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14092042 No.14092042 [Reply] [Original]

I bought these today, what can I expect vs monster energy sips? Are caffeine pills a good investment to become more productive and aware?

>> No.14092060

depends. one nodoz made me super sick and vomit. it was shit. good luck anon.

>> No.14092071

adderall is a better investment.
Pour caffeine pills in your monster zero sips for the true bitcone.

>> No.14092073

Just drink coffee

>> No.14092081
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>restore mental alertness

>> No.14092086

I fucking hate them. I don't know how/when to redose. I have a much better time with coffee, sips, cocaine, just about anything else. Caffeine pills are fucking hardcore

>> No.14092105

But some adderall nigga

>> No.14092117

Get some nail clippers you fucking savage.

>> No.14092125

modafinil, brother

>> No.14092132

the key is to have one of each

>> No.14092136

Been an hour and I feel fine so far. Thanks
I unironically might have a monster later on today. Would crushing these caffeine pills and snorting them have a better effect? Lol
I drink like 3-5 a day already and it doesn’t do shit for me
Based neet
Think I will stick to these then seems you and first post both think they’re intense so maybe these will work.
Redpill me on adderall I don’t want drugs just caffeine or taurine.
I just cut them like a week ago , they grow too fast reeeee but good call need another trim

>> No.14092140

only thing different between caffeine pills and energy drinks is b-vitamins and sugar
also anyone in his position is long past caffeine pills
he's probably taking modafinil at the minimum, and adderall when under constraints

t. did internship at IB

>> No.14092142

Yes, they work great. Almost as good as Adderall. I have a script but take caff on my off days and sometimes in low doses with the Adderall. Works great.

>> No.14092164

I take one and dump it into a vitamin water.
Water + vitamins + caffene. Just as nature intended.

>> No.14092178
File: 71 KB, 698x739, 1548461719673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think I'm joking. Caffeine addiction is a bitch. Your body adapts to your dosage and you need more and more to feel normal.

>> No.14092206

I bet you would, hillbilly. I recommend you give the caffeine pellet a couple chomps before you swallow it with half a bottle of water. I'm not a scientist but if you swallow the pellet whole it will give you a bellyache...something to do with it taking longer to dissolve I reckon.

>> No.14092235

Yea caffeine is poison pretty much. Even with one cup of day getting off it feels like lethargic hell.

>> No.14092244

You're not a spider shut the fuck up

>> No.14092283
File: 1.54 MB, 2160x2880, adderall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I built my fortune while on 200mg caffeine pills
There basically the same as adderall mixed with cocaine

>> No.14092295

If coffee doesn't do shit for you caffeine pills won't do shit either. Some people just don't experience the effects of coffee on alertness.

>> No.14092319

based and caffeine pilled

>> No.14092377
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lmao nibba wtf is this? Enough cash for a family dinner at denny's?

>> No.14092419
File: 3.52 MB, 2880x2160, ballin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few hundred nigga I'm ballin on another level

>> No.14092510
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I thought this was funny at first. Now I think its sad. Don't worry fren. Soon we will all have the opportunity to make it.

>> No.14092528

Just do addersll u fag

>> No.14092626

ive wanted to try this for a long time, i have problems staying focussed

>> No.14092761

>Redpill me on adderall I don’t want drugs just caffeine or taurine.

just watch the movie Limitless and there's your redpill on adderall

>> No.14092810

Drinking coffee or energy drinks is half the fun.

>> No.14092818

just drink coffee retard
it's good for you.

>> No.14092826

>snorting them
>the burn means its working!

>> No.14092856

>t. Stripper

>> No.14092883


modafinal sucks, did absolutely nothing to me except make it impossible for me to sleep

>> No.14092911

Go get ya some Bronkaid from the pharmacy (it's behind the counter but they'll give it to anybody). Stack it with any caffeine source.

Literally cheap adderall.

>> No.14093611

new fag instead of buy a fresh quality bag of coffe beans, taking that procesed shiet

>> No.14093900

How many dicks have you sucked?

>> No.14094023

Caffeine and ephedrine pills. 1 caffeine pill and 3-4 ephedrine. That will get you going.
An old trucker trick that works really good if you need a second wind but be warned you will crash hard afterword. 1-2 tablespoon instant coffee. Just put it right in your mouth and wash it down with a bottle of 7-up or sprite.

>> No.14094064

Caffeine is fine if that is all you can get, but adderall is really what you want. Caffeine just will make you awake and jittery, adderall will make you motivated and confident. I fucking love adderall....

>> No.14094090

I usually smoke a joint and take several camomilles per day
What is the point of being super awake?
I’m already autistic, I can still do advanced math and coding also while high, drunk and totally smashed
Caffeine just destroy my stomach, pretty useless for me

>> No.14094091

Caffeine is poison.

>> No.14094094

Adderall is for focus. Modafinil is just if you want to perform lots of thinking tasks without feeling mental fatigue.

>> No.14094186

>Literally prescribed for narcolepsy

>> No.14094197

> I came here for this

>> No.14094231

Same here. I feel like the way people describe meth's effects all the time. I can hardly enjoy downers because my mind powers through them.

>> No.14094486


Listen to this guy. Caffeine addiction is real. In the end you will be completely lethargic and you won't be able to get off the bed without caffeine. You will not be able to function without caffeine, you will just be taking it to feel normal.

It is the worst kind of addiction. Comparable only to opiods, alcohol, tobacco and various antidepressants.

You are better off with amphetamines or small tiny bumps of coke really. Best would be to wake up an hour earlier and go for a morning run.

>> No.14094611

LMAO, what's next? Boner pills you effimate cuck faggot?

>> No.14094770

cafeine is bad for vascular health

>> No.14094778

crush them and snort them for optimal results

>> No.14094788

caffeine is garbage. If you dont want adderal at least combine your caffeine pills with pseudophed and aspirin. Both available over the counter. That way you have ECA stack which is like low dose adderal

>> No.14094795

Boner pills are great anon. Damn I destroyede so many tinder whores on a Kratom + truckstop-Bonerpill combo.
Kratom makes it hard to cum and the pills keep you rock hard for hours.

>> No.14094798

smart anon right here