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14133718 No.14133718 [Reply] [Original]

Making it is 100x when you're mooning with your niggas

>> No.14133807

My friends call me retarded for buying crypto. I'll show them though.

>> No.14133890

i-i dont have any friends

>> No.14133901

"Showing them" on why they're the retarded ones is gay and doesn't make you happy for more than a second

>> No.14133915

What are friends?

>> No.14133931

This. Family too.

>> No.14133939
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My autistic friend from runescape bought like 500. I'm hyping him up to keep accumulating. Most of my other friends are idiots who will wage until they die though.

>> No.14133941

I told them to buy in. None of them did.

>> No.14133945


>> No.14133952

You guys are my friends

>> No.14133954

I put a snap on my story that literally says 'BUY CHAINLINK' with a screenshot of my portfolio like once a week. If thats not enough for them then there is literally nothing else I can do

>> No.14133982

I told almost everyone I knew about chainlink in late 2017/early 2018 but nobody even seemed interested. I haven't mentioned it outside /biz/ since.

>> No.14133993

I want to lick chocolate off of the right guy's nipples

no homo

>> No.14134019

From my own experience, people rarely blame themselves in the event that they miss out on something great despite you warning them, so I chose to keep quiet when it comes to making investments.

>> No.14134041

My friend bought a poorfag stack and already wants to sell it so he can spend the money on stupid shit this summer. So short sighted and undeserving. He doesn't understand anything.

>> No.14134069

unironically cut that shit out

you need to start taking yourself more seriously, if/when LINK increases significantly in value you are in a serious position for an attack on yourself doing shit like that.

this isnt even conspiracy theory shit, its the real world. you start posting pics of 100 thousand dollars and someone is gonna get an idea

>> No.14134082

kek have fun being raped by Tyrone for your linkies

>> No.14134093

after making insane gains in 2016 and 2017, I realized the friends I had were fucking assholes. I told them about crypto but they refused to listen

>> No.14134112

I recommended link to a friend in november 17. We both bought 6.5k for around $.18 per link.

>> No.14134145

Post a snapchat of your knees after someone busts them for your private keys

>> No.14134157

told my best freind to buy btc in 2017 when it was like $1,800

he said he would but never did. i told him again at $3,900

then last time at 5k

i used to send him screenshots of sick trades i was making on shitcoins. i wanted to teach him. and i was kind of bragging.

he told me he would come over but he never did. i was lonely during this time as well, i just wanted him to come over.

then i stopped talking to him.

fucker was keeping his eye on the market. because when it crashed in 2018 he sent me a text asking how i was doing. then he said to text him again when btc is one dollar.

i saw him a few months ago, he asked me how i can still make a living with no job, i told him i just day trade.

i told him one thing. buy chainlink. i told him dont forget it. i told him i dont want to be the only one who becomes a millionaire. i said it with the most serious tone, he almost looked scared.

he sold one of his motorcycles and went all in on link at 40. cents.
he has his 10k stack now.

i kinda hate him for telling me to text him at $1 BTC

but i need someone to witness this with me.

>> No.14134159

i tried, 1 buddy bought a small stack at $.30, another mate at $1.10.

another friend is the epitome of a nolinker, constantly checking the price but refuses to buy in, messages me when the price drops. SEETHING.

>> No.14134238

I block out the amounts. For all they know I'm a 100 LINKlet.

And if they try I will unironically shoot them with a gun

>> No.14134257

Is there any hope of ever getting a gf if you don't look like that?

>> No.14134263
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I don't get you guys. Do you all have a bunch of niggers added on snapchat or something? I only have like a dozen of my buds

>> No.14134279

You're a good friend, I'd come over.

>> No.14134342

I tried shilling chainlink to my brother. I even sent him very elaborate emails with multiple links and layman term explanations for smart contracts and their potential.

I asked him multiple times if he invested anything and the only response I get is “I am too busy”or “I have more important things to do at the moment then to learn about crypto”.

He is doing quite well for a young lad. Definitely in the top 1% for his age group. He could easily be a millionaire if he invested even a fraction of his disposable income.

Have a feeling he just doesn’t listen to me because I am a loser neet brother that got scammed once by a con artists. Now him and everybody thinks that I am some automation that’s easily manipulated and whose word is trash. Kind of sucks. If they heard the same things from somebody else they’d listen. I literally had to set up a wallet for my mom and buy her crypto as rent payment just to get her in the market. She’s interested in it now as some of the coins I got her tripled in value over the course of months whereas she is use to only seeing gains like that after 1 or 2 years of holding a stock.

