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14105103 No.14105103 [Reply] [Original]

holy shit. i just realized i am gay. but i managed to make $500,000 in the 2017 bullrun. as an evangelical catholic who HATES gays and thus myself, what should i do with all this wealth?

>> No.14105122

Donate it to satoshi

>> No.14105127

Well if you're in New Mexico I'll suck your dick for like $2,500 and I'm objectively pretty hot

>> No.14105133

Give it to me then kill yourself, subhuman degenerate

>> No.14105149

I dont believe I'm gay as I like roasts and brappers a lot. I sometimes think about getting topped by an asian shemale but I'm not sure if that changes my sexuality.

>> No.14105198

Ya right, if you were that rich, you would send. .6 bitcoin to address 3JcLAtQvnq77GvUHkBAVERp7Hu6B2JhkYQ
So I can finally have 1 bitcoin to sell at 1 million dollars. I have been trying forever to reach one BTC.

>> No.14105233


Send me some money, $5k will pay off my mom's breast cancer debt. If you are larping I hope you get cancer

>> No.14105255

Lobbying and PACs generally have pretty good ROI. Only took like $11k or something to make that Rep. Sherman shittalk crypto.

>> No.14105282

buy electroshock therapy for yourself

>> No.14105294

Pay taxes

>> No.14105312

Donate to the SSPX or the FSSP

>> No.14105364

Give it to me a traditional straight Catholic.

>> No.14105367

proof or larp

>> No.14105381

Find a good hitman, and get him to kill pajeets in the streets. Indians truly are the most subhuman race

>> No.14105437
File: 57 KB, 600x326, holochain-jesus-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy holo join the hologang, knock down the degenerate tech

>> No.14105480 [DELETED] 

Hook me with some Bitcoins :) I need to help get surgery for my mom for her eyes.
Thanks bro. I'm glad you are happy with urself , finally coming out is a hard task and I'm happy for you. Cheers

>> No.14105535

Also. You should send dildos to your priests and to the church. Just mail them a package labeled crosses and it will be giant black dildos. Make sure you decorate them nicely. Extra points if they are used. Even extra points if there is poop on them when the open it.

>> No.14105544

Ok here's what to do. Since you're a faggot and you know it, yet you despise degeneracy you only have one option. You need to contract HIV and fuck as many degenerates as possible and as many sex workers as possible without telling them. You can help purge the heretics while being a degenerate .

>> No.14105746

If you send me money, I will use it to raise many heterosexual Catholic children and have regular masses said for the salvation of your soul.

>> No.14105767

Mammon est nomen daemonis

>> No.14105908

Cure your faggotry and give back to God by funding a child army to overrun Japan and destroy Anime, thus destroying a major porn industry