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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14088812 No.14088812 [Reply] [Original]

short ubisoft

>> No.14088832

Gamers are unironically some of the biggest cucks in the entire world. They bashed Ubisoft for the shit Egypt game they made for Assassins Creed but still bought it. Gamers are fucking useless.

>> No.14088852

Oh no, someone enjoys a videogame! He must be a complete cuck!

>> No.14088853

Video games peaked in late 90s early 00s. If you have played any nugames since then you haven't missed anything.

>> No.14088871

You dont want to play as Muslim refugees killing wh*te people and taking back your city? Yikes.

>> No.14088954

i'm going to purge so much diversity in cyberpunk

>> No.14088970

Their presentation was funny as fuck

>> No.14088973

RuneScape is the only game I play.

>> No.14088975

This is a joke... right. They're not basing an entire games plotline on fucking Brexit.... RIGHT!?
Jesus christ I'm so glad I played during the Halo era and haven't touched a controller in years.

>> No.14088987

Jewmesoft is fucking garbage.

>> No.14089048

As long as you can play as the villain in this game, i don't see any problem in Ubisoft trying capitalize on the political divide in the UK..

>> No.14089105


>> No.14089108
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>> No.14089125

I couldn't tell is she was french or russian

>> No.14089142

why do women fat?

>> No.14089800
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Reminder that this meme will become reality.

>> No.14089819

Never played a video game

>> No.14089864

That black dress really makes her look slim

>> No.14089876

based and cash pilled

>> No.14090656

I mean, he's not wrong anon. Name one great historical figure who played vidya.

>> No.14090771

He's right, after the 64 everything got cucked by the numale game devs

>> No.14090799

The only thing shifting London's place in the world is all of the Africans and Pakis

>> No.14090817

cod4 was better

>> No.14090824


just play kenshi

>> No.14090883

cod4 was the peak of gaming, then it went off a fucking cliff

>> No.14091061

>playing videogames after the age 20
not gonna make it

>> No.14091079

Based and Sethpilled

>> No.14091085
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>W-will you join """"""The Resistance(TM)""""""" to attempts to stop the worldwide globalist business agenda to open up prosperous markets and societies to foreign hordes and outsourcing to the 3rd world at cost of a secure future for native citizens and loss of national identity

>> No.14091192

>the game that is universally called a let down not only got a sequel it's now part of a trilogy

>> No.14091287

the first one was complete trash, i returned it immediately and got something else. never played the second but was absolutely amazed it got made.

>> No.14091310

they are literally brainwashing kids brains, with that shit, i aint gonna let my kid play this game. he is 14 and mind mushable

i teach him to pray to kek and money belly tho.

>> No.14091337
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Gamers are degenerate, toxic (can dish it out, cant take it especially when muh games are insulted), man baby, hedonistic, consumerists, who only use memes to fit in, not because they actually find them funny, and have actually called iDubbbz and H3H3 intelligent, who also repeat cool kid approved memes, with no original jokes. No successful person played videogames on the way. Die degen NPC.

>> No.14091338

it's like that spicy nigger dorito commercial where he's rip rapping about clicks and clacks in front of a jet he plans on stealing. that'll turn your brain to mush too. it's bad.

>> No.14091451

>And they blame boomers for their lowly state..

>> No.14091862


>> No.14091949

>not gonna make it
You mean having a job after 20.

>> No.14092064



did I miss this meme?

>> No.14092074



>> No.14092089
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25 year old boomer here. quake 3 arena for life bitches. fuck all these zoomer games

>> No.14092134
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The last good year for video games was 2006. It was the first year the Xbox360 was really out after being released in late 2005. The early 360 games had very little downloadable content, as the concept of paying for in game shit was only in its infancy. After 2006, the whole gaming industry went to shit. Dev teams stopped getting free reign over their projects, and they started half-assing games on purpose so they could sell you half a game for 60 bucks then sell you $100+ in content that they could've just put in the final product for free. It's sad.

>> No.14092138

Betcha like girls too, huh faggot?

