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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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14082019 No.14082019 [Reply] [Original]

It was a hard couple of days figuring everything out how it works and setting up the correct infrastructure etc.(You need at least 2 vps and even 3 if you want to do it properly).

I am a programmer with 5 years experience, and have done quite a lot of dev-ops. And even for me... figuring all of this out was pretty hard desu.

Pretty comfy knowing that 90% of you are unable to run a node.

My node is running stable for 5 days now acception 400+ request per day and in 2 more days i will start the verification process.
I have practiced failover, and disaster recovery and i finally know what i'm doing. And let's just say that i'm happy this was on testnet, If this was main-net i would have lost everything 5 times already...

Comfy knowing that 90% of bizrealites will not be able to run a node
>tfw pic related

Maybe i'll make a tutorial for you all in the future anons...After i get verified.

>> No.14082035

have sex

>> No.14082040

Plz give me easy step by step

>> No.14082053

2 words and op completely destroyed.

Also op- i am from a real estate business family; everyone and their dog knows crypto is redundant technology...yes its awesome but un-needed ; like 3d display smartphones

>> No.14082061

Now enjoy finding valuable data at affordable pricing

>> No.14082100

There are literally 100's of free api's

If you're one of the earliest verified nodes(which i am) And you have 100+ bridges. You will get requests..period.

>> No.14082182

Nice anon.

Whats your node do?

>> No.14082231

OP I really hope you will make a tutorial for us asap. If the link network gets bigger it gets more attention and bigger companies would want to partner. Helping fellow anons out would help you in the future too.

>> No.14082257

I'm sorry OP you will not be able to be an independent node operator. Don't be an idiot, don't write a tutorial for the no coding needs and get hired by one of the big 5 and live your life in riches and peace
Projection is a hell of a drug

>> No.14082267

are you gonna tell the price of eth but in eur instead lmao

fuck chinklink