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File: 73 KB, 1300x1235, 1560191466690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14094403 No.14094403 [Reply] [Original]

>use btc for the first time in a long while
>transaction is taking 1hr+ to complete and the fee was higher than either XMR or LTC

why does this shitcoin still exist?

>> No.14095196

just use XMR

>> No.14095207

I heard XMR has rather low fees as of late.

>> No.14095258

Have you heard the Good News of XMR?

>> No.14095273

yes thats what I usually use

>> No.14095283

>why does this shitcoin still exist?
highest security, most nodes, most accepted, most competent development team

>everybody is using bitcoin so my fee is higher than normal
>why does it exist
lol kys newfag

>> No.14095289

nigga its been 3 hours my transaction is still pending this is a fucking joke of a coin lmao

>> No.14095317

you're a stupid nigger trying to buy drugs or something fuck off

>> No.14095335
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>why does this shitcoin still exist?
It won't in the future. The only thing that keeps it alive is the sunken costs and that it's used to buy alts in exchanges, but at some point people will give up this failed tech for something that works.

>> No.14095381

I have to say I have been a huge proponent of cryptocurrencies but just dealing with BTC is making me extremely bearish. If this is what first timers experience when trying to use crypto for the first time then we're fucking doomed. How do you convince someone that this can be used as currency when it can take 3+ hours for a transaction to be verified.

We need to do something about this shitcoin and make people actually use good coins

>> No.14095603

then go and use Visa or fuck off, blockchain is about security and immutability not efficiency and speed you fucking brainlet, go use nano or some other bsv and jerk off to your transaction time with 0 security (but hey, you're only buying a coffee so who needs high security right? may as well use visa like I said)

bitcoin is not trying to be the fastest payment processor you brainlet

>> No.14095616

> most competent development team
had to laugh here

>> No.14095622

> blockchain is about security and immutability not efficiency and speed
you can have all three with BSV

>> No.14095623

>not efficiency and speed

Ummmmm you are literally wrong. Bitcoin is supposed to be fast according to Mr Satoshi

>> No.14095636

then how come mr satoshi didn't make it fast in the first place?

good luck then I guess that's why it's worth $200 or whatever it is right now and btc is at $7700

>> No.14095639
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i meant number pic related . holy shit im retarded

>> No.14095642

This cope is tremendous

You have projects such as LINK trying to speed up the economy and payments, but you expect people to use this shitcoin because reasons?

When the whales dump BTC for good you'll left holding monumental bags

>> No.14095652

>Ummmmm you are literally wrong. Bitcoin is supposed to be fast according to Mr Satoshi
We all know, that social engineering is going on.

>> No.14095659
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>> No.14095662

blockstream is doing exactly what their masters have ordered, after being given 100 million in funding. i would call that competent

>> No.14095669

you're clinically retarded, it's 2019 and after 10 years of existence you still don't understand bitcoin on a fundamental level.
Bitcoin is worth what it is right now because it's the most attractive, most secure, immutable and decentralized hedge against central banks printing money making people poor on purpose.

>but hurrr durrr muh currency muh transactions
anyone who understands bitcoin dosn't want to spend it, if you're buying something just to spend it then you could've spared yourself the hassle simply buying with FIAT in the first place, unless you're employer pays you in BSV

>> No.14095702

wouldn't it be nice if bitcoin was $1 and nobody used it
transactions would be so cheap!

>> No.14095766
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>people still claim BTC is the most secure when the number 1 cause of DarkNet busts is blockchain analysis, which isn't feasable with XMR

they have to be paid shills at this point, possibly government agents

>> No.14095827

the network is the most secure, it has the most hashrate and is the most immutable, no one gives a fuck about some drug addicts and whether they get busted or not
btw people only use xmr to wash their btc, see how it works? shitcoins are only USED, bitcoin is HELD/HOARDED, guess wich one of those properties brings more upwards pressure on the price

>> No.14095956

Bit Gold is great

>> No.14095966

Because its less risky than either XMR or LTC and is thus more desirable, as reflected in its price

>> No.14096572
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>bitcoin is HELD/HOARDED
that is because Bitcoin is not usable as a currency. And Bitcoin is actually not a store of value, because it is transparent. Anyone may see your balance. It is dangerous.

