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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 261 KB, 1440x2960, PicsArt_06-13-05.10.41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14133125 No.14133125 [Reply] [Original]

My grandma the linkmarine. The only person who listened to me.

>> No.14133185

Your grandma seems very sweet.
I bet she's proud of her little linksta.

>> No.14133186

>demanding unearned "trust" out of your family

>> No.14133202
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>> No.14133215
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She's a smart lady. Buy her some flowers or something nice, anon.

>> No.14133231
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>> No.14133238

Is the 40k link her portfolio or yours?

>> No.14133276

Godspeed to you and grandma anon, I am joining the platoon now, hopefully a couple years wait makes up for my hesitation

>> No.14133310
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based granmarine

>> No.14133374

Good to have marines like you and your grams. I too tried to get my family, friends, and inlaws to invest, but everyone said "crypto, isn't that a ponzi scheme?"

>> No.14133415

fucking boomers who invest in the stock market which is a literal ponzi scheme

>> No.14133437
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Absolutely based fren, I wish your grandma good health

>> No.14133443

Based granny

>> No.14133459
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my mom was drunk and made fun of me for investing in internet money last week. pretty sure i have more money than her now

>> No.14133573
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be me
>hey dad do you know bitcoin?
>ok good. bitcoin is shit tho I got something better
>send me some money I will invest it for you and wait for 2 years
>he sent me money next day
>bought him his stack at 0.28
can't wait to show him his gains
gonna wait a little longer tho I want to surprise him with a suitcase full of money or some shit like that

>> No.14133586

anon, chainlink is trustless.

>> No.14133683

this is fucking funny lol

>> No.14133764

dont' anon. share now, its really fun. enjoy the ride together :)

>> No.14133799

My mom has 5k at around 30 cents. Nobody else listened.

>> No.14133815

>thinking you can cash out

>> No.14133853

I dont have a family :(

>> No.14133864

Got my granny, mother, 3 brothers, a couple of colleagues and friends on board.

>> No.14133865
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I called and texted my gf about this. She holds 3k as well, well I hold it for her. Pretty funny thing, I thought.

>> No.14133881
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yeah maybe it's time. but I don't want him to sell already but I guess it's his choice and I can tell him not to sell yet.

>> No.14133885

my grandma died earlier this year
hug her for me anon

>> No.14133886
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That's mine. Plus another 10k I don't factor into my holdings. It's just put away.... forever...

She's amazing lol. And yes I'm definitely the apple of her eye.

Will do fren. I'm going to take her on a vacation

Thank you all link bros. Today has been a very good day. We are all gonna make it.

>> No.14133888

>imagine not being able to explain link to your family
>imagine having to rely on "trust" to shill link
Literal retardation

>> No.14133949

Tell him not to sell. swim's father wants to sell every day and swim tells him not to lmao

>> No.14134007
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Fren, I'm so sorry to hear that... i lost my grandpa last year. I think about him every day. That's what I'm most looking forward to after making it with link, spending more time with loved ones.
Everyone call their grandparents and give them a quick I love you.

>> No.14134184

I've only 15k as a poorfag because I have a few other very heavy bags. Anyway I am already well into profit since link hit around 70 cents. TWF I might actually be able to be a success for my family after all.

>> No.14134283

she doesn't actually care about link, she bought it because she loves you and wanted to support you.

>> No.14134484

>right in the feels
Never got to know any of my grand parents. Lost my dad in 2007. Wish he could see his grand children now.

>> No.14134543

of my group of friends, really only one friend trusted me from the start when I shilled him link a year and a half ago. He has a 25k stack and to say he is happy he listened to me in an understatement.

I woke up today to a flurry of texts from my friends asking me if it was too late to buy in. Im trying my hardest not to act smug/narcissistic, but all they had to do was listen. Why didn't they listen? I tell them it's not too late, and act calm, polite, and levelheaded. But what I really want to say is
>you made your bed. Now sleep in it.

God, I've waited SO long for this.