>> No.14092147

It was a hostile takeover, Anon. It's the same thing that happened to movies, television and radio. And a lot of these people are kids who don't understand what politics are.

>> No.14092161

Halo 3 is the last good game made

>> No.14092168

Halo was always overrated and still is. I think they still make games for it.

>> No.14092179

small brain detected

>> No.14092195
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The final blackpill, and one that's hard to swallow, is that consuming ANY media (books are mostly the exception) outside of an excuse for a date/going out with the bros is a waste of time and you're a cuck.

>> No.14092273

Said that way on social media to avoid getting zucced, can be used for bl*ck too etc

Usually used in derogatory way.

>> No.14092274
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follow the guided path to here and press X for a cut scene

>> No.14092304

Books are just as shit as any jew movie. Music however is good for community so fuck off.

>> No.14092336

Wow I can't wait to play as Sadiq Khan hunting down Tommy Robinson and his white terrorist gangs while my Pakistani freedom fighters earn me constant resources from sexually liberating underage white girls

>> No.14092353

Depends on which books and which movies.

But if you're spending a lot of free time consuming any media, you're fucking up. Our countries are being destroyed.

>> No.14092527

>Brexit bad
>pay for nigger invaders or else!

>> No.14092952


I miss my 8800 GTX and Q6600

>> No.14093112

Just started Doom 2016. Its not bad, great soundtrack as well.

>> No.14093121

Still more engaging than watching TV.

>> No.14093123
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> books are just as shit as any jew movie
Are you a nigger by any chance? Or is your knowledge of books restricted purely to Rowling's garbage? Please go back to your mixtapes Jamal, this site is not for you.

>> No.14093217

>worldwide globalist business agenda
you mean capitalism, and brexit isn't going to stop that as long as capitalism is still around.

>> No.14093269

> Nationalists can't be capitalists!
You're unironically retarded.

>> No.14093838

>What is is protectionism
>What is Trump's Capitalism where he taxes the living shit out of every foreign country so his own country comes out top

>> No.14094272

We had add-ons since atleast the 90's grow up cuck dlc's are nothing different

>> No.14094688

If you play video games past your teenage year you are an absolute manchild.

Also unironically this >>14088853 most redpilled games came during this era (MGS, Deus Ex), ever since it has become more and more propagandist.

>> No.14094694

poo in the look looks like a degernate tranny

sounds about right in 2019

>> No.14094724

they also said some shit during the presentation about evil deportation squads terrorizing the city and how grandpa has to use crypto to buy a kidney on the black market

>> No.14095097

Daily reminder that the UK was taking in pakis a long time before the EU
Brexit will be an economic mortal wound and the funny part is that it's entirely self inflicted, UK's main export are bank services and the main customer is the EU.
Look at the retards crashing and burning with a no deal hard exit in the upcoming months

>> No.14095124

Remember when videogames actually had attractive characters?

and not something that looks like it fell out of my ass?

>> No.14095140

Runescape peaked in 06 just lmfao if you still play it's dead soulless corpse

>> No.14095149

Daily reminder the whole thing has to crash and burn if it ever wants to become a real country again.

Also implying they had any other choice. They're legally not allowed to talk about real problems, they've been essentially occupied for a long time. This is actually the best choice, staying in the EU would just be a slow but permanent death

>> No.14095154

baste and boomerpilled

>> No.14095156

Gamers are retarded the least they could do is to pirate it.

>> No.14095157

If you wouldn't unironically choose her over any thin girl you don't belong here. You belong on reddit

>> No.14095165

No retard.
What he means that gamers will complain of a game is bad, or have some political issue wiTh it, but still of boycotting it, the still buy the game.
Which results in the video game company to push more agenda.

>> No.14095175

Rainbow6 repsented by 6 people in a single body.

>> No.14095198

The UK has grown while in the EU and taken advantage of the EU single market more than anyone else since they're basically a stock market more than anything else.
Explain what you mean by "real problems", since you talk about a very debatable "slow death"

>> No.14095839

I'm talking about the complete disempowerment of the British people (I mean white British people but that's redundant). The inability of them to advocate for themselves in explicit terms, which should be a basic tenet of a society. Their inability to defend their own identity in the media, or to match the explicitly racial violence given to them by pakis.

