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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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14136791 No.14136791 [Reply] [Original]

XMR follows BTC almost to the T in XMR/USD

I overlayed the charts on top of eachother and they're shockingly closer than any other coin on the market it's incredible. The implications are this: over time the more people notice xmr gains the same as btc, the more people are going to switch to xmr because better tech with the same gains with potential for better gains than btc because it's so much smaller and has way more advanced tech is a likely outcome.

>> No.14136813

Agreed, it get's a lot of FUD here which is unironically a buy signal for me. I've got nice undisclosed stack that I'm gonna just HODL. One day it will pop off.

>> No.14136998

Anon who made the original observation in the other XMR post.

This has been the case for years, so why hasn't it affected real volume up until now? It needs to begin outperforming BTC significantly better than other coins.

>> No.14137033

The block reward is now 2.7 xmr.

>> No.14137063

XMR will never moon because I have some.

>> No.14137509
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>> No.14137526

Criminals coin

>> No.14137537

criminals have all the money

>> No.14137559




>> No.14137668

>over time the more people notice xmr gains the same as btc, the more people are going to switch to xmr because better tech with the same gains with potential for better gains than btc because it's so much smaller and has way more advanced tech is a likely outcome.
I love Monero but so far it's had a really difficult time ever busting out of the .01-.03 range historically. Monero also faces some significant challenges in the coming months with the RandomX hard fork.

>> No.14137694

monero will die a slow death as more and more exchanges delist from fear of repercussions. You think normies are going to go to some shady unregulated exchange to get monero?

>> No.14137723

Just wait til we have Litecoin trading pairs. XMR / LTC

>> No.14138175

Pololoniex has ltc/xmr.