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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14124574 No.14124574 [Reply] [Original]

The bagholders of this shitcoin will be in for a very rough awakening. When regulations hit this shitcoin will be the first to kick the bucket. All fiat entry points to this will be banned, all cash out points of this will be banned. It will be removed from all stores accepting it. Your bags will become virtually worthless and the only thing you could do with your bags is to buy drugs

>> No.14124587

You literally don't understand crypto

>> No.14124599

>t. nucoiner
All crypto is interrelated, dumbfuck. It's either all crypto gets banned (including your psyop shitcoin of choice), or none.

>> No.14124790
File: 44 KB, 1767x228, Rebought in March 2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder there's not stronger buy signal than government cracking down on crypto

>> No.14124849

Governments banning things (“prohibitions” if you will) are historically correlated with rapid declines in interest, use, and price of said things.
You’re in the clear here, OP. You win. I just ask that you not gloat too much.

>> No.14125004

>Governments banning things (“prohibitions” if you will) are historically correlated with rapid declines in interest, use, and price of said things.
You wish.

>> No.14125024

>when you can’t sense sarcasm

>> No.14125026

yeah uh thats not how crypto works.
xmr will forever leech value from the entrie crypto space. it doesn't need any fiat parings or gateways for this.

also this bitch is basically bottomed out.

>> No.14125037

this desu.. maybe you zoomets are too young to remembet the online poker boom that predated bitcoin circa 2003-2008. every other commercial was partypoker this, pokerstars that... every college frat boy idiot losing their tuition money to online poker, espn glorifying world series of poker with endless poker tournament reruns...
then it was banned in usa 2008. the entire multi billion dollar market died literally overnight and still hasnt recovered even to 1% of its height 11 years later

>> No.14125076
File: 17 KB, 298x303, English.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all: Learn English

>> No.14125089

Yes but playing poker isn't useful to anyone. A currency that exists out of the reach of governments and regulations is.

>> No.14125109

I was being sarcastic, you absolute retards

>> No.14125117

I pay for my VPN with monero and that's all I need it for.

>> No.14125199

One thing I think has yet to catch on are the student loan defaulters hiding their money not from the goverment per se but from garnishment. Some kids are now accepting their fate regarding the impossibility of paying back their loans and hiding all their cash in crypto as it's currently a legal grey area and not subject to liens. I think there could potentially be a mass crypto exodus for these types when the impossibility of payment reaches a critical mass. THe government may regulate it and treat it as a bank for creditors and if people take their coins off exchanges or hide them in monero things will get interesting.

>> No.14125260

either the entire world, all nations have to ban cryptocurrency, then maybe the crypto markets will drop to 1% of what it is now.

>> No.14125505

lotta tards in here

>> No.14125631

yep. correlated
more ban higher price
alcohol prohibition
coke prices today
fentanyl etc etc

>> No.14125633

New atms will just keep appearing even if they get shut down some rich Monero whales will keep putting them up just to keep it alive. You cannot stop it

>> No.14125649

This. When gov tried to ban guns the prices of guns went to 0. You could buy 100 assault rifles for the price of a Big Mac

>> No.14125884

Underrated, also criminally underchecked dubs

>> No.14125889

Threadly reminder that Craig literally makes these threads.

>> No.14126146

no i dont

>> No.14126154

I’ll be happy when goldstein banks beats you into submission you retarded larper

>> No.14126174

Found the glow

>> No.14126563

What's with the constant FUD threads? If the worst we've got to fear is a government ban then XMR is doing everything right.

>> No.14126635

Yeah but this student loan credit is not sitting in their accounts, it has been used already. There is nothing to hide. And as we all know being paid your wage in cash is already illegal in most corners of developed world. If you wanna dodge debt you gotta go full bankless and for that you gotta make some significant lifestyle changes.

>> No.14126672

You are worse than a dumb nigger. Maybe you're like a white old baby boomer.

>> No.14126803
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People taking out loans for an investment

>> No.14126866

Hard to imagine for someone who has to sacrifice his time to get wage

>> No.14127229

They’re just paid Craigposters taking jobs on fiverr mixing up their usual nonsense with some XMR FUD.

>> No.14127671
File: 7 KB, 259x194, 2bc7c1e7-7ac4-4007-bdff-d18604ca352a..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]