>> No.14134595

i made sure all my friends have something.

one friend had some shitcoins already but only browses /b/ like a complete degen. he likes the /biz/ memes though.

another one is a lawyer but a normie. i told him about link last year and he immediately understood smart contracts and their value. i didn't expect him to actually buy but then last month he mentioned link was way up after the mainnet announcement. i was really surprised.

another has some eth and is really smart but kind of risk adverse. i knew he wouldn't buy link so i sent him some so he wouldn't miss it.

without people you're nothing. remember that when you make it anons.

>> No.14134618

What does the seething one say when the price drops lol

>> No.14134643

I've convinced three friends to buy, one to consider it, and two to call me a delusional retard. I've done my part. My conscience is clear. I've done everything I can to help others and now I'm waiting for my reward.

>> No.14134676


they will still think you are retarded, normies don't care about truth, if they realized that they are retarded they would simply kill themselves since they are npc they can't handle a world where they aren't the center of the show

>> No.14134677

This anon gets it. Imagine how fucking gay it would be if only you made millions and all your friends were left behind. Unless you have mental issues or have shitty friends, why wouldn't you want them to succeed too?

This spiteful "lmaoooo I showed my brainlet friends/family I was right all along" rhetoric just leads you to depression.

>> No.14134707

Try unironically hanging out with black people, they're way more supportive and love it when one of their niggas make it big. Stay away from hoodrats though.

>> No.14134710

I told so many fucking people. ONE person bought in, my bases boomer dad.

>> No.14134726

Is his name Eyephone?

>> No.14134749

What about having them live in mansion with me and follow me around like that show Entourage.

>> No.14134839

Manifest your destiny (whatever that may be) and along the way, you help your bros manifest theirs too.

Hedonism only leads to ruin; money buys pleasure, never fulfillment.

>> No.14134912

'the dump begins'
'how low will it go'
'did you sell any at the top'

blah blah blah

>> No.14134959
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I shilled it hard to my friends in fall of 2017 and felt like a champion when we all started making an absolute shitload. Then late Jan 2018 hit and the idiots that waited till the last second to join us started bitching that they were losing money because they bought at $1 instead of $0.15 like the rest of us. Still convinced more bros to buy during the long bear market of 2018.

Now all are happy. Have made 9 total friends about $20k each at least from Link. But two of my friends had to sell at the bottom during 2018 because they absolutely needed some money. They never got back in and it feels pretty bad when we start getting hyped and they have nothing now.

>tfw when you will now be "that guy" who told someone about Chainlink when it was worth a few cents before it mooned to literally hundreds of people.

Also feel a bit bad because I fell for "muh trinity" meme and shilled REQ and QSP in addition to LINK though I always insisted Link should be the biggest bag. Either way one making it was more than enough. Though I REALLY wish I converted all my QSP and REQ into Link before they became literally worthless

>> No.14134961

the same guy sold all his btc at 6k, and kept messaging me as it dumped to 4k - 'thank fuck i sold my btc' 'btc getting rekt' etc etc, he then left our crpyto whatsapp group. when bitcoin went to 8k he asked to be added back in, then continued to fud fud fud and shill boomer stocks.

it would be annoying if it wasn't so damn funny


>> No.14134992

I'd suck his cock. But not in a gay way

>> No.14135000

another story i have.

i once got drunk and went to my local university in 2018 to shill link

i showed a couple kids my portfolio and told them link is the next big thing ,

most of them heard of BTC but dont have money to invest

others were invested in shit like XVG

>> No.14135019

you're a good bro mate.Similar experience with a lot of my friends and having to tell them to chill tf out everytime there was a dip esp during late Jan 2018 when everything crashed. Either way it's better for them to make it then it just to go to the douche whales or banks

>> No.14135043

what stocks was your mom holding that tripled in value over 1-2 years lol? That's like outperforming the greatest investors of all time

>> No.14135194

how many linkies is considered a suicide stack anyway

>> No.14135218

I have comparable/superior abs compared to these guys, plus broader shoulders from all the lifting, didn’t even have to stick a needle in my ass to get therez

>> No.14135564

oh fuck it
I am a giant faggot and I want to ride his cock until I cum from the prostate stimulation

>> No.14135612

They say 1k but honestly I think its 10k. Maybe when we hit $10 1k could be considered a viable suicide stack.

