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14117325 No.14117325 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>wasting vacation time as i intend to possibly quit
>two faced nosy roastie supervisor uses excuses to not give me the time off
>asks for details even after saying its a family medical thing
>says she can't work with me because I'm not telling her
>why she want details so badly we're not friends
>she also tries getting info on what I do on my weekends but i refuse telling her almost everytime yet she keeps trying to get info
>end up getting some time off after reducing the length
>schedule some more time that follows the rulebook the next day so she can't use the same excuse as last time
>"Anon is there something you want to tell me"
>"Anon stop being difficult"
>even after telling her the same reason
>fairly sure she suspects im gonna quit
>glad i didn't wait to use the vacation time as she'd probably try to screw me over
>contemplating not doing a 2 weeks notice and just quitting soon after i waste the vacation time
>she hasnt signed off on the second vacation time request, suspect she's trying to find an excuse out of it or possibly deny me the first one she approved

Biz anons what would you do? What should I do?

>> No.14117357

request the time off and then if it doesn't get approved don't show up anyway. if you get fired you'll get severance and when future employers ask why fired say "grandpa was sick and i requested time off well in advance but they scheduled me and i went to see pop pop anyway"

>> No.14117416
File: 47 KB, 612x423, 5162D4CF-C728-404C-B457-F791364D137B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Report her to HR for making you feel uncomfortable by asking such personal questions, especially about the private family medical thing. Make sure you drive home the point that you've told her your family wants this medical problem to remain private and she won't leave you alone, you feel harrassed, and it's adding to the stress of the medical family thing.

>> No.14117429

You gotta do the 2 weeks bro

>> No.14117474

My company gives 3 months full sick pay.
I'm seriously considering using it then quitting.

>> No.14117482


>> No.14117519


>> No.14117562


>> No.14117591

100% this.

>> No.14118053

Op here


This could work pretty good. Had the "family medical emergency" been real I wouldve quit on the spot when she used nonsensical excuses to deny me.

Screw it if I leave soon she's gonna be swamped with work.

By far my most annoying supervisor, she attempts to act like friends but will use information against you if she "feels disrespected."

>> No.14118444

Realistically speaking, how bad can this go for op if he reports his own supervisor? Especially if HR asks for proof even though privacy is key factor.

>> No.14118498

OP, please go back to work for one more day, but bring in a few things.. a pack of small taffy candies, raw steaks, a tuna, jar of oil, and some stink bomb oil. Put it all in a suit case. Very important.
Proceed to hide the steaks in some of the ceiling panels of the bathroom or in an air duct.
Go on a walk out side the building during your break and put some of the candy hidden in the bushes by the windows of your offices. This is to attract ants and insects to get closer to your office.
Now, when inside, start hiding the candy in filing cabinets, drawers, hard to reach corners behind desks, and most importantly in planter boxes. Depending on the building ants and roaches may find a way inside.

Now the tuna, here is where you shine OP. You need to think of a place that people usually don't go in your office (but is open for public use, like a drawer or cabinet in the kitchen. Make sure the tuna is quadruple wrapped in plastic food packaging, then wrapped in paper bag, then wrapped in the food plastic sheets again, and then placed inside of a paper bag. Place this in your secret spot. It'll probably be about a week before they start smelling it.

If you can put the meat or tuna in a hot place, then even better.

Now for the grand finale, OP. If you can do only one thing, let it be this. Get the jar of oil and as you are preparing to leave, get a cloth in your left hand that has a good amount of oil on it, any oil will do. put the oil on any surface that your supervisor is likely to lean against, touch, or sit on. If she's going to sit on it, create small but concentrated patch. This will stain nicely.

When you leave, coat the door nob with oil. Make that baby almost drip, but not leaving any puddles or drops. And coat the other side of it too.

Wait, anon, I have a whole jar of oil--what about the rest of it? Empty it into a light plastic bucket, place the bucket on top of the supervisor's door at 4:58pm. Leave.

>> No.14119820
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You know what you should do?
GO over her head.
Now. Go to HR. Complain about the hostile work environment shes promoting and how she's making you unnecessarily comfortable and you feel insulted that shes being so disrespectful given your dire and sudden circumstances.
Stay where you are, till shes fired.
Then quit.
Anons always laugh last.

>> No.14120317

do what thou wilt

>> No.14120365

Lol a woman as superior......just fuck her, not lterally, but by the means the system gives you. Take some advice from the other anons here and shoot her down the dirty way

>> No.14120390

>vacation time

KEK, gotta love wagies

>> No.14120406

both based

>> No.14120596

in my civilized country vacation time gets paid out when you quit so the entire concept of what you are doing is retarded to me.

>> No.14120855 [DELETED] 
File: 334 KB, 1032x1157, Screenshot_20190612-224637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op here again

Hmm that could work. But HR there always tries to make it look like the person you're reporting is just being friendly. If I got her fired I'd stay as she is one of the most unbearable employee's. Any tips on how to report her?

>FMLA approved surgery
>have to cancel due to health issue and medication
>supervisor acts overjoyed that I won't be gone
>literally insulting as I had to cancel surgery

>got injured
>mention it
>acts compassionate for a few seconds
>mention that I hate this task due to the risk
>she does a 180 and tells me if we need to go over my duties

>not doing well
>go to lunch
>come back
>"wow I didn't think you'd come back anon"
>shes implying that she thought I'd quit

>try to get nearly 2 weeks off suggesting something medical popped up on short notice
>just wasting vacation time due to possible new job
>says she "can't" using policy and that she needs me as an excuse
>was contemplating pulling out my badge and quitting just on the basis of how insulting her response was
>she approved it after i reduced it and EMPHASIZED the need

>i ask for more time off at a later date, by the rulebook this time
>she asks for more details again
>doesn't accept my simple answer
>probably wants to hear me say im quitting
>says I'm being difficult for not giving details
>once again says she'll look into it
>is probably looking for an excuse again
>saw the paperwork on her desk unsigned even though i gave her a reason

>> No.14120885
File: 238 KB, 1052x1073, Screenshot_20190612-225127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vacation time is paid out but i want my end date to be further back with as little contact with my roastie supervisor. Plus some of the paid time off ISN'T paid out when I quit.

t. Op who is a guy in the USA

>> No.14120917
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>> No.14120983
File: 399 KB, 1338x1279, Screenshot_20190612-230637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op here again

Hmm that could work. But HR there always tries to make it look like the person you're reporting is just being friendly. If I got her fired I'd stay as she is one of the most unbearable employee's. Any tips on how to report her?

>> No.14121971
File: 700 KB, 2048x2048, three-toed-sloths_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the absolute state of wagebitch

>> No.14122004

Imagine having a job where you can’t just put “personal day” on vacation time

Shit if I want a day off I can put on the paper I don’t feel like coming in and it’ll probably get approved tho I usually just say vacationer personal day