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14124737 No.14124737 [Reply] [Original]

Had a two hour meeting with HR and a fucking sheriff's deputy in the room because I was googling workplace shootings and have been reading Wikipedia articles about them for the last few weeks. Have another meeting scheduled tomorrow. I'm not even thinking about doing it I was just reading them because it was interesting. They brought up I don't socialise and am single and don't work hard (which is bullshit i fucking carry my team)
How fucked am I? I think I'm gonna lose my job. What should I say?

>> No.14124772


AHAHAHHAHAA Holy fuck this is the most pathetic wagie thing I've read all day.

Is this all we have to do to keep phoneposters and wagecucks off this board. Make daily work shootings threads?

>> No.14124776

It's not fucking funny I need my job

>> No.14124798


HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA this is so fucking funny, anon needs his job badly and he's going to lose it because he was caught googling workplace shootings on his fucking work computer during paid hours AHAHAHAH holy fuck how dumb can you get.

Did you not know all work PC's are monitored you retard. What did you think would happen. If you want to look this shit up, look it up at home.

>> No.14124799

Get a lawyer and sue dumbass

>> No.14124808

>What should I say?
Tell them it would be a _grave_ mistake to fire you.

>> No.14124815

>not bringing your own laptop to work
>not using a VPN when you commit wrongthink on company wifi

>> No.14124821

Just start crying and act like a fag lisp and everything then they think you are harmless. Alternatively make them think if they fire you you’ll shoot up the place for sure. Godspeed

>> No.14124827

Just tell them it's been happening so often now that you are worried about your safety and what to do if it happens. Say the Jew media talks about it every day and you have it stuck in your mind and are scared something like that.

>> No.14124832

sue them

>> No.14124833

Thanks for making my day. This is hilarious. I couldn’t even imagine being this pathetic

>> No.14124837
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The three words that will spawn the fright off them:
>Attorney on speaker.

>> No.14124846

these desu

sue the fuck out of them if fired

>> No.14124852
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Please be real

>> No.14124860


You can't fire me! *Pulls out gun* Because I'm gonna FIRE you!!


Just tel them you were worried a shooting would happen, and wanted to research what happens before a shooting so you can see the warning signs in other employees. Say you are glad they caught you even looking this stuff up as it makes you feel safe that the company is on the lookout for this sorta thing as well.

>> No.14124879


Classic kino. Legit masterpiece.

>> No.14124883
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Do this op but with lots of air quotes for emphasis

>> No.14124885

if OP clearly can't see this is a power play over ego with some HR cunts he deserves to be fired

>> No.14124886

Why aren’t you contacting an attorney yesterday, lol? Not saying that I know you’re gonna get money, but I’m pretty sure it’s in your best interest to start standing up for yourself with legal representation because this story sounds all kinds of in your favor.

>> No.14124888

Nah, its funny! If they fire you, shoot up the place!

Get fucked Burger!

>> No.14124904

I work hard it's just I don't talk to people because of my autism but I like them and I think they like me.

>> No.14124905

you might unironically be onto something anon
easy to integrate within current threads, too
"i can't stand wagecucking, bros. if LINK doesn't moon i swear i'll shoot up my workplace"
this is genius

>> No.14124913
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Des digits command you op

>> No.14124916

If you get fired, can't you sue? Does it explicitly say in company policy that you can't do that? It seems they are just making assumptions about your behavior without any hard evidence. Fuck it, if you are a minority play the race card.

>> No.14124919


HR is there to protect the company! Its called Human Resources! Get back to work slave!

>> No.14124925

>power play
what does this even mean?

>> No.14124934

Play the autism card then lol
Go get diagnosed and sue for discrimination. YOLO

>> No.14124946


>> No.14124952


Exactly, plus unlike thotposting which can get you banned or REEE'd at and derails threads, it's not a bannable offense to do this. So anyone browsing the catalog and a workplace shooting thread is on there and their boss walks past and see's it will be in big trouble.

