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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14081871 No.14081871 [Reply] [Original]

I have a job interview tomorrow.
Anyone care to run me through some interview preparation questions?

>> No.14081875

how many women have you slept with?

>> No.14081881

whats your biggest weakness?

>> No.14081883

Are you gay and if not, why are you a homophobic racist?

>> No.14081887

Check out this guy's channel on yt. Helped me a lot when going for my current job.


>> No.14081891

>how would your friends describe you?
>thank you anon we will be in touch!

>> No.14081959

are you gay? did you ever suck a cock? do you dream of sucking cocks? do you jerk off while thinking about cocks?

>> No.14081974

Ooo hmm you know I'm not sure about that, I suppose it would be attention to detail but that's why I triple check everything I do.

Thanks anon, seems useful

>> No.14081983
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If I had an axe by the basement door and you heard a baby cry coming from bellow what would you make of my asking for a head?

>> No.14082195

Foreskin length in inches?

>> No.14082258

>biggest weakness
>attention to detail
security please escort this retarded man out

>> No.14082266

This. Attention to detail is your biggest asset.
Your biggest weakness is biting off more than you can chew - which is still a positive because it shows willingness

>> No.14082283

whats the best answer to this question?

>> No.14082292

the answers to these questions are supposed to be transparent bullshit right? the real test is just having the right answer to prove basic competency and you're not supposed to answer honestly correct?

>> No.14082313

Yeah this seems about right.

>> No.14082410

Would you rather dick sized nipples or a nipple sized dick?

>> No.14082429

>sir, please answer the question about the cocks. What is it about them that excites you?

Good luck with your McDonald’s interview!! Tell sergey we said hi

>> No.14082434

This right here, Anon! Below is a fictional situation.

> Tell me about a problem in your workplace you sought to resolve.

"This one time someone accused me of cooking the books so it turned into a legal battle and then they stalked me and threatened me. I then went to the police and it turned into a legal battle with my company. I ended up winning, and the company kept me on!"

What business would want to hear that? You sound like a pure risk.

> Tell me about a problem in your workplace you sought to resolve.

"The company ended up taking a lot more clients than we had planned for in the quarter. Many people were working longer hours, and I felt like we were slipping behind. I went to my supervisor and told them that if we were to hire more people, I would work overtime to get them trained to help with the work load. We surpassed our projections, and grew our company. We are now exceeding last years projections by 15% and I am now in a supervisory position over the new hires."


"We were out of toilet paper last week, so I restocked it."

>> No.14082702

>> Tell me about a problem in your workplace you sought to resolve.

Yeah I've been asked this before.

>> No.14082760

>Tell me about yourself
This means tell them about your work history and sell yourself. Not a personal question about you liking long walks on the beach

>Tell me about....
lots of situational questions will be asked. With no context for the role you’re interviewing for, it’s hard to come up with samples

When you get asked situational question, ALWAYS answer is succinctly in a Situation, Action, Outcome type of response

>Eg. tell me about a time you over delivered vs target
We were 20% under target which was around $1M. I implemented new strategies of X, X and X which delivered $1.2M of revenue and closed the gap

>Thanks Anon, you’re hired

>> No.14082846 [DELETED] 

>Ooo hmm you know I'm not sure about that, I suppose it would be attention to detail but that's why I triple check everything I do.
Don't say that. Either reply with something th taisn't really a weakness (e.g. I'm too much of a perfectionist sometimes) or some insignificant weakness.