it, so we took it down"
>anon: "the chart was factual because the TC acquirement means nothing"

>> No.14142921

Yeah, because they tried to save face to please all of the retards crying about it being non-factual due to the TC acquirement, but in reality the TC acquirement meant fuck-all for LINK in that chart.

>> No.14142945

Fucking listen to yourself.

>> No.14142960

You just don't get it, it's okay.

>> No.14142996

look its the angriest RLC bagholder around again. I remember you from another thread >>/biz/thread/S13908959 were you were doing the victory dance because one person used the testnet for a hello world tutorial once and you were calling this adoption proof LMAO. If you are already going down with the ship, at least have some dignity.

>> No.14143030

Imagine being so seething over a coin that you think you know which anon is which

>> No.14143037


>> No.14143053


>> No.14143081

> he didn't deny it
yikes anon. get off 4chan and have some sex incel

>> No.14143141

Good one retard, thanks for the bump, make sure you don't buy the RLC dip either.

>> No.14143182

there's no dip if it's going to 0

>> No.14143419

>n-no! Iexec were correct (even though they admitted that they weren’t) b-because Towncrier i-is POO POO!!!

>> No.14143436

>never heard of saving face
Hey, if anything, you retards are still talking about it to this day. Win for them!

>> No.14144041

I'm am RLC bagholder, and I'm proud. I will not sell the bottom. I will stand firm and accumulate this coin as long as it continues to trend down and when it ricochets up to 70 cents you will wish you did too.

RLC has been above this price for most of its life cycle and will return. Now is the time to buy.

>> No.14144413

What is a "blockchain coin"?

>> No.14144757

Well that's just RLC allowing to use IBM Cloud, absolutely not a partnership. It's not like IBM will stop anyone from becoming their customers.

>> No.14145134
File: 320 KB, 287x713, dqji6ilkmjy11.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

previous RLC nigger here
I was initially excited about the technology aspect and how much progress they had. Along with their team of PhDs and """partnerships""" I felt it was a good hold. But the tokenomics just didn't feel right. The coin itself doesn't feel that great to hold anyways (occasional pump and dumps), so I sold for FET which pumped then sold for LINK and now I am more comfy then ever.

When I saw RLC niggers try and challenge LINK and frenchfag CEO struggle to defend itself against it, RLC dipped pretty hard. I actually never trusted LINK and was a no linker, now I am a 10k bagholder at 0.44 cents feels extra good man.


>> No.14145144

bad tokenomics when it comes to price increase potential. no organic demand yet. hard for normies to understand the use case.

it's the only one of the computing projects that can amount to anything, but honestly why should you care when you can invest in projects where the token captures far more value from future rise in demand for the services.

They also kinda gave the impression V3 would see at least some adoption. There's absolutely nothing. Trust me, I am running worker nodes. I haven't bought more than 20 RLC that I split to try to run 4 worker nodes and the return is sad. Even when there is a workerdrop, the return is sad.

>> No.14145173
File: 65 KB, 640x426, 9823529835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14145339

could have easily if you just held link retard, or any other shitcoin that gets shilled here. the coin doesn't move at all and you refuse to sell, completely your fault.

>> No.14145379

it doesn't have a fat man wearing the same shit everyday and believing in ayys as a CEO, it doesn't have an army of autists just as autistic or more than the ceo on its side, it doesn't have an ancien egyptian god of chaos on its side, it doesn't have jews who are unintentionally making nazis rich on its side, shall I keep going or do you get the picture?

>> No.14145488

Holy shit Russo, cut your losses, at least some of them, else you'll kys sooner or later. If you think waiting it out is a good strategy, look at the very long-time trend trend of rlc/btc. It can dump back to 10M marketcap and then your money is completely gone.

>> No.14145655


stay poor anon, literally the shangai institute of technology doing real life stuff with iexec

>> No.14145868


get back at me when a company like GOOGLE starts using iexec

>> No.14146405

By the time they do, it will be too late. Two days ago google wasn't "using" chainlink either. Chainlink was "doomed" when it hit 20 cents. RLC is "doomed" at the bottom too. Smart money is buying.

>> No.14146432

Shang who? LMAO the delusion is strong in this cult