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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14102530 No.14102530 [Reply] [Original]

Craigjeet, aka Satoj, aka Faketoshi, aka The Embodiment of a Mid-Life Crisis, is basically that faggot ass bitch in elementary school who everyone hated, so he claimed he had secret cheats for Pokemon Red/Blue where you could get a lvl. 100 Mewtwo at the start of the game, but he wouldn't share them with everyone unless they promised to be his friend and believe that he really had cheats.
Nobody cares about "le bitcoin core" or some faggoty gingers you keep reposting who work on the bitcoin code, or blockstream vs. other companies, etc. like you morons believe we do, we just hate this faggot ass pajeet bitch and will troll you every day about the fact that you believe him the way cult members believe their leaders who refuse to prove they're magical gods.

>> No.14102601 [DELETED] 

I wonder if there are any former believers in CSW. It looks like they're too ashamed to admit that. I am for one a former believer (but that was long before CSW was memed on /biz/). Probably they'll start spouting after January 2020 when the bogus trust comes into force.

>> No.14102625

I wonder if there are any former believers in CSW. It looks like they're too ashamed to admit that. I am for one a former believer (but that was long before CSW was memed on /biz/). Probably they'll start popping up after January 2020 when the bogus trust comes into force.

>> No.14102642
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Most likely he's not Satoshi. But I'm not gonna let that get in the way of making a nice profit.
When BTC gets its next big pump, BSV will tank as all the autists fomo back in BTC. At that point I'll pick up a few more BSV.