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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14088715 No.14088715 [Reply] [Original]

These two guy?

>> No.14088728


desu sminem

>> No.14088896

He's a mascot only

>> No.14088909
File: 113 KB, 983x983, kekteeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he invests in personalities

>> No.14088923

Me obvisouly.

>> No.14088930

Musk for sure.
“Who do you think *owns* the media?”

>> No.14088945


>> No.14088953


>> No.14089147


>> No.14089676
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Case closed

>> No.14089692

Probably Dr Dre.

>> No.14089705
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>> No.14089725
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I would say all self made billionaires are the true elites of the human race, they all used to be like us. Mr Buffett is my fav, he built his wealth out of nothing, just pure wisdoms, patience, good mentality etc.

>> No.14089741

BSV will win

>> No.14089744

I can't believe how ahead of the curve Thiel was with all this. I remember Christopher Hitchens predicting a lot of it but that was 10 years before not 20.

>> No.14089747

I hate that boomer.

Literally the epitome of riding the boomer wave.

>> No.14089749

Zuck is a liberal onions boy. So no...

>> No.14089769
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> Shorts your pound

>> No.14089786

I may be wrong, but I think Mr Buffett is from the Silent generation.

>> No.14089802

Boomers are anyone from 1870 - 2000.

>> No.14089865
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Elon Musk may go down in history as the greatest man who ever lived.
>Based and redpilled on the JQ
>Saves the entire planet from climate change by making electric cars affordable to the masses
>automated self-driving Tesla fleet will be powered by Ethereum and Chainlink, making us all rich
>Gets the U.S. off its oil addiction thus breaking our slavery to mudslimes and Israel
>Founds the first Interplanetary Colonies
>SpaceX asteroid mining will make him the first trillionaire
>discovered the cure to male pattern baldness
>bangs supermodels

anything I missed?

>> No.14089893
File: 378 KB, 2405x1603, jeff-bezos-amazon-ceo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

def bezos.

hes like the one and only jew i can respect.
he started amazon in his moms basement pretty much.
hes a space guy like myself
scifi was about to kill an awesome space show The Expanse, fucking bezos bought the damn show and fired it up on amazon prime tv , i mean damn- motherfucker bought his favorite show and brought it to his own tv lol hes an actual madman

>> No.14089906

Henry Ford

>> No.14089950


>> No.14090200
File: 47 KB, 960x540, Man Who Likes Young Boys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im Jeff Bezos

>> No.14090304

He's baste, but the Hillary shit he did was pretty retarded. He should have known they were looking for an excuse to lock him up.

>> No.14090469

Not a boomer, he was born in 30s you fool.

>> No.14090480

non of those two
Basically communists

>> No.14090496

Bezos is based

Soros is unironically not based. It's like he wants people to know he's a crook even if maybe he isn't, like a nigger in many ways. He obviously knows that when he says "the markets are amoral, I don't care" it's bad for him and business probably, but he says it anyway. He could just BE THAT and say nothing, but instead he wants to talk about it. But he's still a self made billionaire so doesn't matter that much

>> No.14090516

go back to /leftypol/ nazbol
>shilling a faggot that wants to enslave you betting on being one of the central committee..
Really nazbols

>> No.14090534

>, he built his wealth out of nothing
His dad was a US congressman and owned his own stock firm. Let's be real here.

>> No.14090540

I'm not shilling him anon but he is based. I bet older billionaires consult him for advice and shit all the time. He's new billionaire and the most successful example of it

>> No.14090575

Oh he's definitely a fucking boomer bastard

>> No.14090591

whoever is against (((them)))

>> No.14090649

Sorry for calling you a nazbol, you are just a brainlet.

>> No.14090680

Why? I don't support Bezos other than saying he's "based" on here in this thread which means nothing. He is "based" in the system which we live under because he makes it work for himself. Do you disagree? If you were in Bezos shoes you wouldn't run the muh decentralised bit because you don't need it

>> No.14090734

I'm always amazed about sheep praising the wolfs and hating the sheep dogs. Just keep being a normie and lurk more. I would recommend /pol/, if it was 2013, but now, don't know, try not to die running into the meat grinder.

>> No.14090748

Nice argument kid, great discussion, way to contribute. I rec >>>/r/eddit where people will upvote your feelgood anti-theman soundbite instinctively out of instabitterness

>> No.14091004
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>> No.14091020

Don't break a cup

>> No.14091167

Every wealthy as fuck motherfucker already has cushy beginnings.
The only people who I can think of who rose to the very top (not necessarily in wealth but also in power) from dirt shit on the ground were Hitler and Stalin. Every other fucker already had something going for them.

>> No.14091188

Truly based.

He's also saving us from traffic by digging tunnels 10x faster and cheaper than ever before. Shaking up another lazy industry.

>> No.14091195


There are plenty in the top 100 wealthy who came from humble backgrounds.

>> No.14091235

By dirt eating shit I mean not even having a mommy and daddy house to run back to if your bitch ass can't handle it. Completely self made men rising to the top through sheer will and dumb luck.

>> No.14091361

Thiel is mega based.

>> No.14091370

based and intelligent, but not wise.

> makes a billion in one day

>> No.14091384

> teamed with competitor thiel to make online payments possible, paving the way for btc.

>> No.14091581

He made electric cars affordable?