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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1411673 No.1411673 [Reply] [Original]

I just invested 2666 USD into Twitter Stock market, what does /biz/ thinks about this?

>> No.1411675

im embarrassed to say i didnt even know twitter had gone public

>> No.1411677

Buy low sell high. Dont hold on to that too long. Twitter is dying.

>> No.1411681


This. I'm positive it won't make a come back either. Meanwhile my groupon stock went up 25% in the last 2 days and I've only been trading for about 2 weeks. Feels good man.

>> No.1411682

I think i did buy low, and hope Twitter is sold in the short-term to Apple, Facebook or Alphabet so i can generate a good revenue

>> No.1411684

i think is good time to buy, stock is very low at this moment.

>> No.1411698
File: 152 KB, 1456x1440, 13524102_1074879219265331_575049328_o.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Buy high, sell low!

>> No.1411699

Great buy man. The company won't grow too much but they don't need to. They only need about 2 consecutive quarters of good earnings and growth and a bigger company will pick them up.

>> No.1411701

Boring as fuck stock tbqh, but safe. I don't have a reason, but Twitter has any competitors?

>> No.1411704

If you'd put it in Trumpcoin on July 5th you'd have $10,000 right now.

>> No.1411708


I think you should buy the book "How to make money in stocks" and find out for yourself.

Protip: Why did the stock fall so much? How does Twitter makes money, and will it make more money?

>> No.1411709

That's what i'm expecting

>> No.1411712

competitors? i think just facebook, and that`s a reason for FB to buy Twitter, so they have no competitors.

>> No.1411714


This. Twitter stock has dropped almost in half over the last year. It's a bad idea. It's going to drop lower significantly. Screen cap this.

>> No.1411722

>Screen cap this.
i've already did.

>> No.1411727

i'm not beting on Twitter making more money, i'm beting on Twitter to be sold in the short-term to FB, Alphabet or Apple

>> No.1411742


I still think it's a bad idea, you don't know when or if it's going to happen, and your stocks may have decayed so much until then that you won't make a profit. You should've put those money elsewhere and made sound profit instead of a bet. Though I guess $2666 isn't so much money, but still.

>> No.1411745

Why would you buy Twitter right now? Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.1411750
File: 36 KB, 698x255, Captura de pantalla 2016-07-29 a las 6.19.22 p.m..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stock price is low, good time to buy, plus selling rumors.

>> No.1411754
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Stock price is low because Twitter has no earnings. They earned 0 dollars last year. People are finally waking up (AGAIN) to the shell game that is tech stocks.
>Big guys don't buy Twitter

>> No.1411758

Stock price has never been so low, if this is not a good moment to buy, then there will never be a good moment, plus company selling (and interested buyers) rumors.

>> No.1411762

Dude, you have to learn to READ >>1411727

>> No.1411775
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I read that, and you're a moron. No major company is going to fork over big money for a company with no earnings. Twitter won't sell for what an apple or google is willing to pay. They still have a WAYS to tank before that happens.
Once again...
>Big guys don't buy twitter

>> No.1411779

sounds like next year will be the shit? lrn2trade fgt

>> No.1411793


Enjoy your declining meme stocks. Everything popular is wrong dumbass.

>> No.1411799

Sure, i mean yeah you are right, why not... your "Big guy don't buy twitter" seems legit and pretty solid.

>> No.1411941

Make a play on some newsflash fluctuation. If at any time you can make a profit, take it and run right away. If that doesn't happen. Sell out and take a loss. Definitely don't hold because you'll loose everything.

FB can survive the "not being cool anymore" problem because at their core they are a database. Twitter however, will be our decade's MySpace. Combine that with the fact that it has NEVER been profitable and it's a no-brainer.

>> No.1412344

Surely it won't be hard to monetize twitter?