I think we just solved the wagie posting problem.


Just fucking say that then fag.

>> No.14124955

i was """worried"""" a ""shooting" would happen, and wanted to """research"" what """"happens""""" before a """"shooting""" so you can see the """"""warning signs""" in other """"""""""employees""""""""""""". i am """glad" you """caught"" me even ""looking ""this ""stuff ""up""""""" as it makes me"""""" feel """"""safe""" that the """""""""""""company"" is on the lookout for """"""""""""""""this"""""""""""""" sorta thing.

>> No.14124966

I should have done that but just told them I thought it was an interesting subject. The deputy asked me if I owned any guns and I said no. I was also looking at execution methods (historical and modern) and they bought that up.

>> No.14125020


You fucked up badly. Even if you keep the job, rumors are gonna spread around your workplace now and you will be known as the potential shooter. Watch over the next few days how people either go out of their way to avoid you, or go out of their way to be really nice to you to get on your goodside.

>> No.14125043

well they didn't care about the gay porn you watched on you shift, but shooting up the faggots that your colleagues truly are with lead and not sperm is a different story...

>> No.14125075

>Watch out Stacy here comes that lunatic Anon that's going to shoot up the place
>I heard he's never had sex
>Maybe that's why he's so creepy
>I know right? Always staring at my boobs like some incel
>Look there's Chad!
>Oh hey Chad! You coming to the AW later? ;)
>You know it girls *slaps Stacy's ass*
>Omg he's like sooo hot!
>I'd give anything to have his babies

>> No.14125088

This is what I'm worried about they said my colleagues felt intimidated having me around (how did they even find out??) and it would raise issues going forward. The deputy kept on asking the same questions and was very intimidating

>> No.14125106

>The deputy kept on asking the same questions and was very intimidating
He's trying to get you to slip up. You probably should contact a lawyer.

>> No.14125133
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>living in America(tm)
Enjoying your thought police?

>> No.14125136

I can’t tell if this an elaborate troll or real. Hilarious either way. Thanks for the laughs OP.

>> No.14125143
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Perfectly normal and blue pilled. Also checked

>> No.14125164
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> Kek
> Intense accuracy

>> No.14125175

It's not funny if I lose my job i won't be able to afford rent and don't know anyone else in the city I live in.

>> No.14125198

Dude chad is cut as fuck and has that premo kush. I hear he is hung like a horse too. If anon ever tries to shoot up the place chad will save us and will be given the key to the city from the mayor. Did I mention chad has a bigger penis than anon.

>> No.14125209

Wouldnt be able to afford a lawyer if they fired me they hold all the cards. I apologized and said sorry and I just found it interesting but they were horrible to me, really trying to grind me down and the deputy was a complete prick. The meeting tomorrow is with more HR people and my manager and his manager, so I think they might try to fire me then, if I start crying do you think that might help?

>> No.14125218
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Why didn't you just say you are working on few novel ideas??? Oh right you can't because you're lying larper. Time to move cities (again) op. Better luck next time

>> No.14125231

I thinking buying SV and btt will solve all your problems kek

>> No.14125236

You need to understand work computers are traced. Literally don't go to social media or search weird things. Just read the news.

>> No.14125241

I guess it’s too late to say chad was using your computer. Then again no one would ever expect that of chad. Chad is a national treasure.

>> No.14125248
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> Blue pill larps
Authentic larps like this seriously make me question the future of humanity.
Don't show weakness op. This only tilts the power in their favor and makes you appear unstable.
Also what coins are you holding?

>> No.14125259

How the fuck can I invent an imaginary fucking story like being an aspiring novelist when they call me I'm with no warning and the first thing that happens is a fucking policeman asks if he can frisk me.

>> No.14125273

XMR and ETH, have about 2k between the two of them

>> No.14125275

Lmao you're pathetic OP. I would quit right there at the HR meeting but I would never be that retarded to look that type of shit up on a work network. What the fuck were you thinking?

