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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1411672 No.1411672 [Reply] [Original]

>Go to mall washroom with backpack
>Take the huge rolls of toilet paper from every stall
>never have to spend money on toilet paper again

Who else / does this / here?

>> No.1411676

>spend time and gas driving to the mall
>obtain $1 worth of TP

yeah really economical

>> No.1411683

The huge rolls are worth a lot more than that. Probably $5-10 I'd assume if not buying them in bulk. Toilet paper aint that cheap, senpai.

Plus it's not far and it's when I'm doing my shopping anyway

>> No.1411697
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>This is how poor people think you go about saving money.

Mfw I spend .20 a roll bulk shipped for free directly to my door while you're smuggling tp

>> No.1411705

>lend mortgages to poor people who don't have income, jobs, or assets to afford them
>they also have subprime credit scores
>lend to them anyways because the mortgage will get bought from me within 48 hours by another bank to be packaged into another security
>keep track of what subprime mortgages I lend out and what MBS they get packaged into then buy swaps against said MBS's

You know what they say, he who holds the gold makes the rules.

>> No.1411710

.20 a roll isn't good if we're talking about thin, one-ply, 100-sheet garbage.

"Bill Baker, Bill Baker, the cigarette maker, he wiped his butt with cigarette paper, but the paper was thin and his finger slipped in, can you see the predicament Bill Baker was in?"

>> No.1411713


Stealing isn't saving money.

>> No.1411763

>Wasting even an hour to get that "free" toilet paper

>> No.1411817

Go to wendy's. spend 1$ on a sandwich and stuff the bag with plastic silverware.

>> No.1411841

Sometimes I walk into Chinese restaurants and grab a handful of the mint imperials they keep at the reception and then run away.

>> No.1411844
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>Sometimes I walk into Chinese restaurants and grab a handful of the mint imperials they keep at the reception and then run away.

I do this but I dine and dash Chinese all you can eat buffets. After shoving a bunch of food into tupperware containers, of course.

>> No.1411852

>build hobo makeshift signal reflector out of cardboard and aluminium foil to obtain signal from Starbucks down the road

Legit did this once.

>> No.1411858

Once me and my mate were at the buffet and he actually tried taking out some of the food in a plastic bag because his girlfriend wanted some. He ended up in a fight with an employee and called him a slanty eyed chinky and ended up getting banned.

He got arrested once for failing to pay at a restaurant once as well.

>> No.1411870


Just push those skinny gooks out of the way and run if they attempt to apprehend you. My gains from bulking at their restaurant help

>> No.1411930

>go to pawn shop
>purchase gun
>shoot clerk
>take money

>go to ice cream shop
>ask for extra large smoothie
>throw smoothie at employee's face (aim for eyes)
>smash glass and steal ice cream

>walk up to douchebag guitar player on street
>(make sure there is money in guitar case or 360 moonwalk)
>put dollar bill in guitar case
>take all other bills
>flip him off as you leave

>> No.1411935

Has this worked for you well in the past?

>> No.1411960
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>being so poor you have to steal toilet paper
fucking christ anon

>> No.1411963

well look at mr bourgeois here

>> No.1412266


>Holy shit you guys I figured out you can save so much money by taking cash from mom's purse. I've saved like $30 this year already.

>> No.1412275

>be autist
>go to half price books
>buy ancient boxed games for 3 dollars
>sell for 30 on ebay

>> No.1412296

Where does the physical money come from if you're lending it?
>step 1: give 100k to poor people
>step 2: collect ~800 a month for about 6 months
>step 3: bank buys shitty mortgage at a discount (anything under 95% is a loss for you)
>step 4: i don't get how you made money

>> No.1412314

When I moved out of home I spent $65 on a toilet brush.
It was a lot of money for me, but knowing how much I would save in toilet paper over the year made it worthwhile.

>> No.1412324

>Purchase gun
>Shoot myself in the head
>Don't have to buy anything ever again

>> No.1412326

if you saw $10 lying around you'd pick it up and not tell anyone, don't lie

that is what the acumenical among us see when they go into a public bathroom

>> No.1412359

If $10 is just lying around then its just lying around

Toilet roll in a public bathroom is bought and placed there for everyone's convenience, given under condition of mutual respect in a civilised society, supplied as a public service for group benefit.
If everyone stole the toilet roll then there would not be any toilet roll in public toilets, and then where the fuck would we be? India, that's where.
By stealing the toilet roll you are nudging society towards designated shitting streets. Kill yourself you literal human garbage.

>> No.1412365

How fucking poor you would have to be that this shit would be worth your time?

>> No.1413116
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>> No.1413152

i take trash bags and condiments from work. not that cheap ass tp tho i like thick and secure paper. also save a lo by eating and drinking there

>> No.1413776

this is Zimbabwe tier

>> No.1413950

or built in bidets with drying fans. Where the fuck would we be? Japan, that's where.

>> No.1413956

I don't think you know what a toilet brush is meant for