>> No.14135672

Yes I did in fact, only one out of like 10. This one works insurance and is constantly shilling his boomer bosses who don't give a fuck. He has 7x a suicide stack, I really want him to quit that job one day.

>> No.14135715

>lmaoooo bro it dumped back to $70 hahahahaha glad I didn't buy in

>> No.14135840

I bet you give great tips on leather pants and boxed wine.

>> No.14136477

I convinced a mate to buy 3,500 @ 30c. Even bought him one of those Link lapel pins which an anon was selling on Etsy

>> No.14136547

My friends consist of my wife and my dog. Neither of them gives a shit about crypto.
u guys are the only ones i can talk crypto with

>> No.14136916
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>this isnt even conspiracy theory shit,
yes it is you nigger. BECAUSE ITS REAL

>> No.14136936

are you fuzzy?

>> No.14136963

i got 5k. Im pretty sure the suicide stack is always triple what you currently own. If you own none then you must at least purchase 2500 LINK to even feel remotely good about it

>> No.14137318

I blame myself for selling some of my LINK stack to buy IDEX shitcoins yesterday.

>> No.14137947

I got my friend to buy in for 4000 and my gf to buy in for 851 so far.

>> No.14137988

I got a friend to buy 4k. Literally none of my other friends would listen/were too lazy to buy LINK and are just buying ETH/BTC.

>> No.14138014
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>"Haha Bitcoin? Oh yeah I remember that thing. Didn't it crash? HAHAHA let's watch some Netflix and drink some Southern Tier All Day IPA guys. HAHAHA wagecucking is fun! I cleared 65k last year so I mean that technically makes me a part of the 1 percent or something haha"

>> No.14138015

No place is safe from Zezima cc neets

>> No.14138036

got my family to buy LINK

>> No.14138070

my old judo coach called me out of the blue 40 minutes ago. I convinced him its fucking fate and he set up a binance account and bought 12k based off of how much he trusts me. We rise together or we sink into the pit nigger.


>> No.14138096

is that faggot dead yet?

>> No.14138151

I convinced more of my mum's boomer friends than I did my own friends, even the ones who follow crypto. A bunch of 60 year old women are about to get rich and not have any idea why lmao

>> No.14138189

I told a friend to buy in when BTC dipped below 4k and he was all like "I don't know enough about it. I don't know how to buy it" I'm like motherfucker download Cash App and link a debit card to it. He would be up like 5 grand right now. baka.

>> No.14138217

I've told the blessed, but few understand.

They'll still get nice gifts when the singularity comes, of course.

>> No.14138252

He bought at 1,6$?!

>> No.14138284

a co-worker of mine just dropped 15,000$ to get 10k linkies

>> No.14138297


>> No.14138311

yeah he did. He trusts me with his life not just his money. We've been through some real shit together back in the day. When i told him to buy he said how much.

>> No.14138359

you work with retards? Seriously he better have 500k in other crypto for that to even makes sense.

>> No.14138368

What if he gets pissed at you and does ippon seoi nage on your ase

>> No.14138371

>he doesn't know

>> No.14138373

Canopy growth and some other marijuana stocks.

>> No.14138383

i'm a bjj coach. I'll just pull guard on his ass.His newaza can't stop me.

>> No.14138399 [DELETED] 

I barely visit /biz/ but every time I do I see this faggot. Why? He's got a body you could achieve within 2 years at the gym and his face is hideous.

>> No.14138400
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My friend told me about it.
unfortunately I only have a measly 600 link as im poor and in between jobs and just put a couple of dollars in when i can. I bought at like 60cents. I have to spend most of my wagies dollars on medications.

>> No.14138416

I barely visit /biz/ but every time I do I see this faggot. Why? He's got a body you could achieve within 18 months at the gym and his face is hideous. Is that what you homo's class as a chad?

>> No.14138423
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The black sun are the good guys. These people are from the cult of moloch (aka judiasm) which is the god of child sacrifice.

>> No.14138437
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>> No.14138460

>I have to spend most of my wagies dollars on medications.

Are you from India or some other 3rd world country?

>> No.14138576
