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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14102920 No.14102920 [Reply] [Original]

What will you focus on after you make it?

>> No.14102938

Helping incels.

>> No.14102951

Making babies and being a father. Probably goona have to buy some teenage SEA monkeys.

>> No.14102965

family, charity, politics

>> No.14103076


>> No.14103084
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>> No.14103236


>> No.14103248

Getting asian girls pregnant.

>> No.14103260


>> No.14103266

helping my day 1 niggas financially->sex->drugs->more money->starting a family

in that order

>> No.14103380

This. Will be right there with you anon.

>> No.14103386

Toilet Bische Vishnu that sweet

>> No.14103490
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making men pregnant

>> No.14103637

Making more money. Why would you think there's anything else out there

>> No.14103693

Buy 4plexes, hire a good property manager, retire with that pazziv imcomesz

I just want the right to sit on my ass and do nothing. Take a morning drive on Tuesday because I feel like it. Could care less about the fake instagram and consumer lambo lifestyle. If you picture lambos as being rich you’re just a sheep, and you’d go broke in a year if you won the lottery.

>> No.14103707

This but unironically

>> No.14103721

brappers, promoting crypto, traveling

>> No.14103731


>> No.14103832

Sauce Serial, OP, come wit it

>> No.14103965

Gonna act broke and marry my rich waifu who loves me for who I’am

>> No.14103982

avoiding taxes

>> No.14104006
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Not dying of cancer.

>> No.14104067

making catgirls real

>> No.14104066

probably jet ski's and atv's. that and becoming a globe trotting food conesiuer.

>> No.14104365

I'd smell women's assholes all day.

>> No.14104391

flooding europe with migrants until it's negrified beyond repair

>> No.14104410

the pursuit of knowledge

>> No.14104834

baiting pedophiles into meeting me irl and i film them on YT. would give life immense purpose

>> No.14104841

Sniffing brappers

>> No.14104855

Not advancing the white race
Not gonna make it

>> No.14104885

Making video games without having to worry about how unrealistic it is to make money off of them

>> No.14104891

immortality with crispr

>> No.14104903
File: 40 KB, 960x540, EricHolderKilledMe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The assassination of Paul Walker by the coward Eric Holder.

>> No.14105094


>> No.14105145

gonna nut like 40 time then die

>> No.14105171

Munching on brappers all day every day

>> No.14105176


>> No.14105302

based and redpilled

>> No.14105332

securing the existence of white people and a future for white children

>> No.14105359

Making it even more.

>> No.14105397

fucking based and redpilled

who here avenging /ourguy/ paul walker?

>> No.14105651

I'd move out to east Montana, find the right nordic lady, and have 16 kids(I have great grand parents on both sides of my family which had 16 kids, the number must mean something), and I teach them how to grow/make every potato related product. Also, I start a new based religion, which is like the Amish but minus the christ cuckery/polygamy. Also, I run for pres of the U.S., and if I win, I balkanize it.

If I can't have this, I'm not sure life is worth living.

>> No.14105667

Get off my board you filthy commie.

>> No.14106332

Fuck if I know. I'm still being realistic in the sense that I'll never truly make it and will just make the most of what I get in life.

>> No.14106678

First I'll help veterans/my church and the Catholic Church in some capacities, then incels from /biz/ /tg/ and /qa/.
I pray to God one of us can make it and comeback to tell about it. I know there are some whales on /biz/.