>> No.14125283

did you let them frisk you?
this is getting better and better. Im honestely on the edge following this riveting tale from wagie land. please do continue OP

>> No.14125309
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So the deputy ambushed you at work? Tell us more details please op and I'll try and help you avoid jail or worse

>> No.14125322

You're pretty fucked op, just start looking for a new job (dont use this one on the resume)

>> No.14125323

Must be summer, y'all taking the bait hard

>> No.14125328


OP, you have a HR person who is being intrusive and overstepping her bounds.

You need to keep this simple, and tell them to that you will not discuss this further without having your attorney present. When you tell them this, they will either back off or then agree to reschedule for when you can have an attorney present. If they reschedule, pay some local attorney to come sit in the meeting for an hour with you. The attorney will deflect away everything they ask, and you'll get to keep your job.

>> No.14125329

Well I thought it was a joke to start with so said yeah and laughed a bit but he told me this is serious and then frisked me. I'm glad my impending fucking homelessness is so funny to you.

>> No.14125333

Would you question humanity less if I was like OP looking up workplace shooting on my workplace computer? kek

>> No.14125366

The moment they started questioning you about reading those things online, you should have told them it's none of their business, got up, and left the room.

>> No.14125373

>*Chad bumps into Anon, knocking him to the grund with his huge pecks* Oh hey buddy, didn't see you there, you alright?
>Uh, y-yeah I'm fine Chad
>Alright *Chad slaps Anon's back so hard his glasses fall to the ground*, take it easy chief!
>*Anon picks up glasses, clenches fists* I'll show them, I'll show them all!!!
>What's that you're going to show us Anon?
>*Anon turns around, sees boss* Uhh, just this funny meme I found the other day
>Really? Well lets have a look then
>*Anon frantically tries to find something funny, only has ChainLink memes, shows boss fat Sergey* ehehe
>Anon, that's fat shaming, we don't tolerate that kind of thing here. I think we need to have another meeting with HR.
>O-ok, sorry...

>> No.14125383

This OP. But honestly find someone who know a bit about employment law. Don't hire a fucking retard criminal defense attorney for 2 hours to sit there and act stupid.

t. Lawfag

>> No.14125396


>> No.14125399


If your coworkers are coming intimidated, that means that the HR person or someone else higher up the ladder shared confidential information about you with your coworkers, which is illegal.

>> No.14125433

Checked. There is no question if op started blazing. American society has accepted shootings at work or school as an occupational hazard.

>> No.14125434

Well I got in at nine. Everyone was being error with me but I didn't think anything of it. My boss and his boss came over to me and said there are some people to see me. I was taken to a conference room upstairs with the blinds drawn around it and was kinda nervous but thought maybe I was getting a promotion. I went in and saw the three women and the cop. My bosses left and the cop instantly asked if it was ok to check if I had any weapons. I laughed and said sure he said don't laugh this is serious and frisked me. He then asked if I bought a bag or a briefcase to work and I said no. He asked if I drove and I said I walked. He then said to sit down and stood by the door behind me so I couldn't see him. The HR women then said there had been a complaint raised by the IT department and showed me print outs of my browsing history and asked why I was looking at them during work hours. I tried to explain like I said just that I found it interesting. It went on for ages like they didn't understand and about an hour later the cop said one other thing and asked if I had a licence for a gun I said no then he asked if I owned any weapons (despite just saying I didn't have a licence) so I said no. The HR people then said my eprfomrnace was bad and I wasn't a 'team player' and I tried to counter that but they kept on bringing up bullshit. Then about half an hour later the cop asked where I keep my guns at home and I told him I don't have any guns and I already told him that. Then the HR people said that they would come back tomorrow with someone else and there was another meeting scheduled with them, that person, and my boss and his boss. I was then told to take the rest of the day off.

