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14115796 No.14115796 [Reply] [Original]

How do I stop the incredible urge to eat junk food after 8 hours of wagecucking everyday? I tried to fall for the vegan meme but it just doesn’t feel fulfilling. I just crave salty and meaty foods which vegetables and fruit cannot replace

>> No.14116006

change your diet slowly over time, you will get there. Use Celtic sea salt, get enough healthy fats, carbs, and protein. Get some exercise regularly too.

>> No.14116190

It takes at least three months of starving the Candida fungus to be rid of the intense cravings for wheat, meat, sugar, and dairy, which it feeds on.

>> No.14116204

You can expedite that process with mct oil, avocados and other shit that causes yeast die-off.

>> No.14116217
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>> No.14116240
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> 2019
> Never heard of keto

JFC, don't listen to vegans. I'm sure there's some healthy way to be vegan, but they tell baldfaced lies about nutrition, they just want you to eat less meat because moralfags. Meat and salt are not ineherently bad for you.

A keto or low-carb diet is great for reducing cravings and balancing appetite, that's the best feature of it.

>> No.14116244

Get a wife. Unironically. That's what worked for me. I also stopped being an alcoholic

>> No.14116245
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>I tried to fall for the vegan meme but
Sorry cant help you, faggot. Kys.

>> No.14116265

its simple, get drunk instead you stupid fucking cuck

>> No.14116278

eat raw meat and be primal

>t. raw meat eater

aajonusvonderplanitz is king and sv3rige is prince

>> No.14116279

bad advice, the trick is to actually BECOME an alcoholic.

>> No.14116304

Despite his role in Rawesome and the other animal-leasing arrangements that he continued after Rawesome's debacle, Vonderplanitz would never be prosecuted.[69] Still, by 2010, he believed himself the target of governmental or pharmaceutical conspiracy to neutralize him.[18] In 2009, he had described the ongoing flu pandemic as a hoax mediated by flu vaccination.[70] Soon, he alleged apparent retribution by invaders of his hotel room in Thailand forcibly giving him injections that sent his "mercury, barium, and chromium readings off the charts", impairing his health, causing weight loss, and prematurely aging him.[18] Later, he claimed that on a Thailand road, his car's brakes suddenly failed, causing a potentially fatal car wreck that he likewise attributed to a plot against his life.

LOL ^^^^

>> No.14116337

>bad advice, the trick is to actually BECOME an alcoholic.
Look, I actually went through this. I'm not larping. You don't want to get addicted to alcohol.

After 8 hrs wagecucking it was easy to abandon myself to junn food and beer. Getting married and having my wife starting living with me helped me a lot.

Before that I used to escape from the bullshit at work with my addiction, now she helps me relaxing just because she's there. I forget the bullshit at work when I see her.

And at the beginning I couldn't eat shit / drink just because I was ashamed of myself, I couldn't let her see how low I was.

>> No.14116363

the rational part of me hears you, out loud.

The irrational part of me thinks you sound like a little bitch. And desu, you werent really addicted if you could just come home from work before stopping at the gas station and getting alcohol. You are an "alcoholic" the type of person who never had a problem, but wants to claim they did bc it gives them an identity. Go fuck yourself you weak piece of shit poser.

>> No.14116548

>The irrational part of me thinks you sound like a little bitch. And desu, you werent really addicted if you could just come home from work before stopping at the gas station and getting alcohol. You are an "alcoholic" the type of person who never had a problem, but wants to claim they did bc it gives them an identity. Go fuck yourself you weak piece of shit poser.
Brother, I know what you mean but trust me, I am very ashamed about my past so I don't think I subconsciously like to claim I was an alcoholic when I wasn't. I talked to my cousin who actually had to go to communities for detox and he gave me references for self-assessment. It turned out I was somewhat on the edge, still not hopeless. And indeed I'm much better now.

But I was in really bad conditions. I had very bad symptoms. I ended up drinking alone almost every day at home. Indeed I was stopping to buy alcohol after work before going back home. They only had shit beer but in the end I really just wanted to get drunk. I had to drink a lot (2 liters per "session") to become numb enough. And this was right after severe junk food intake. Shit started clearly affecting my performance at work. My apartment was in horrible conditions, I stopped cleaning and I had empty beer cans everywhere. That's when I knew I had to stop. And I didn't manage.

My wife moving in really helped me and she doesn't even know that (and I don't want her to know), nobody knows except my cousin and another long distance friend who is still a heavy drinker but in a less self-destructive way.

I still feel the urge to drink, but I can control it. I have a good beer once a week now.

>> No.14116587

I know right. They literally NEED to gorge on cakes, meats, and salty chips just to cope with their pathetic existence...

>> No.14116601

One question: do you hate your job?

>> No.14116613
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going vegan means getting most calories from rice, potatos and pasta, not fruit. you never gonna get enough calories from fruits

>> No.14116646

I have a good job that makes a lot of money but it's stressful so I go home and eat bad food, but I've actually gotten better.

