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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14124734 No.14124734 [Reply] [Original]

How many do you hold? With the low circulating supply I bet we hold a decent percentage of the tokens here. I have just over 100k

>> No.14124739

30k babyfish tuning in.

>> No.14124747


Here's all the VIDT wallets

I've got 110k

>> No.14124765
File: 35 KB, 517x547, 3e05308be31006b1be66e3049bb1b030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only 3k sadly


>> No.14124775

100k marine here

>> No.14124791

i only hold 10k :((((((((((

>> No.14124795
File: 21 KB, 620x576, I-Know-That-Feel-Bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14124895

thanks bro feeling better now

good thing is vidt will do 10x from here on so my small bag of 10k VIDT will be worth much more in the future

>> No.14124909

guys you did it I market oder FOMOed in

>> No.14124921

market order

>> No.14124927


>> No.14124995
File: 18 KB, 601x221, amspec_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can somebody explain in details how big this new partnership big? What do you know about it?

>> No.14125005

> how big this new partnership is?

i'm about to fomo in too

>> No.14125010

only 3500 I got like month ago. I want to kill myself for being cautious on this one.

>> No.14125031

almost as big if not bigger than the partnership with airbus since their whole business model is based on file validation

>> No.14125057

6k, comfy cuz still making it

>> No.14125058

It is very telling that a big company who's business it is to validate files, would choose to go with V-ID. Considering they could have developped their own solution. Kinda real BTFOs that other anon who keeps spamming that he could build V-ID in a week and get bigger partners

>> No.14125060

> their whole business model is based on file validation

How exactly? What files do they validate?

>> No.14125068

46k reporting in....seems small but consifering how huge this project will soon be im a megawhale just waiting happen. ;)

>> No.14125071

That’s why they said it’s their biggest client to date. Maybe it’s not as “big” as Airbus but it will use way more Vidt for validation since that’s one of the main components of the company’s operation.

>> No.14125082


>> No.14125118


>> No.14125191

They produce inspection reports for petrol and gas equipment around the world. All they do is literally generate reports

>> No.14125210

> All they do is literally generate reports
big if true

>> No.14125336

fill my fucking 15k buy order retards

>> No.14125421

market buy like a man

>> No.14125453

lmfao good luck

>> No.14125495

dont get greedy guys this cant go up forever

>> No.14125540



>> No.14125561


>> No.14125565


"dont get greedy guys this cant go up forever"

>4m marketcap


>> No.14125705

how the fuck did you spergs figure out the partnership a full week before announcement?

>> No.14125770

it's not too late anons?i only have 2k usd to spare rn

>> No.14125825

because we have the power of weaponized autism

its not too late look at that marketcap.
50MM marketcap is entirely possible

>> No.14126641
File: 730 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190601-223127_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My initial stack from eth and btc was 2k from 7k, now i all in'd vidt

>picture related, me and my boy ready to do a driveby if this doesnt 10x

>> No.14126663

Checkem 2usd eod

>> No.14126668

Give me 1 (one) fucking reason this shit won't do a 5x before exchange announcment and another 10x right after that?

>> No.14126711

I bought in

Let's start shilling on reddit, it has already attracted some attention there (i discovered this gem on reddit), but we need more normies

>> No.14126739

Guys, I figured it out. VIDT can be converted into shares of the company in the future.

>> No.14126742

I'm getting antshares vibes from this

>> No.14126760

no need for an organized/non-organic shilling, VIDT will keep growing steadily and in just about a few days normies will start rushing in without our help

>> No.14126785

dont do anything bro, money will come

>> No.14126790

That will be $46k in the future

>> No.14126814

Currently holding 7k of these - bought in at $.095 - given that the AMSpec partnership announcement is more or less out of the bag, what happens price-wise on the 19th now?

>> No.14127008

>what happens price-wise on the 19th now?
I think announcment won't affect price in any way, by that time most investors should know about partnership, so no panic/potential dump. I expect steady sustainable growth until binance/huobi

>> No.14127384

I thought about it long and hard... can't find a reason why it won't.

>> No.14127429

Kind of a non-factor now. Probably better it's been confirmed before the 19th so the news will slowly spread and a "sell the news" event can be bypassed. The big thing now is the Q3 tier 1 exchange.

>> No.14127449

Sell the news anon, always sell the news