So how fucked am I?

>> No.14125443

There was a fucking cop behind me and I'm not that confident. I don't think we'll on my feet b

>> No.14125446

oh no sirs

>> No.14125460
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Kek, this is so accurate it hurts.

>> No.14125480

They gonna fire you. Get lawyer now

>> No.14125491

Right well I mean I can say it's what you should have done because hindsight is 2020. I doubt many people would have had the brass balls to actually do that. However, now you know what to do in the second meeting. You flat out tell them this is none of their business, it is not work related nor is it related to any interactions you had with other employees, so you will be going. Then you walk out of the meeting.

>> No.14125512

>was kinda nervous but thought maybe I was getting a promotion
peak dellusion of a beta

>> No.14125516

You have created a hostile work environment unintentionally. Even if you don’t get fired everyone will be terrified around you or thinking you might come in on off days.

>> No.14125530

>So how fucked am I?
u're already fired

>> No.14125532

he fucked up by googling it at work. that makes it work related and that'll be what the company says

>> No.14125550

>would come back tomorrow with someone else and there was another meeting scheduled with them, that person, and my boss and his boss
2-tier meetings is usually what happens when you get fired for being a weirdo. it's not about your workplace shooting google, thats just what they needed to get rid of you. i know beta behaviour, they use this now to get rid of you cause you've been a pain to them already for too long.
t. 35 years exp in the office

>> No.14125553

How would you describe your working relationship with your coworkers and the company in general?

>> No.14125557
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>> No.14125560

I work hard and don't fuck up though. I really need this job how do I unfuck the situation.

>> No.14125567

I’ll take a swing in the dark. Highly uncomfortable and makes all females nervous.

>> No.14125572

I work hard. I don't talk to people much because I'm shy but I think people like me. I haven't made any big mistakes.

>> No.14125581

Take a recorder for next conversation, get in contact with a probono lawyer if you're a poorfag. Be yourself and you'll be fired without a doubt. Sue for wrongful termination, ez money. You can probably fall behind 1 or 2 months on your rent without being kicked out(after the 1 -2 months is gg though and you're out so you need to get that case moving and tell the lawyer you need it to be done fast because you're going to be homeless).

He can add the stress you got from the fear of becoming homeless aswell as the workplace bullying for your autism to the lawsuit for some extra $$. Make sure to cry in the court. Easiest money of your life.

>> No.14125585

nah...hard work, no one gives a shit. everyone can claim 'hard work'. if you really need this job my prediction that you'll get fired changes from 100% to 110% cause you clinge to that shit. just search for something new, they have very likely already begun today to get you of all the lists.

>> No.14125603

Ok I will do this. Thank you that's good advice. I really can't be homeless. How much do you think I will get if i sue and will they still give me a reference?

>> No.14125605


>> No.14125607
File: 120 KB, 370x369, daisy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take estrogen. get breast implants. change your name to daisy. problem solved.

>> No.14125611


Chirst this is embarassing OP. I think the other guys right, you are already fired, they just want to do it legally and are in the midst of firing you right now.

If you really really want to salvage this job (not a good idea, it will be a hostile working environment full of rumors of you being a shooter from now on) then hire a lawyer and attend the meeting with the laywer and let him speak.

But to save yourself embarrassment. Just don't go to work tomorrow. Send an email saying you quit and don't embarrass yourself by letting them grill you. Trust me, you are almost definitely already fired. No point letting them embarrass you further.

>> No.14125621

can also probably get the sheriff's bodycam footage if HR plays their HR games in deposition

>> No.14125625

This anon is correct. You got to milk it for all it’s worth, also you should really learn your constitutional rights so you don’t get taken advantage of

>> No.14125627


Yeah actually this is a really good idea. Do this OP and spend the gains on Link.

>> No.14125646

Don’t listen to the last jag. Don’t buy link. I repeat do not buy that shitcoin link.