>> No.14134567
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Enjoy killing her from a heart attack once you get BOGGED.

>> No.14134570

fucking based

>> No.14134590

anon, be humbe, be kind, be helpful, be a good guy. be postitve.

>> No.14134605

I am. Im also being honest. This website is the only outlet for me to get rid of these narcissistic thoughts.

>> No.14134619

Only be smug if they don't listen again in the future.

>> No.14134629

you deserved more Yous than you received

>> No.14134754

lost my mom a few years ago. she'll never know I made it. oh to see the look on her face if I could show her this... id give anything

>> No.14134815

I plan to buy my parents and grandparents a house once LINK gets to $50 but other than that I don't tell them about it because they know nothing about investing and it would just be a burden. I haven't even told anybody about my power level that I have $180,000 at 20, which in my country is a shitload of money, like almost enough to buy 2 houses.

>> No.14134855

180k would buy you a crackhouse here in the Bay Area

>> No.14134883
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This is so sweet, anon, sending props to you and your lovely gran.

>> No.14134916

It’s good your grandma is a loyal marine. BUT THIS IS IMPORTANT LISTEN TO ME. make sure you explain to her to not count paper gains and go out and do anything crazy, because it could come crashing down any day. Don’t fuck your grandmas life up marine

>> No.14134917

my dad is a millionaire. His dad dug ditches and died young. Dad always told me not to worry because he had something set away for me, so my only worry was being a dissapointment, which i ended up being anyways.

I never asked for money. I did what i could with what i had and i survived the recession. there was a period where i was on food stamps and used that money to make bag lunches. i'd sell the lunches to pay for rent and live off of leftovers. carrot, potato peel, and chicken bone soup. those were bad times.

My brother turned me on to link. He spent months convincing me to buy and i finally bought in at 50 cents. We convinced my dad to get in right before main net. Now dad think's i'm a genius and wants me and my brother to go into business together because we're the family "brain trust".

We're finally making it guys. It's all going to be better from here on out.

>> No.14135072

You're all so wholesome frens, I love you all. I hope we all make it and meet each other at the yacht.

>> No.14135112

man fuck that noise. I will never ever tell my friends or family about my investments. I want them all to think im poor.

>> No.14135129


This is wholesome and based. Good for you.

>> No.14135346

You mean OUR Linkies

>> No.14135386


>> No.14135417

Based GILF !

>> No.14135439

>tfw no linkmarina
Nice man!

>> No.14135471

peak of euphoria.

everyone is so disgustingly sweet right now i bet we are starting 1.5yr bear market. link has been pumping almsot full year now.. this cannot last forever really.

>> No.14135480

Told many ppl but only my brother bought. Has 15k now. The others buy at 100

>> No.14135510

tfw no autistic linkie bf

>> No.14135618
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>that sounds really good
>do you want me to clean your kitchen

Lmao she's more worried about your kitchen then the gains. So wholesome

>> No.14135704

enjoy your grandparents while you have them. barely knew my father's parents, mother's mother lasted through my college. she gave my inheritance early and i bought my first car to get to my first real job with it. i keep her funeral service card in my glove compartment.

>> No.14135883

She's just wanting to help kek. Wife is due in Aug. She spent a day here a couple weeks ago deep cleaning the nursery, making everything sterile. Offered to do the same thing with the kitchen. As if I need an excuse to spend a day with my grandma!

It will continue until we are at 1k.

Thank you fren

Based advice

Bad anon

This is true lol. Always been a pillar of support.

Based anon. Linkies are good people.

>> No.14135957

This is the way. We are rich men soon, we must act as leaders, and show the world how we are all LINKed together...
Show the world how to be frens.

>> No.14135981


>> No.14136122
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Got my gf to get 1k link at .20 cents.
I think the number of females holding link is in the 2 or 3 digit range..

>> No.14136623

Your grandma is a better investor than 99% of institutions
Congrats on the baby anon
Were all gonna make it

>> No.14136723
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>a woman has more LINK than me