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14098036 No.14098036 [Reply] [Original]

Newfag right here, I have money accumulated from a few birthdays which adds up to $1000. All of it is just gathering dust in a drawer right now. It'll probably stay that way for the foreseeable future but if I decide to do something with it, what should I do? Should I even do anything? Is this whole board a jew scheme baiting people with the prospect of bux?

>> No.14099029

If you're intrested in crypto buy a 2nd-3rd gen miner and start mining altcoins or bitcoin.

Its not necessarilly profitable and you will usually just break even but you will learn alot about how coins work and are distributed.

Keep reading up on crypto while you're at it and try and inform yourself about new technologies and the latest ways blockchain can evolve.

As for trading 1k is a drop in the bucket for big cryptos but an illiquidity issue for altcoins.

My advice is to stay away from 90% altcoins and just focus on bitcoin, eth, ltc and a few trusted others.

If you can make 5 good trades on bitcoin per year you're golden. You are much more likely to get burned on bitcoin.

Start paper trading now and use sites like Etoro to practice your skills and once you become confident/knowledgeable enogh take your money wait for the right indicators and profit.

And for the love of god please dont touch chainlink or bsv garbage.

>> No.14099064

this guy is fucking retarded

He wants you to spend all your money on a miner that won't even be profitable.

Let me tell you, do the math yourself. You will likely never earn more crypto from mining that you will by just straight buying up your positions.

this guy makes me fucking angry for acting like a smart ass

>> No.14099113

Mining isnt profitable but its a learning experiance. Dropping 200 dollars on a miner will teach you more about crypto then YOLO trading ever will.

Look at it as an investment.

>> No.14099392

OP both newfags had something valuable to say but I would like to add that mining might not be the best way to spend the $1000 you have.

I would recommend learning how to trade first. Skip the papertrading as that is useless asf because when you are papertrading you're not taking into consideration your emotions during trading. Begin with learning risk management so you don't fucking burn yourself with 100x leverage on bitmex. Don’t risk more than 1-3% per trade and don't risk more than 5% of your whole portfolio ever. These are basic principles but take a look at Elder trading for a living. The guy is a fucking genius and will teach you the basics in order to make it. Good luck anon

>> No.14099407

Look into Coti anon! Shit is gonna bust anytime now. Don't say I didn't warn ya when price is up.

>> No.14099411

Buy nuke. Shit will go 100x in a month unironically

>> No.14099415

All in link or kys when it hits 100$

>> No.14099425

Screencap this and think about me when you make money anon

>> No.14099428


Going YOLO on one coin is terrible investment advice

>> No.14099450

Get yourself at least 1K LINKies fren.

We don't want you missing out on the biggest moon mission yet. Each token will be worth over 10K when it captures just 2% of the $1.4Quadrillion global derivatives market.

>> No.14099479


Linkies are legitamently retarded if they think their shitcoin is going to moon

>> No.14099495

where can l buy NUKE?

>> No.14099516

If you are very dumb you will love it here

>> No.14099636

A thousand dollars...

One quality hooker for an hour?

>> No.14099725

can I mine with shit internet?
how bad will it suck up my bandwidth?

>> No.14099783

Spend your chump change on Chainlink.
Now gtfo

>> No.14099834

If you have 1 mb internet is more than enough to mine on. People run hundreds of minders on 10mb connections.

There is alot of conflicting info but to my knowledge mining takes up very minimal bandwidth. You definatly wont feel it

>> No.14099898

I'd worry more about the cost of electricity (and housefires) if I was you.

>> No.14099972

never underestimate the life fucking a random fire can bring.

don't waste your time thinking about making a potential fire hazard work enough to break even. If you aint mining as a job focus on what you already do and buy coins. I like tron cryptocurrency, it will be worth 10,000 dollars one day.