>> No.14125648


> get a lawyer

Dumb fuck going to court for anything besides small claims is a fucking nightmare. Going to court is merely a last resort, IF YOU HAVE money already. Do you know how much you need just to have an attorney on retainer? It’s a minimum of $10k and that shit goes FAST. All you faggot redditors love to say “muh get a lawyer”, it’s not that easy and rarely practical.

>> No.14125681

I will do this but how much do you think I will get if I sue and will they still write me a reference?

>> No.14125685

This may be his best option considering op is too retarded to lie on his resume like a normal person.

>> No.14125702


Go shit in a street pajeet.


No idea, and holy shit, no I don't think they'd write you a good reference, especially if you do end up suing them.

>> No.14125706

I don’t think they will write you a reference. I’d be surprised if they don’t quietly get you blacklisted from all surrounding employers.

>> No.14125718

So by that logic if I buy SV I’m a street shitting jeet and if I don’t buy SV I’m a street shitting jeet. I can’t win. What’s the coin that makes me not a street shitting jeet?

>> No.14125724

If he sues they'll definitely blacklist him, he should really just start looking for a new job, and apply for unemployment benefits (maybe disability for autism as well).

>> No.14125725

>What’s the coin that makes me not a street shitting jeet?


>> No.14125737

People get blacklisted for less.

>> No.14125744

/biz/ - Business, FInance, and Workplace Shooting discussion

>> No.14125751

I can't survive in unemployment benefits and I've never been actually diagnosed I just think I might have autism as I'm shy and weird around people. I am so fucking fucked.

>> No.14125768
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>I was googling workplace shootings and have been reading Wikipedia articles about them
>what do?

>> No.14125773


Go get diagnosed, it's never too late. I know someone who got diagnosed for autism bucks in their mid 40's.

>> No.14125775

1. you definitely have autism if you go to the government to apply for disability and just be yourself, they'll give you the fucking money.

2. Unemployment is like 800 dollars a week, if you can't survive on that you're actually retarded.

>> No.14125776

>loner - check
>doesnt socialise with co staff - check
>akward and quiet - check
>bizarre behaviour at times - check
>stares at women staff but doesnt engage - check
>mumbles to himself - check
>unhealthy interest in guns and mass shooters - check

>> No.14125779 [DELETED] 

This, no point pretending you can make it ok now, recording everything from now on is important

>> No.14125789


>> No.14125808

so get diagnosed asap. If a doctor doesnt want to diagnose it shop around 'till you find one who diagnoses it for you.

As for how much you can expect:
You're probably a burger so laws are different though I can say usually compensation in america is a lot higher than in europe. How much exactly it will be is up in the air though, according to google its 5-80k in America but I think you could be on the higher end due to the autism bullying if you tackle it the right way.

badmouthing former employees is illegal in europe so they would be forced to at least say nothing negative about you if you used them as a reference especially after a wrongful termination as it would be grounds for a second lawsuit for defamation. Might be different in burgerstan though.

>> No.14125853

Whatever happens tomorrow, it's already settled in their minds. Nothing you say will change anything. Also it's almost certainly a termination. They want to get rid of you AND any liability involved in that process. To get any kind of retribution, you will have to go thru the courts, and lawyers are expensive but it might be worth meeting with a few to get a feel for if you have a chance at winning anything. Initial consults shouldn't be too expensive, but obv they are in the business to bring clients on board to get more money. Tough situation. Prepare for the worst OP, and do it now.

>> No.14125881

You might not have time to find a lawyer by tomorrow op, so if you do go back in, record everything & as soon as you feel it necessary, just say you can't continue this meeting without a lawyer can we reschedule.

>> No.14125898

I am so fucked

>> No.14125911

Do damage control at this point and call to quit. Then maybe find a temp agency and that should bypass the inevitable blacklist.

>> No.14125916

retard alert do not do this ever.

