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File: 1.08 MB, 515x723, body goals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14099424 No.14099424 [Reply] [Original]


Join me anons.

>> No.14099440

I’ll join anon

>> No.14099457
File: 2.11 MB, 1503x1535, 1546673317095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couple of weeks in.

>> No.14099462

why do you anons do this? genuine question.

>> No.14099476

Right after I blow this hot creamy load to some new amateur porn I found. It ticks all my fetishes.

>> No.14099493

Stop seeking validation

>> No.14099506

More like no thanks

>> No.14099509

it's all muslims

>> No.14099511

I have a gf and still need to fap on the regular, leave the bitch??

>> No.14099525

Just. Have. Sex.

No need for this gay shit.

>> No.14099546

She wants it once every two weeks top, I’m fapping while in a relation how the fuck can that be

>> No.14099555

This is a meme porn got worse after i had sex don't listen to this

>> No.14099561

It's one of the many ways incels on the internet cope with their real life problems and inability to deal with them. They think their "real self" can easily fix the problems in their lives if they just "awaken" it but it's being hold back by fapping or video games whatever. In reality though, stopping video games, drinking, fapping, smoking or any other the other shitty fads never do anything. You're still you, the only way to genuinely fix your social problems is to face them head on, not latching on some fad thinking it will change you, you don't, only real experiences matter

>> No.14099565

What do???

>> No.14099575


>> No.14099576

sounds about right. ty anon.

>> No.14099587

So I just tell her listen you’re very sweet and I can see a future together but you just don’t fuck enough

>> No.14099607

Fucking discipline you brainlet

>> No.14099622

Porn unironically corrodes your brain by upsetting your reward system. DYOR

>> No.14099684

Wasted 2 hours choosing to do it or not. I know I'll fall once I get vacations, fuck.

If I could have sex then I wouldn't fap (or at least not as much as I do).

>> No.14099695

>Pink I'd
>Killer queen who is also pink

Anon is the chosen one.

>> No.14099861

cult shit goes on /x/