Eat caesar salads. They'll fill you up and you can get your cheese fix with a little bit of parmesan and chicken. I avoided salads for a long time but now I embrace it. Eat popcorn too. pop it fresh and put some butter on it. it's not super healthy but it's not bad and will be a quick fix.

There's no easy solution. It takes actual will power

>> No.14116738

you dont need fucking butter on popcorn, just put some salt and your receptors go wild

>> No.14116742


>> No.14116760

You Simply decide.

That's it.


Next time you reach for junk food, make a Decision.

Decide not to eat that, and have something else. It's very easy

>> No.14116774

Butter has lots of vitamins and healthy fats in it.

>> No.14116807

>It's very easy
It's not. OP needs help.

>> No.14116838
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Eat fats and meats. Don't be afraid of butter or a little salt. Salt your steaks. Make pulled pork for cheap and delicious comfort food. Have fruit or the occasional baked good (from home or a coffee shop or something, just not oreos) for when you have that urge. Don't be a pussy. You can literally eat all those delicious foods if you exercise, drink water, and use at least decent ingredients. Don't eat fast food like some faggot. Go outside and procreate with a nice white woman. Also read.
God the fucking state of some anons.

>> No.14116854

go get some rice crackers man.

shit's got such a satisfying crunch.

>> No.14116871

Imagine giving advice on biz and expecting anyone to listen. Lol at u.

>> No.14117313

Tell that to the horde of retards who bought ICX / VEN last year and were utterly destroyed because of pajeets shilling here

>> No.14117378

This sounds about right

>> No.14117397


Stop shoving food into your fat ass face. You won't starve, it's actually fucking impossible for fat people to starve.

Check out the Snake Diet.

Thank me later Anon.

>> No.14117412

>I just crave salty and meaty foods
Eat meat and salt exclusively. It's called the "carnivore diet". It heals people from fucked up shit regularly.

>> No.14117426

Are you the r9k fatass who used to post about not being able to lose weight on a daily basis?

>> No.14117439

Snake diet is for NEETs or semi-NEETS - people with little stress in their lives.

>> No.14117440

This. Got a bad habit? Work on it slowly. You will get there.

>> No.14117565

Don't forget OMG :)

>> No.14117582

Kek, true

>> No.14117672

Diet Is not rocket science desu, no matter what carnivory retards or vegan basedboys tell you...you dont need to go vegan to be healthy....just kick the sugarjew, the alcoholjew, refined fast carbsjew, processed foodjew and any kind of fastfoodjew in general. Seriously eat a lot of veggies, moderate amounts of meet, lots of fish, eggs, fruits and youre fine.

>> No.14117726


>> No.14117740

Godfuck, "basedboys", basedboys basedboys basedboys ...looks like my phone thinks vegans are based, fucking Xiaomi chink garbage

>> No.14117753

seriously realistic option. i do this almost every night and dont think about food. just eat less through the day you can drink 1400 calories and go to sleep

>> No.14117759

What the fuck, i wrote "s o y b o y s". This Is fucking creepy

>> No.14117776

Basedboys basedboys basedboys, lets see what It posts...i checked It and its "s o y b o y s"

>> No.14117779

Don't think your diet is serving you well

>> No.14117788

Whaaaaaaat? Ok, Its 4chan fucking with me or are the Xiaomi chinks trolling me personaly?

>> No.14117840

Persevere with the vegan meme.
If you're hungry, eat a piece of fruit or a vegetable.
If you're still hungry, eat another.
Don't buy unhealthy foods so the option isn't even available to you.
GL anon

>> No.14117861


>> No.14117938

>I just crave salty and meaty foods which vegetables and fruit cannot replace
Do a really high fiber diet.Remember also that you can eat far more vegetables than you can eat of other stuff, so basically double or triple your total volume of food intake. You were probably eating too little calories and likely too little protein.
Lentils,Chickpeas, Beans, Mung Beans, dry/hard peas
Seeds (pumpkin and sunflower are good). I don't recommend nuts given its easy to eat tons of them with your kinds of cravings. Especially fried nuts like salted peanuts are danger food for the fat.
Broccoli, Sweet Peas (those you buy frozen), Spinach.
Don't listen to >>14116240
Only people who get easily satiated by fat "have wonders in fat loss from the keto diet". It sounds like you are not one of those and you will just end up eating way more calories than you already do as you try to adjust for the initial carb craving by eating even more fat.

Fruits will not feel filling. No fruit will. Except slightly banana and avocado. The vast majority of fruits are extremely quickly digested. We are pretty much evolutionary perfected to digest fruit and fruit fucking loves to be digestible by mammals and birds who shit out those seeds everywhere we go. Rice, grain products in general and potatoes will also just fuel you constant food cravings. Squash, aubergine, mushrooms has almost no calories but are quite filling compared to having almost no calories. You can also snack stuff like carrots and rootabega throughout the day.