>> No.14125917

>maybe I was getting a promotion
Top kek

>> No.14125936

Find a new job, you're probably already unhappy there anyways.

>> No.14125940

Your advice is to get diagnosed with autism to justify everything and collect disability. You’re the retard mate.

>> No.14125991

let them fire you then collect unemployment

>> No.14125994

I was really happy there anon. I genuinely liked my job and thought they liked me.

>> No.14125998

When they fire you ask them if this is because you're gay.

>> No.14126003



Emphasie how they scare you, how you thought maybe reading about them could help you suvive one.

The complication is the execution part.
Get a lawyer of course and toss these two ideas to the lawyer. 1: reaearching because scared and want to know how to survive. Execution research was to figure out how to escape being killed by someone when you have no power in situation 2: this is important, find faults with the workplace. You dont feel safe, but have lawyer say it.
Insinuate that HR is handling this poorly and opening themselves up to a lawsuit. You want them to back off and feel like you do, afraid of getting sacked and reprimanded. You researched because you don’t feel like your workplace does enough to protect you

Be a good little wagecuck who loves working even if you dont feel like the workplace has good systems in place

>> No.14126016

he is out of a job and homeless this time next month as it stands moron. after winning ther suit he can just get rediagnosed to normie if he wants to

>> No.14126029

.......... And you still googled for shootings? Why sabotage yourself anon? Do you hate nice things and yourself secretly? Better pray your bag moons anon.

Also prepare excuses for your next job interview and avoid giving them references from this company.

>> No.14126038

Hello doctor I am no longer autistic. Please take that off my permanent medical records. You’re a brainlet.

>> No.14126055

I just thought it was interesting and I got focused on them for a few weeks. People always Google stuff here and go on YouTube I didn't think.

>> No.14126063

Yes, also some lawyers will take cases for no money down and 1/3 of whatever the employer gives you. Start making calls already.

>> No.14126076

Quit before getting unemployment, or ability for lawyer to negotiate a wrongful termination suit. NEVER DO THIS.

>> No.14126079

They might have an iron clad case for dismissal and you guys might be putting him deep in debt for a case he can’t win.

>> No.14126095

I didn't do anything though and would never shoot people. It's not fair.

>> No.14126116

Just cause for quitting you can receive unemployment.

>> No.14126119

And employers are never happy about their employees "wasting" their office resources doing that.

Remember, Mr Shekelstein is always paranoid that someone will take his family hostage and steal all his "hard-earned" wealth because he knows he treat his workers like trash.

>> No.14126170

Chad would have just plowed someone from IT or HR to resolve this.

>> No.14126184

Lmfao you have no idea how the medical industry works do you? How autism works? Everybody is autistic to a certain degree. It's just how much "points" you score on the scale that determines whether or not you're diagnosed with autism. After winning the case he can just visit a doc, once again shop around if they won't "undiagnose" it. You can game the tests they use to diagnose you with autism, it really isn't that difficult as long as he's either not autistic or high functioning which he seems to be.

>> No.14126221

you fucked yourself

>> No.14126247

Thanks for the input on this thread, I will definitely record everything and sue if I am fired but does anyone think there might be something I can do or say that might mean I won't get fired? I really don't want to lose my job.

>> No.14126253

you already fucked yourself in any lawsuit you could possibly have by admitting guilt
you deserve everything you get for being a r9k tier beta

>> No.14126270

Avoid being argumentative and defensive. Go for cooperative and decent.

>> No.14126282

The other anon said I could sue for wrongful dismissal though. I didn't do anything wrong and really can't lose this job. I will be homeless and don't have any family or friends so have no where to stay. I will fucking kill myself before it comes to that.

>> No.14126286

they're out for blood and it's so goddamn obvious
are you as fucking retarded as OP?

