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File: 889 KB, 1162x938, Screenshot 2018-12-04 at 20.51.29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14125629 No.14125629 [Reply] [Original]

>Be at work
>Asshole coworker comes in my office and asks what music I listen to
>lie and say classic rock because I don't want anyone to know how embarrassing my music tastes are
>Be today, months later, dude comes in my office with a song playing on his phone, I don't know who the fuck it is when he asks who sings it, apparently it was the police
>hear him talking to another coworker, "He didn't know the Police, but he likes classic rock"
>other guy laughs, like they've been talking about it behind my back
Why do normalfags care about shit like this so much, to the point of gossiping about it? I never talk to anyone, and it's not like I made a big deal about how much I "love" classic rock or anything, I tried to change the subject and get back to work after he asked what music I like anyways.

>> No.14125639

what coin is that

>> No.14125642

Dude, relax, he was just joking

>> No.14125643

What music do you actually like?

>> No.14125647

>he's still dwelling over such trivial bullshit after all this time
The question is, why do you care so much?

>> No.14125656

anime shit

>> No.14125657

hello newfriends

>> No.14125667

It's best to go into alpha mode when someone challenges you to a quizlet like that. Or if they ask you what genre you like, say several. I've learned how to deal with norms after making mistakes like you. All boats rise.

>> No.14125674

because their jealous anon jealous. Jealous of your silent but strong demeanour jealous of your classic music tastes jealous how all the office roasties lustr after you and you dont see it jealous of your crypto portfolio and silent inner strength. Jealous simply jealous anon yes siree

>> No.14125678

gotta love summer

>> No.14125683

The real issue here is that you didn't just own up to your music tastes when he asked you the first time. Nobody gives a shit if you like weird music, but they will notice if you are autistic enough to lie about it in the first place

>> No.14125752

Real talk, why don't you know The Police?
Even if you're 20, you most likely played Guitar Hero when you were a kid and those games had songs from The Police.

>> No.14125753


> Gets shit tested at work to see if he actually likes Classic Rock.

LOL wow. I'm glad I actually like Classic Rock. Just tell the dude next time if he brings it up that you like the more popular bands like AC/DC, Guns N Roses, or Metallica and found The Police to not be hardcore enough for you after listening to Message in a Bottle.

>> No.14125764

It's a copypasta you fucking newfags. Get the fuck off my board.

>> No.14125774

blease dont gall me new I was just tryng to help

>> No.14125781

and you already fucked it up too

>> No.14125803

for real, if that faggot played Roxanne and OP couldn’t tell me what it is after telling me he liked classic rock Id laugh too

>> No.14125814
File: 185 KB, 304x354, da2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey this doesn't have anything to do with crypto

>> No.14125829

>imagine being so socially inept you cant steer the conversation towards why co-workers iphone 7 speakers suck so much, and how much better samsung are

>> No.14125832

>Be at work
>Asshole coworker comes in my office and asks what music I listen to
>lie and say classic rock because I don't want anyone to know how embarrassing my music tastes are
>Be today, months later, dude comes in my office with a song playing on his phone, I don't know who the fuck it is when he asks who sings it, apparently it was the police
>hear him talking to another coworker, "He didn't know the Police, but he likes classic rock"
>other guy laughs, like they've been talking about it behind my back
Why do normalfags care about shit like this so much, to the point of gossiping about it? I never talk to anyone, and it's not like I made a big deal about how much I "love" classic rock or anything, I tried to change the subject and get back to work after he asked what music I like anyways.

>> No.14125835

>classic rock
>the police
Among other things, your coworker is a retard.

>> No.14125836

Roxanne rocks bra
I'd fucking narly out too

>> No.14125847


>> No.14125863

>the /r9k/ fantasy that guarantees a well slept night

>> No.14125882

fuck off with the pasta faggot

>> No.14125907

I'll take things that never happend for $500, Alex

>> No.14125914

If you want normalfags to like you, start memorizing useless sports stats and pretend to like the popular teams. Fuck normies, sleep easy knowing they'll one day buy our crypto bags

>> No.14125913

ROOOOOOOOOXAAAANNE you don't have to put on the reeeed light.
For real though, why does Sting sound like a caribbean man in that song?

>> No.14125922


>> No.14125946
File: 117 KB, 2048x1024, 4DC79767-5C89-4E70-9717-E9FF89411197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be at work
>notice no one invited the creepy quiet guy to the end of financial year party
>decide to try and make some small talk with him
>”hey anon, what kind of music do you like?”
>he murmurs something about classic rock before turning back to his keyboard
>one of the office Stacie’s made me cum 10 minutes earlier than usual today
>guess I’ll try talk to the creepy guy again
>”hey anon sing along with me” I play some Police on my phone
>He murmers he doesn’t know it
>ask other chad bro in the office who the fuck likes classic rock but doesn’t know the police
>give up trying to help the beta
>occasionally hear Japanese children’s music playing from his office

>> No.14125949

Just say all sorts
You don't have a favourite
Or say digital

Lying about this bullshit to collages, I just don't see the point.

>> No.14126143

Kek, why would you even
be bothered lying about what music you like?

>> No.14126181

Nigga you are waayyy to much self conscious, normies aren't really that bad, maybe he saw you and since you are probably an awkward loner maybe he thought you could use a friend, or maybe he just wanted to assert dominance over your beta ass

thing is you need to man up and develop skills to counter measure this shit, once you make it being a neet will truly drive you insane, so you do need to develop some social skills in order to genuinely feel fulfilled

>> No.14126205
File: 154 KB, 600x842, 1556717714001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go honk yourself

>> No.14126209

normies are simple creatures and enjoy being two faced assholes who gossip about others. That guy he was gossiping with? He'll be talking shit about him as well 5 min later. Even if he's a good, rational dude who likes the Police or whatever, theres something about him someone can pick apart for their own satisfaction. Fuck 'em all, they're cattle at my feet.

>be me
>receptionist at interview talks to me about music
>tell her to listen to Death Grips
>realize that may have been a mistake
>get called back for second interview

>> No.14126218


>> No.14126220

Imagine how weak you are physically and mentally compared to your ancestors for this to throw you into a crisis.

>> No.14126276


>> No.14126477


were they boomers?

>> No.14126498


>> No.14126505

you should have told him some obscure genere then he would've had no idea what the fuck that is and would've left you alone.

>> No.14126509

This. Why the fuck do people do this? Are they unironicaly that bored?

>> No.14126719
File: 490 KB, 449x401, laughinggirls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck, you guys are the worst at everything you try. 45y/o Chad here, fuckin' all your teen classmates and coworkers.

>> No.14127547

daily reminder gen x is boomer lite.

>> No.14128182
File: 277 KB, 469x452, 1536924019795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We have a guy like that who has an anime gay shit as ringtone on phone , one day we was sitting in the restroom with 20 other coworkers eating and stuff. Suddenly anime gay shit music came up but with a anime girl screaming or having orgasm ,it turned out it was his ringtone because someone called him again after the first call...dude it was so embarassing and everyone was looking at each other , plus that faggot had titties af and was a guy

>> No.14128233
File: 120 KB, 750x1005, 1560021923577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14128276

he was eating in the bathroom with 20 other coworkers?

>> No.14128336

next time just say you like chillhop or some underground fucking style. it's not like they give a fuck, but you told them you like normie style music so they checked your street cred and apparently you failed, lmao kys next time learn to improvise and adapt

>> No.14128640

Stale pasta.

Kill yourself incel