>> No.14096620

>that is because Bitcoin is not usable as a currency.
no, it's because it doesn't make any sense to use bitcoin for daily transactions, 0 sense.
>And Bitcoin is actually not a store of value, because it is transparent. Anyone may see your balance. It is dangerous.
so what it's not like you address is tid to your name,
>hurr it's not a store of value
except it is and that's how 99% of people use it, no one cares if they buy groceries with fiat or crypto, it doesn't make any difference at all, people hold bitcoin because it's the most legit hard-capped, most secure, most immutable currency out there, if you don't have enough cash to buy land or rental properties you buy bitcoin to hedge against inflation, it's the only thing in the entire crypto market that matters, hedging agianst central banking, not some corporate blockchain decentralized supercomputers BS that no one needs

>> No.14096676

you don't understand what you are talking about.

>> No.14096683

>if you don't have enough cash to buy land or rental properties you buy bitcoin to hedge against inflation
based, never thought of it like that

>> No.14096694

>It is dangerous.
why? OP is bitching about fees because it's being used so much that there are fees

>> No.14096697

This anon knows whats up.
Ignore the zoomer shills or incompetent retards. You're doing gods work spreading the good word. BTC is digital gold. Imho opinion BTC is better than gold.

>> No.14096709
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Yes he does, you incompetent fuckwit
Get the fuck off /biz/, go buy into some dumb ass project like STORJ and never ever ever come back here... you complete failure of a human being.

>> No.14096721

1. You are travelling through parts of a country with a medium to high violent crime rate. You need to use some of your Bitcoin to pay for something. If every person you transact with knows exactly how much money you have, this is a threat to your personal physical safety.

2. You are a business that receives a payment from a supplier. That supplier will be able to see how much money your business has, and therefore can guess at how price sensitive you are in future negotiations. They can see every single other payment you’ve ever received to that Bitcoin address, and therefore determine what other suppliers you are dealing with and how much you are paying those suppliers. They may be able to roughly determine how many customers you have and how much you charge your customers. This is commercially sensitive information that damages your negotiating position enough to cause you relative financial loss.

3. You are a private citizen paying for online goods and services. You are aware that it is common practice for companies to attempt to use ‘price discrimination’ algorithms to attempt to determine the highest prices they can offer future services to you at, and you would prefer they do not have the information advantage of knowing how much you spend and where you spend it.

4. You sell cupcakes and receive Bitcoin as payment. It turns out that someone who owned that Bitcoin before you was involved in criminal activity. Now you are worried that you have become a suspect in a criminal case, because the movement of funds to you is a matter of public record. You are also worried that certain Bitcoins that you thought you owned will be considered ‘tainted’ and that others will refuse to accept them as payment.

>> No.14096733

>Yes he does, you incompetent fuckwit
No he does not, you incompetent fuckwit

>> No.14096738

>Imho opinion BTC is better than gold.
way better than gold, unless there's total meltdown of civilization to the point bullets are better than gold
gold is btfo
gold used to be used by central banks to issue currency that's "backed by gold" but we can no longer trust central banks
bitcoin is public and verifiable, but it also pseudonymous when you want to coinjoin or transact over LN
lightning network is the currency layer of bitcoin
in LN's case it is currency fully backed by bitcoin (which could not be achieve with gold backed currency in central banks)
it's a distributed decentralized easily verifiable network with a currency layer, a contract layer, and more to be developed all backed by the strongest base layer in history

>> No.14096739

Bitcoin fags everyone here they are

>so what if it’s not fungible and you get dirty bitcoins
>so what if everyone can see your money
>so what if it’s not digital cash like the white paper says

If you read this guys post and don’t immediately swap all your btc for xmr you are fucking retarded

>> No.14096753

Wow, an actual corecuck, in the wild. You people are hilarious. Bitcoin isn't a cryptocurrency. It can't conduct value, like what a currency does.

>> No.14096767

Buy STORJ and fuck off

>> No.14096771

coinjoin, use the lightning network, don't reuse addresses

it's not that hard

>> No.14096818

I've never sent crypto, how can I find out about transaction fees?

I have some BTC on Coinbase Pro I'm dumping for something else on another exchage. Should I convert to BCH LTC or something before I do? Coin I want isn't on gdax

>> No.14096834

bitcoin has 58,000,000 TH/s securing it's value
ethereum has 163 TH/s securing it's value

>> No.14096854

monero has .0003 TH/s securing it's chain

>> No.14096884

Both are dogshit and Bitcoin is controlled by 4 chinks and Blockstream. Its not a currency and it swings 15% nightly in marketcap so its not a fucking store of value either. Bitcoin is nothing anymore. Just a speculative gamble.