>> No.14126292

THIS OP! DO NOT FORGET THIS! You are not guilty and would never carry anything out like that ever, & just googling it does not make you guilty and should not be a reason why they fire you. They would need more evidence - guns, writings, posts on /Pol/, to actually have an argument. DONT BE BETA OP! It's not fair that they fuck you just cause you googled. Googled + social awareness does not = shooter

>> No.14126293

I tried that at the first meeting and it didn't go down so well. It's like they had already made up their minds.

>> No.14126303

just do yourself a favor and call in a lawyer to sit with you
it is the difference between having a fighting chance and getting raped in the ass
do you not have 500 bucks to save your ass?

>> No.14126305

Exactly it was just interesting it's not like I did anything wrong.

>> No.14126316

Probably if I sell some stuff but I won't be able to do that before the next meeting. I can't believe this is happening.

>> No.14126317

you're a mass shooter
doesn't mean you have to cry about it

>> No.14126329

I don't even own a fucking gun.

>> No.14126331

midnight pawn shop
bullshit you don't have a tv or a computer
if it's such a great job why are you broker than an average nigger

>> No.14126332

No I'm an adult that understands the real world. OP should mostly just be silent, record everything, but if there's a chance to spin it be a decent person. I've actually been in major trouble before and I chose my lies carefully and otherwise went above and beyond to squash suspicions that I had any bad intentions.

>> No.14126337

You're already fired if all of this is true, just apply for another job, unemployment or get disablity. You're already fired.

>> No.14126343

beta noguns confirmed

>> No.14126352

also this
beta noguns don't deserve to keep their jobs

>> No.14126367

Fuck you this is the worst moment of my life

>> No.14126370

Good luck man, keep us updated. Maybe they just give you a warning or something. People in this thread assume the worst. Recording the conversation would be a good idea though

>> No.14126381

>Googling disturbing shit on your work network
Lol fucking dumbass. I never look at anything more controversial than the weather on my work’s network.

>> No.14126387

OP really is retarded, he's been gifted a chance to get free money from the government and live as a neet and he won't stop bitching about it.

>> No.14126403

clouds are white supremacists

>> No.14126404

top kek

>> No.14126435

Declare that you want to record if you’re state doesn’t allow recording of conversations without consent

>> No.14126450

If being polite and stupid doesn’t work, don’t go full attack. Subtly hint how they’re making a mistake and opening themselves up to a lawsuit. Look at >>14126003

>> No.14126465

Lol gj autist. Let me just research workplace shootings on my workplace computer.

>> No.14126501
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>> No.14126512

>not realizing this is the perfect situation for a huge lawsuit

>muh psychological harassment at work from superiors
>defamation of character and causing potential hindrance to career and ability to pay taxes
>muh intimidation and humiliation using law enforcement

btw a sheriff isn't a real police officer, a sheriff is a bank/financial agent

You were intimidated by a fraudulent entity pretending to the act of a sovereign entity ( police )

the SHERRIFS where the guards and private army of the Knights Templar who began the banking system of modern days using paper money, that's why they wear that pointed star similar to a lovely flag we all know.

Learn Legalese.

>> No.14126541

Good Lord OP, all hope is lost.

>> No.14126572

Just start lifting 8 hours a day and turn into a chad. Then get a job at a gym and slay gym thots. It’s really an easy solution.

>> No.14126597

shoot the place, that will teach them to not be mean.

>> No.14126610

Get money, buy link and become neet. What's so hard? Why clinging to that job lmao you inlove with a roasty there or something?

>> No.14126612

Op this is what you do. try to stay calm. You go in tomorrow for work like normal. Make sure your phone records audio. When you go into the meeting, have recording going. Just be yourself, tell them the truth (which is, you just googled something out of curiosity and if you can act it, precaution, you'd never do anything like that you don't even own a gun etc etc) & as soon as you feel like they're starting to fuck you, say I'm really sorry but I think I should have a lawyer with me at this point, can we reschedule, & they'll have to say yes. At which point you take the day off again and go find a lawyer. Basically you're going to be home early tomorrow looking for a lawyer that will take your case on no win no fee, & if you explain the situation - fired for googling & no other evidence, you'll find someone.