You're just talking about money as if that's the most important thing to a country so this might be all over your head. Centrists and lefties often point out some study that says whites will still be the majority in X years so don't worry about it, but if you can't think about the future farther than one lifetime away you shouldn't be in the conversation.

>> No.14095915

>Centrists and lefties often point out some study that says whites will still be the majority in X years so don't worry about it, but if you can't think about the future farther than one lifetime away you shouldn't be in the conversation.

and a majority in the future doesn't mean shit when half of said majority bully and shame the other half into importing a violent minority to subvert the country.

>> No.14095971

Fuck pig

>> No.14096057

Yeah exactly there's so many, MANY other factors at play that Replacement Apologists want to just hand wave away.

>> No.14096079
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>> No.14096093


>> No.14096111

>devastating parasite

>> No.14096115

more like gaymers amirite guyz

But seriously though where's the gas

>> No.14096124


>> No.14096176

I'd say 2007 really was the double-top on the gaming industry, it was the last year that many new IPs were released and ever since we've just had reiterations on the same theme since the PS3 was launched.

>> No.14096237

You aint wrong though
Does Diablo 1 / SC 1 make me at least boomer manchild?

>> No.14096250

I mainly post on reddit but come here for the lulz. I'll never understand this places racism, sexism and outright bigotry towards others as if there all in some secret society based around hate. It's really off putting.

>> No.14096254
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>> No.14096302

/v/ placed the date a bit later in 2009, blaming The Big Bang Theory and Modern Warfare 2 on getting too many exploitable casuals into vidya that AAA's figured out they can easily scam. We at least still see innovative shit in the indie market every once in a while; I personally don't even keep up with most AAA's anymore because I know the real games of the year are always indies, like how Papers Please and Undertale were both the "games of the year" for the years when they came out.

>> No.14096330

You /polfags really need to remember that your white genocide bs only make sense in your fucked up mind
Brits have actually isolated themselves and their voice won't matter on the international scene when it comes to meaningful geopolitical and economic decisions.
Again, UK's issues with pakis are not a EU responsibility, it's the fallout of the British empire and it hasn't been dealt with properly since before the EU.

>> No.14096363

>two white characters in the entire trailer

>> No.14096588

>spicy nigger dorito commercial
My sides

>> No.14096671
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There's some serious fuckery going on lately, it's not just the gaming industry, it's like everything, where it's mostly just shit that people overtly hate that gets produced, over and over. It's gotta be some really shady social engineering attempt.

>> No.14096994

Your perspective is as Reddit as it gets you sloppy seconds slurping ubercuck

>> No.14097304
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>> No.14097400

millenial spends 15 hours a week playing games
boomer spends 40 hours a week watching tv

millenial is a failure...

>> No.14097432
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Gamers are mentally ill.

>> No.14097467

Wait.... what? Watch Dogs Legion is about fighting conservatives on the streets of London? That sounds boring as shit. How do these people make so much money when we still have Doom, Quake, Blood, Halo, whatever. What?

>> No.14097477

They do but the original trilogy really is not overrated and is a masterpiece.

>> No.14097500

Based. I remember rocking this one out on library computers from shitty USBs before school or the library even opened in the morning with all the other guys over LAN.
Fucking bitch milf librarian started locking down the place so we stole her card decks and played poker outside the entrance, preventing her beta orbiters from entering. Used the free condoms from the nurse as chips.

>> No.14097518
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Guess who gets all the neetbux since trannies can no longer claim disability due to mental illness?? DASSSSSS RITE

>> No.14097525

Honestly Nintendo is pretty comfy if you only play their like one game a year you’ll pretty much play the best game of that year, get exposure to zero sjw filth and still have most of your time to self improvement.

Being a regular consumer of triple a titles is possibly more degenerate than gay orgies though.

>> No.14097527

That same argument could be made for forms of media other than books.