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14093153 No.14093153 [Reply] [Original]

>TFW lack motivation to work on any of my goals

How do you motivate yourself /biz/?

>> No.14093160

>tfw physically unhealthy so can’t work on any of my goals
start working on your goals op, while you still can

>> No.14093190

Because you're afraid of failure OP

>> No.14093194

imagine your 40 and still a loser

>> No.14093241

Everything you do has to be motivating you towards your goals. Watching YouTube? Make it related to either learning, or people who are teaching their goals.

I'm not explaining things well, but essentially you need to be motivating yourself whilst entertaining yourself. Never lose focus on what you want to achieve even for a minute.

>> No.14093304

Accept christ into your life

Suddenly your life is about surrendering to Him and His will and not doing your own. He takes care of everything it's great. I'm dead serious btw

John 4:14

>> No.14093321

Revenge is my motivation.

>> No.14093322

Google YouTube Motivational Videos and start there.

Sware to God doing that every day turned me from a loser into an absolute beast mode entrepreneur. Just have it on in the background

>> No.14093346

Kys, Ahmed

>> No.14093384

Unironically listen to Jordan Peterson's advice on how to sort your life out (you can filter out the stuff about lobsters and dragons and whatnot, the practical advice itself is what's golden).

>> No.14093430

Unironically listen to this man's advice on how to sort your life out:

>> No.14093844
File: 397 KB, 220x162, tenor(1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All lies.

>> No.14093864

Start with a proper nutrition. Until recently I was hella depressed and didn't want to do anything. Now I'm eating most micros a man needs and I'm energized as fuck.

>> No.14093883

t. 40yo loser

>> No.14093890

He's right the jewfag ancient meme has a point.

>> No.14093922

>jesus take the wheel

>> No.14093936


>> No.14093993


>> No.14094096

My motivation comes from the feeling of responsibility I have towards my friends and family. I am part of a network and if I'm not making an honest effort, then the rest of the network suffers.

Also, deep down I always knew this but Jordan Peterson unironically helped me understand it. He is right when meaning in life comes from the willing adoption of responsibility.

>> No.14094115

*he is right when he says meaning in life comes from the willing adoption of responsibility.

Also, I would add that if this explanation seems too simplistic, then I find that the complication comes in the form of doubt over whether you are indeed making a good effort. I think that's a better problem to have than lack of motivation though.

>> No.14094121


>> No.14094162


>> No.14094163

by buying another masternode of Resistance DEX.


>> No.14094187

Solving the procrastination puzzle.
Some Canadian dude did his pHD on this and wrote a book.
The main meme to remember is:

Just get started.
For even one minute.
Just get started a little bit on any tiny thing that moves you forward BEFORE you go watch that movie or go to get that food. Just 1 minute.