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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14113242 No.14113242 [Reply] [Original]

ls it possible to make it if you aren't Jewish?

>> No.14113438

yes but

>> No.14113463


Yes, but you have to be gay

>> No.14113479
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No. They always win.

>> No.14113501

then the odds are against you
one thing you could do, is become a kike slave similar to Trump and Americans in general. At that point they might give you some crumbs

ohhh finally, u can make it if you're gay or trans. Anything super degenerate is pushed by the kikes

>> No.14113514

I feel physical disgust now whenever I see a nose like that.

>> No.14113555


Amazon shareholder's meeting?

>> No.14113642

>ohhh finally, u can make it if you're gay or trans. Anything super degenerate is pushed by the kikes

not worth it to defile yourself.

Detach from the system and surf the kali yuga

>> No.14113761

You have to bend the knee to them and literally suck their dick while ensuring their existence and agenda goes on unchallenged. How do you think Hollywood goys make it? They literally have to put out and/or sell their souls. Trump pretty much married their children to them in order to gain their favour, now he's busy miga'ing.

>> No.14114129

Yes, if you are smart, hard working and have a great product. As a Jew I know that Jews like to dominate different industries, so if you have all that you will get a very generous offer from a Jew, buying up your company. Not only for the know-how, branding, customers etc, but also for getting rid of unnecessary competition. However, I would never say no to a Jew giving you a very generous offer. We have deeper pockets than you and we know how to make life hard for you. Upside is that Jews deliver quality products and there is little scams and fraud in a in industry dominated by Jews. Win - win situation for all of us. We are just smarter than you, more competitive and more hard working. Deal with it.

>> No.14114229


How much does your religion get involved into your relationships with 'non Jews'? I've gotten the perception that if I'm kind, say I'm a non Jew but respectful of how others live, then I'm pretty much on good terms.

I see a good amount on LinkedIn who seem to have useful opportunities / connections to utilize and work with it, but at the same time I've seen them ask for larger amounts of money or cuts of the net % profit that makes me sweat a little. However, many seem to have the volition that they can bring a lot to table on a results oriented basis, where you pay a cut after results happen for them connecting to you vendors / sales channels / services / etc. that you'd probably not have access to as the little guy.

I'd agree with your last sentence though too. Seems like a lot of them are always working on some opportunity or referring some opportunity to make money.

>> No.14114448

Religion is not a problem as long as you are not overtly Christian, due to history that is very offensive for us, even more than Muslims in fact. Those we understand and we can make deals with them. Plus historically we wen't on pretty well in the Ottoman Empire, while staying away from the Orthodox Christians. Other than that, Buddhist, Atheist, Brahmanism, you name it, we have no problem with that.
> However, many seem to have the volition that they can bring a lot to table on a results oriented basis
We Jews have connections in every branch, every country, political connections, business connections, legal connections, military/police connections etc. If you connected to the right Jews and they trust you, then you will get more than you ever dreamed of in terms of help, connections etc and it is just impossible not to make insanely amount of money. Well worth the % cut.

>> No.14114467

>If you connected to the right Jews and they trust you
But you must of course bring something extraordinary great to the table, if not, why would they do business with you and not someone else?

>> No.14114593


Thank you for the information. I'm self employed, 6 figure business with typically double digit YOY growth, so I figure it's worth planting the seeds now to build some relationships.


Reasonable - I've seen some opportunities and services that ask for a % cut and it's always tough to give up a pound of flesh but if they can help position me in a gross 7 figure business opportunity then a cut is worth the connections.

Is there anything you think others should know about doing business with you? From what I've learned it seems ideal and reciprocated to put your best foot forward with your money and skills to earn a nice return in collaboration.

>> No.14114721

>Is there anything you think others should know about doing business with you?
Be liberal, if you come off as a WASP conservative, you will be seen as the enemy. Then there is no business no matter what.

>> No.14114772


Interesting, I've seen a few people online that appear pro-trump / maga and such but maybe that's more of a focus on building businesses. Is that way out of the norm or is more about avoiding the WASP part?

>> No.14114879

Jews want to be in any political, cultural group and movement to make sure that they will not be dangerous and potentially lead to another Shoah. So leading conservatives will be Jews, leading MAGA will be Jews etc. However, all Jews understand we must have some Jews dealing with MAGA people etc. If you want to do business, be liberal.

>> No.14115046


Understood, thank you again for your information.

>> No.14115249

no, you have to be at least 1% kike to make it, which shan't be an issue as most europoors and americunts, even scandinavian based, are, at the very least lol
fucking mongreloids