Protein shakes are also very filling. If you want to eat meat, buy lean meat/fish only. Lean chicken breast, certain types of white fish like tilapia. Use nonstick pans and fry with little or no oil.

Eat as little eggs and especially as little dairy as possible. Big dairy intake is a big part of why the western world is so fat these days.

>> No.14117952

>Big dairy intake is a big part of why the western world is so fat these days.
raw milk is the shit

>> No.14118453

Caesars are god tier, sure they're basically still junk food but at least you're packing away a half pound of vegetables while you gorge. My problem is after a while I realized my dressing is all canola oil and I got uncomfortable putting so many PUFAs in my. I've been looking high and low for a premade caesar dressing that uses olive oil instead but can't find one. Then I looked into making my own caesar dressing and what the fuck it's actually complicated as shit. So I put my caesar habit on hold for now.

>> No.14119413


Can't be helped.

>> No.14119423

are you retarded

>> No.14119435


You choose what you value more when presented the opportunity.

>> No.14119598


drink yerba mate

>> No.14119686
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try ecigarretes

>> No.14119692

lol 2 liters of beer? fucking casual

>> No.14119716

There is literally no secret. You have to want to be /fit/ more than you want to eat junk food. It isn’t easy and it takes time. But understand that’s healthy food isn’t shitty.

>> No.14119735


you either gorged the two liters in like 2 minutes or you are extremely underweight, how the fuck 2 liters after a lot of junk food leaves you wasted

>> No.14119746

Meat is junk food?

>> No.14119762

based and free will pilled

>> No.14119766

ive been on keto for the past week and a half and its fucking hard. Im a fat fuck so i do like that i can eat all the meat and cheese i want, but its tough not having any sugary drinks and avoiding carbs in general. Also my first week i was ridiculously fatigued, but it seems like my body is adjusting now

>> No.14119782

Keto diet Anon, lost 25 lbs in 9 days

>> No.14119784

4chan filters s o yboy to basedboy, now you know

>> No.14120686

He has bigger problems, he needs to address the depression and bullshit at work

>> No.14120719

>you either gorged the two liters in like 2 minutes or you are extremely underweight, how the fuck 2 liters after a lot of junk food leaves you wasted
I didn't want to get wasted (that was every day man, I still need to wagecuck), just to stop depressing thoughts / anxiety etc. It literally helped me to cope

>> No.14120746

>lol 2 liters of beer? fucking casual
Dude if you are drinking more than 2 liters of beer alone most nights you need help urgently, don't underestimate the effects of alcohol addiction

>> No.14120752

eat only meat, leave sugar behind. You can still all the bacon and grassy meat, in keto you will burn all the fat and will be fine

>> No.14120765

drink a glass of water with apple cider vinegar - you will lose the urge to eat anything

>> No.14121167

You forgot the caffeinejew. One of the most stealthy diet jews in our society but very impactful after cutting it out. Also, alcohol is fine in moderation (only with friends and don't drink too much) because you don't want to be the guy sipping water in the pub or club when everybody is having a good time

>> No.14121185

vegans are mentally ill tho

>> No.14122098

caffeinejew is the worst jew

>> No.14123267

Why Is the caffeinjew that bad? I dont drink coffee because It makes me anxious and gives me nausea but what makes It so non diet friendly?

>> No.14123567

Caffeine puts your body under constant stress by increasing cortisol. Also it's addicting and hard to quit.

>> No.14123672


i was exactly the same as you anon

t. lost 75 lbs and feel extremely energetic now. keto is a cheatcode.

>> No.14123706

everyone who struggles with overweight: start keto diet.

i started and no need to be hungry, angry jogger. i managed to lose 5kg in just 6 months doing nothing but keto diet and random slow walks.

google keto diet

>> No.14123781

5kg Is 6 months...dont want to diminsh your achievement anon, but its nit that impressive...

>> No.14123964
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Hey man, how are you today?. So man, what do you think you are trying to escape from when you have this urge to eat this bad food after work?

>> No.14123978
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intermittent fasting my friend
coffee helps suppress appetite
if you actually want to lose weight you simply need to eat less food
keep your meals nutritious but fast every now and then for 12 hours or more

>> No.14123979

cook your fav vegetable such as brussel sprouts and pour avocado oil salt and sugar on them

>> No.14123988
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sounds dope

>> No.14124000

put MSG on everything. It masks everything with a filling, "gravy-like taste". Chicken breasts are also good. Drink water

>> No.14124158

Fats and sugars are good for you. So is meat. Veganism is unhealthy.
Everything that humans evolved to eat is good in moderation for the most part. Just avoid huge doses of refined sugars (soda, etc.) and otherwise eat what your body (your gut-mind) craves and what makes you feel good and try to eat a variety of things to cover all your bases.