>> No.14126617
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>> No.14126627

>I n-need my job!
>But no so much I stay away from Going Postal sites
Is it something yanks put in their water?

>> No.14126634

I can't handle this. I'm gonna jump off s bridge. Now.

>> No.14126637

Has anyone suggested a time machine?

>> No.14126745

be real, you were thinking and fantasizing about doing it. you browse 4chan and they know it. i'm glad they caught you before you acted on your sick thoughts.

>> No.14126748
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do a flip

>> No.14126771

You say you don't consent to searches without a warrant and if you are to be questioned you want a lawyer present. But it's a larp anyway so I can be you lawyer if you want buddy. Poo poe pee pee

>> No.14126779
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Imagine being a wagie

>> No.14126780


peepee poopoo

>> No.14126783

Yeah they probably have to pull his internet providers history now too to see just how far it goes. There is probably much more to this story.

>> No.14126797


First post best post.

I would say that "1984" has become our reality but it's actually worse than that. I'm pretty sure those people could actually buy a house.

>> No.14126800

It was on a company computer so it was well within the company’s rights. Now law enforcement has reasonable cause to look further into the home Internet provider. Just don’t pull a Hillary Clinton and destroy your tech with a hammer kek.

>> No.14126826

I’m eating a jelly krimpet like a total faggot thanking my stars I’m not a wagecuck.

>> No.14127037
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you mean a barrel roll, so he can't die at impact

>> No.14127052
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the non-sperg response to this was that you have been freaked out and worried about all the of the mass shootings in the news lately, so you started reading about it to see if you could find out about warning signs to look for in your coworkers.

To be honest you fucked up by saying the worst thing possible: "it interests me" is the last thing they want to hear. It makes you sound like a fucking serial killer. It's probably too late and you've already lost your job. I would apologize to them in person, say you were very nervous with the sheriff around because you are afraid of guns, and that you have just been scared of mass shootings.

Way to go though fucking browsing the internet at work looking at something that's obviously going to trigger alarm bells with whatever web security resource they use. Do you watch porn at work? You probably do lmao. You're probably posting this fucking thread from your work computer on a work network. Dumbass. You deserve to be fired not just because you're socially inept but for being so fucking stupid.

>> No.14127102

this actually made me laugh out loud in real life. take your (You) m8

>> No.14127130

many injury lawyers will meeet with you for free to discuss potential gainz. if they like your case then many times there is no charge unless they win. same goes for employment lawyers

>> No.14127476
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Based sovereign citizen schizoid poster

>> No.14127694

>Spend WEEKS researching workplace shootings
>At work
>While being an autistic asocial incel
>Your employer has to call the police to fire you

This is amazing what is wrong with you OP

>> No.14127750

This is literally your only play now. You have no reason to do what you did, so you need to be the victim or you will be fired as soon as they are able to

>> No.14127774

I stand corrected. This is the real answer.

>> No.14127867
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OP if you'd have bought Chainlink when I told you too when you started this thread, you'd have more than enough for a lawyer right now. Might not have to worry about getting another job either kek.

>> No.14128774

Are you planning on shooting them now?

They are pushing you to do it

>> No.14128805

Should've just said you have an interest in psychology

>> No.14128860

Get diagnosed with autisms. Claim you're being discriminated against because of unusual social behavior related to your disorder.

>> No.14129051


This op . This is the kind of shit lawsuits are made of. Claim unemjoyment for wrongful firing, use the company's Internet browsing terms for ur side, like u said for u to go on those pages wasn't against polciy, they're just liberal pussies. They already harassing u saying ur a loser and single and holding it against u. Lawyer up right now op

>> No.14129409
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>> No.14129530

Get a lawyer that works on contingency you cuck.