>> No.14096891

>anti asic algorithm is the same as standardised message digest function hashrate
imagine being this retarded and using hashrates of different algos as your argument which coin is better, at least the npcs at reddit dont open their mouth but here all the retards come to the yard and preach their own ego

>> No.14096909

I payed today a coffee with a piece of gold. That shit service lasted about 3 hours until they had the real value... why is this shit gold still existing!!

>> No.14096910

asic resistance is a meme
name one asic resistant algo that has lasted more than a year or two
these shitcoins will never gain value because once the value goes up it's profitable to design an asic for it
they will perpetually be stuck at shitcoin levels security as they fumble to attract neets with gaming PCs to secure their meme network

>> No.14096950
File: 81 KB, 1000x800, 1559699311068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how can I find out about transaction fees?

Use https://bitcoiner.live/

It's the most accurate one out there.

>> No.14096961
File: 87 KB, 1221x680, th.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot to mention FGPAs and nicehash renting and other bullshit gaming the "ASIC-resistance" meme

>> No.14097005

bitcoin will have volatility as it grows into the internet's/world's store of value
introducing a futures market to bitcoin was kind of unethical and creates more volatility, but it's all part of the growing process
bitcoin is the most hardened and secure network by several magnitudes nothing is even in the same ballpark
it's embarrassing people would even waste their money on shitcoins

>> No.14097033
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correct, there are tradeoffs however 2-3 confirmations is standard, so 1 hour at least for that security which means only high value transfers will be made, but then comes the question, do you really want entire world to know u did a high value transfer =) ?

limited by tech at that time, we didnt have 4g or 5g or good bandwidth then, now we have crippled 1mb blocks in 2020.
bitcoin is "worth" what it is now due to exchange manipulations, tether printing and entire communities consiting of moon tickets npcs preaching "decentralization,freedom, #hategovernment" from their iPhones trying to buy that new gucci bag for $500 anon, the moment they reach their goal they will cash out and post their latest prize on /r/Bitcoin for upvotes (it happened many times, people buying sport cars with bitcoin for status and validation, trading off an immutable secure tamper proof currency for it, imagine the braindamage)

but the drug addicts are the only ones that need cryptocurrencies anon, and the more coins get tainted the more you lose your freedom and decentralization, its already happening, 99% of bitcoins value is in normies buying it through KYC and then buying a ledger to "store it"

tl;dr is you are a bitter corecuck maximalist that is in the hole so deep he skewed his own maximalism due to being unable to accept bitcoin is a lost cause so now instead of preaching decentralized p2p payments he is defending a store of value on KYC'd chainalysis tainted exchanges with lightning network ((( scaling )))

why are u talking about anti asic if you just compared two different algorithm hashrates u retard, how much is CryptonightRv3 equal in sha256's? we arent discussing anti asics, we are discussing ur braindamage comparing two different algos and using that as an argument to back up your position bitcoin is the most secure network.

yes, xmr antiasic sucks and the day RandomX fails and they swap to SHA3 is the day XMR goes to $XXXX

>> No.14097090


>> No.14097100

It appears you went into full NPC mode and now you've just spewed out a fucking marketing post. This is incredible to witness.

>> No.14097143
File: 117 KB, 1200x800, 2635D8E4-1271-437C-A97A-619D714B533F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hes a corecuck that is emotional to his $ value which was ((( overtaken ))), he doesnt understand any possible attack because bitcoin is tied and listed as futures/leverage against the USD and USDT, to add a cherry on top its also heavily manipulated and somehow all the NPCs in this market calculate the value of something with last trade * supply

>be me in 2011
>want to buy some botted accounts/wow gold
>pay the chink in btc
>we wait for 2-3 confirms bro just so u dont get scammed, 5-10mins tops
>we wait it out, all good

>ff 2019
>send btc
>wait 60min for 1 confirm
>wait 30 min more for 1 more confirm
>h-heh just wait bro im not trying to scam you or anything look the fees are pretty high, its a store of value :^)

>> No.14097162

>Market sell order?
Never heard of her

>> No.14097244

well you spent bitcoin in 2011 for wow gold your opinion on money and value is fucking ridiculous lol

>> No.14097298

>yes, xmr antiasic sucks
what are you even trying to say? yes you bag hold shitcoins but one day they might not be shit?
you can't polish a turd buddy

