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File: 115 KB, 1242x1538, bycceq-filled_up-4vobm5kh27331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14100460 No.14100460 [Reply] [Original]

How do I develop a influential social media presence if I don't look like this?

>> No.14100474
File: 87 KB, 734x898, bliz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just surround yourself with hos in all your photos

>> No.14100480

I'm not a Chad and I don't have money either.

>> No.14100487

Then you're not cut out for social media

>> No.14100503

he's not chad
when he shaves off the beard he's a jaw-let and chin-let

>> No.14100540

Run a couple steroid cycles and run a fitness/lifestyle account

>> No.14100602

There are basically three levels A,B, and C. You’re not even a C level person. Find your niche that you want to focus on. Research the shit out of it for a month. Create a pyramid wall map of those creators and use “following size” to create the hierarchy. Consume their content for the last 3-4 months so your up on your genre. Star the people in your pyramid that you like.

Mimic their style and professionalism at the start and then build into your own unique voice.

Dive deep. Be a daily or multiple times per day “short consumable content machine for 6-12 months”.

Be sharp, funny, and punch up at the bottom end of your pyramid. Reach out to the C level creators and collaborate to move up. Once your numbers are equal to the C level people on your pyramid you shift up and try to start collaborating with the higher ups.

Shift the pyramid hierarchy and branch out as you move up. Always be meta aware of the trends and try to get out ahead. The best thing is to follow dynamic content genres and try to fold those techniques into your platform.

Always focus on what problem your trying to solve for your followers. Thots are trying to help people get off. Politics is to inform or create the rage. Etc etc. figure out that problem and ask your followers what their sticking points are and let their pain points drive your content. Good luck, odds are you will burn out after a month.

>> No.14100633

Pay a model to pose for some pictures and make him / her sign a NDA.

>> No.14100733

wow this whole process is pathetic to the max. Sad that pyramid-level pandering to ADD instagram mouthbreathers is today's cash cow. A hundred years ago you got ahead by inventing something new or building a real business from the ground up. Now it's about who can deliver the most bite-sized, thinly veiled video advertisements to the most twitter bots.

Western civilization can't end soon enough.

>> No.14101081

OP has zero following and no idea how to do anything. The best place is to build in an existing niche and learn the systems/theory before he does something new or unique. Most products/content/inventions are derivative or iterative products. But you seem angry. Hope you figure that out anon.