>> No.14097308

keynesian spenders/transaction maximalists are retards

>muh tether manipulation
stopped reading right there, I've wasted enough time over the years on brainlets like you, stay mad shitcoiner, you will be proven wrong 100% in the next few years like all the previous blockchain/eth/bch maximalists

>> No.14097808
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yeah i deff didnt make more reselling that gold in btc back, imagine the foaming to project what u just did as an attack to prove ur point

>mine 3-10 btc a day with botnet
>sell 1 btc for wow gold to buy gear for my herbalism bot accounts
>make 10x back reselling farmed gold
>get called a retard 8 years later by a random moonboy in cryptocurrency space

maximalist cope is the best form of foaming, siding with the jews and KYC'd exchanges coloring coins for your own agenda of store of value, disgusting and sad

>> No.14097854

3-10 btc a day you must be rich
you held those coins right? or was bitcoin not a store of value for you?

>> No.14097893
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it had value because i could pay people with it for my illicit purposes ie it had a peer2peer economy, instead of going to jail due to using paypal, nice try tho, you can defeat people on /r/CryptoCurrency with these attacks, shame you came across a non NPC that doesnt crumble w these tactics

>> No.14097903
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Wow, this is truly next level retardation here.

>we wait for 2-3 confirms bro just so u dont get scammed, 5-10mins tops
2-3 confirms even if you made it into next block in 2011 is still 20/30 min on average. Expected block time didn't change.

>wait 60min for 1 confirm, wait 30 min more for 1 more confirm
No. Once you make it into a block, the next one is still expected in 10 min on average, not 30 and the fee market is totally irrelevant to this.

Learn how a blockchain works newfag

>> No.14097934

what are you saying
you cheated at wow to buy drugs or something

I know you must be bitter you traded your one chance at making, but was it worth it?

>> No.14097973
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Have you looked into pic related? The last one. Go all in so you can get more BTC. That's what I did since I have no chance of buying more BTC.

>> No.14097980
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20mins was edge case scenario because blocks were produced 1-4 min faster, you wait 60min for 1 confirm because someone has to include you in the block with low fees unless u want to pay huge cost when blockchain is clogged

>pretending to be dumb when u lose an argument
>projecting that i sold any btc or other crypto when i mined it with 10k+ users botnet
u are legit foaming irl

>> No.14098005

Did the address you send it to, and/or the address you were sending from start with the number 1? If so, that's why it's so fucking slow. If you don't know what that means you're a newfag so go read the whitepaper.

>> No.14098018

I have real problems with how ethereum is designed and secured
chainlink is just a meme

are you really that shook you won't admit you sold your bitcoin while bitching about it 2 posts earlier

>> No.14098041

how can u still be projecting i sold my bitcoin as an attempt to win this argument? i traded 1-3 bitcoins for wow gold as an investment which that i profited 5x back due to multiacc botting in wow. 1-3 btc is nothing considering for how long i mined btc with my botnet, slush even worked stratrum protocol just for my bots. i never said i sold ALL my bitcoin, i sold 1-3 for wow gold and u called me a retard like a dog barking without any clue to context so he assumes the one in which he comes out superior, a tiny worm is all you are.

>> No.14098060

you're the biggest larping faggot I've ever seen on this board
go back to shilling link bags or whatever
you can't even make a decent argument against bitcoin and are absolutely oblivious on how all this works

>> No.14098135
File: 91 KB, 815x664, PSD2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LINK is a meme
Did you even read the whitepaper?
Pic related

>> No.14098155
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>projects scenarios in which he comes out ahead to win arguments
>resorts to insults when he is provided with valid arguments
>call the person that worked with one of the biggest and first BTC mining pools to increase his botnet oblivious as an attempt to win the argument
>4 posts down still assumes i sold >all< my bitcoins even thought i was actually using it to operate a cybercrime economy
>ego too big to admit defeat so he continues insulting and invalidating information he is given in plain sight

remember the day u got put into the ground, silly corecuck

>> No.14098188
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>remember the day u got put into the ground, silly corecuck

>> No.14098202
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anything good about any coin that ends with an inspirational abstract quote is shilling and shouldnt be taken directly altho he has a good point
just as NPM is used in javascript/software development world so will thousands of chainlinks for standards or apis (think some ID validation, some standardized import/export format) etc be used by thousands of companies in smart contract world. just one of those standardized smart contracts can control billions

then dont and live in illusion where i sold all my bitcoins for wow gold to kill onyxa XD

>> No.14098843
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The cluelessness in this thread makes me really bullish